All of you have made this an even more wonderful year, sharing a bit of your life with me and me with you. You have enhanced my reading experience and given me an extra dose of confidence. I am eternally grateful. I look forward to another year of great reading and having you by my side.

These first two books, numbers 9 and 10 were difficult to choose. There were quite a few contenders for these last two spots, and certainly many are deserving. In the end, I decided to pick two mysteries that knocked my socks off this year, both of which have me clamoring for more.
10. Shakespeare's Landlord by Charlaine Harris ~ A cozy with teeth, what more can I ask for? (4 Stars)
9. Sacred Cows by Karen E. Olson ~ A perfect start to a good series, not to mention a protagonist after my own heart. (4 Stars)
8. The Ghost Writer by John Harwood ~ A haunting and complex story that captivated me throughout. (4.5 Stars)
7. Half of a Yellow Sun by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie ~ Poignant and powerful; not easy to forget. (4.5 Stars)
6. Atonement by Ian McEwan ~ Beautiful writing that held me entranced, and, oh, how I loved the ending! (4.5 Stars)

5. Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy (5 Stars)

4. Moloka'i by Alan Brennert (5 Stars)

3. Beasts of No Nation by Uzodinma Iweala (5 Stars)

2. The Way the Crow Flies by Ann-Marie MacDonald (5 Stars)

1. Broken For You by Stephanie Kallos (5 Stars)
My top five favorites this year touched me in many different ways. With all five of these novels the characters were able to find their way under my skin and their stories carried me deep into the pages, mesmerizing me long after I closed the book. Moloka'i and The Way the Crow Flies reached into my past and reminded me of long ago years. Anna Karenina settles comfortably in its 5th place spot. However, the next three were much harder to settle down. Each of those stories were quite powerful and moving in their own ways, tackling difficult subject matter, bringing up a multitude of emotions in me, and sticking to me even now. In the end, Broken For You resonated the loudest with me: its voice, its beauty, the eccentric characters, the lessons learned, and the story itself. I finished the book with a breathless, "Wow."
Longest Book Read ~ I Know This Much Is True by Wally Lamb (894 pgs)
Shortest Book Read ~ Beasts of No Nation by Uzodinma Iweala (142 pgs)
Best New Series ~ Karen E. Olson's Annie Seymour, Crime Reporter Series
New To Me Series I Definitely Plan to Continue ~
Elvis Cole Mystery Series by Robert Crais
Gardella Vampire Chronicles by Colleen Gleason
Lily Bard, Housecleaner, Mystery Series by Charlaine Harris
Erlendur Sveinsson, detective inspector, Mystery Series by Arnaldur Indridason
Annie Seymour, Crime Reporter Series by Karen E. Olson
Dan Banks, Eastvale detective chief inspector, Mystery Series by Peter Robinson
Theda Krakow, a cat-loving, freelance writer, Mystery Series by Clea Simon
Best Nonfiction Book ~ Machete Season: The Killers in Rwanda Speak by Jean Hatzfeld
Best Fantasy Novel ~ Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J.K. Rowling
New To Me Authors Most Likely to Become Long-Term Favorites ~
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
Kate Atkinson
Robert Crais
Kim Edwards
Neil Gaiman
John Harwood
Arnaldur Indridason
Uzodinma Iweala
Stephanie Kallos
Jhumpa Lahiri
Ann-Marie MacDonald
Karen E. Olson
Peter Robinson
Clea Simon
Leo Tolstoy
Place I'd Most Like to Settle ~ Appleton (Silver Bough by Lisa Tuttle)
Sobfest Book of the Year ~ When Crickets Cry by Charles Martin
Most Disappointing Book ~ Plum Lovin' by Janet Evanovich
2007 Reading Trends ~
Total Books Read ~ 89
Total Authors read ~ 78
Total New To Me Authors Read ~ 59
Books Read by Genre ~
35 Fiction
35 Crime/Suspense/Thrillers/Mysteries
11 Fantasy
7 Nonfiction
1 Science Fiction
1 Novel-in-Verse (also listed under fantasy)
Authors Read by Gender ~
43 Females
35 Males
Books Read by Authors' Gender ~
51 Females
38 Males
Authors by Nationality ~
56 Americans
9 British
2 Canadians
1 Australian
1 Austrian
1 French
1 Icelandic
1 Indian
1 Irish
1 Nigerian
1 Rhodesian
1 Russian
1 Scotish
1 Swedish
Books Read by Rating ~
5 - Outstanding/5 Stars
3 Very Good +/4.5 Stars
36 Very Good/4 Stars
10 Good +/3.5 Stars
31 Good/3 Stars
4 Fair/2 Stars
Total Books I was Unable to Read to Completion ~ 1
Book Size ~
9 Pint Size Books (200 pgs and Under)
51 Intermediate Books (201-350 pgs)
23 Substantial Books (351-500 pgs)
6 Doorstop Books (501+ pgs)
Books Read by Type ~
19 Hardback Books
52 Trade Paperback Books (18 Advanced Reader's Editions, ARE)
18 Mass Paperback Books
Books Read by Year of Publication ~
61 in the 2000's (23 books published in 2007; 4 books set to be published in 2008)
12 in the 1990's
2 in the 1980's
2 in the 1970's
2 in the 1950's
1 each in 1900's, 1910, 1920's, 1930's, 1940's, 1960's
4 in the 1800's
Books Read by Narrative Voice ~
32 1st Person
38 3rd Person
6 Both
3 Nonspecific Voice
Reading Challenges Participated in ~ 18
Reading Challenges Completed ~ 15
Reading Challenges Carrying Over Into New Year ~ 2
Have a very Happy New Year everyone!