About the time I finished reading Nefertiti by Michelle Moran, I came up with the idea of asking authors to fill in for me while I was on vacation. I instantly thought of Michelle Moran, a local author, and someone whose book I enjoyed immensely.
Please welcome Michelle Moran!
Please welcome Michelle Moran!

Before I began writing my second novel The Heretic Queen, I took a trip to Egypt to see for myself the magnificent temple of Abu Simbel. One of the many building projects undertaken during the reign of Ramesses the Great, the temple façade is carved with statues of both Ramesses II and his beloved Nefertari. Twice a year a thin beam of sunlight crosses the temple to illuminate three of four statues sitting in a darkened sanctuary. The only statue the sun doesn’t strike is that of Ptah, the god of darkness. I had timed my trip in order to see this bi-annual spectacle, and with hundreds of other visitors I watched as the sun struck the statues of Amun-Re, Ramesses II and Ra-Harakhty in turn. It was an almost mystical moment, made even more poignant by the fact that the narrator of the book I was preparing to write would have witnessed the same event more than two thousand years ago.
When I returned to America, I immediately began work on my second book, outlining the scene where Ramesses II takes Nefertari to his newly built temple in order to watch this special event. Did any of the wonderment I felt standing in Abu Simbel translate to the pages of my book? I hope so. But could I have written the same scene without ever having visited Egypt? The truth is that I probably could have. From research books to Wikipedia, a wealth of information exists on everything from fourteenth century weather to ancient Roman recipes. Although I trekked to Augustus’s villa on the Palatine for my third book, Cleopatra’s Daughter, if I’m truthful I would have to admit there was nothing I saw while I was there which couldn’t have been found in history books - or for that matter, on Google.
But how do other authors weigh in on the topic of whether it’s necessary for an author to have visited the places they’re writing about? Take a look:
When you are writing historical fiction, the geography of your setting isn't nearly as important as a sense of the era and the people. Time machines don't exist, so we have to rely on our imaginations to make a distant time come alive. Sometimes, your imagination can give you a clearer sense of accuracy than you could ever glean from research texts or travel. I find that I'm better able to write about a location when I'm not actually there, as if the clutter of geographical facts get in the way of really understanding a place.
Tess Gerritsen, NYT bestselling author of The Keepsake
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Fortunately for me, the answer is no. It's not only not necessary, it is, in a very real sense, impossible. I write about ancient Israel – but the Israel of King David's time is not the Israel of today. Forests are cut down, rivers change their course, the weather patterns alter, many varieties of plants and animals vanish over the centuries. In a sense, no author of historical fiction ever really visits the places she or he writes about; they visit the place as it exists now. Using research and imagination, we do our best to conjure up past times, past places, past lives for our readers. Without a time machine, we can never know how well we actually succeed. As the opening line of THE GO-BETWEEN by L.P. Hartley reminds us: "The past is foreign country: they do things differently there."
India Edghill (who loves travel, but who realized when she saw the huge red Coca-Cola sign just past the airport that the Athens of 1972 and the Athens in Mary Renault's THE KING MUST DIE were two entirely different places)
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Well, it's always desirable to go see the place(s) you're writing about. Whether it's really necessary or not depends on what resources are available. If you're writing about a place that's very well documented—like Scotland, say, which has a robust tourist industry and a very literate history—you can find out most of what you need to know: what the landscape looks, what specific structures and locations look like, where they are, what the vegetation and weather are like, and so on. If you want to write about Mauritius, it might be a little harder. Equipped with this basic information, you can then extrapolate from your own physical experiences; a Caledonian pine forest is not that different from one in Arizona. Essentially, the only thing you normally can't learn from print and pictorial research is what a place smells like. For that, you need to be there.
Diana Gabaldon, NYT bestselling author of the Outlander Series
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It was at Megara, a suburb of Carthage, in the gardens of Hamilcar… Legend has it that Flaubert, as soon as he had written the opening words to his historical novel Salammbô, threw down his pen in frustration and exclaimed “I have to go there!” What is sure is that he traveled to Carthage, in modern-day Tunisia, to become familiar with the setting of his new novel. Salammbô was published in 1862, after four years of painstaking historical and archeological research, much of it on site, and many rewrites.
I don’t mean to compare myself to the author of Madame Bovary and L’Education sentimentale, but I can imagine how he felt. It goes beyond mere physical knowledge: I need an emotional connection to the settings of my novels. These places become mine. Yes, I am very fortunate: the streets of Paris, the salons of Versailles, the mountains of Auvergne are mine. I possess them because they possess me. Otherwise I couldn’t take my readers there.
As historical novelists we live in the past no less than the present. What better way to measure the passage of time than to stand, in the 21st century, on the embankments of the Seine, feeling, smelling the dampness of the river, taking in the beauty of it, and reflecting on how the same place looked hundreds of years ago?
Catherine Delors is the author of Mistress of the Revolution and the upcoming For The King.
So what is the verdict? Clearly, it depends on the author. Just as approaches to writing differ, so do approaches to research. But with so many resources before us as writers – the internet, libraries, bookstores, and scholars who are only an email away – it doesn’t seem necessary to travel across the globe to infuse your writing with historical authenticity.
My advice to anyone who wants to write historical fiction? Delve in! Start in the bookstore and for every book that’s helpful to you, look up the bibliography and track down further books this way. And don’t be shy about contacting professors. While researching my novel Cleopatra’s Daughter, Professor Duane W. Roller, author of The World of Juba II and Kleopatra Selene, was enormously helpful. He answered questions I couldn’t find anywhere else. No one can be a specialist in everything, but while writing historical fiction, the author is expected to get it all right. Food, clothing, jewelry, flowers, herbs, building materials… Readers will want each of these elements to be historically accurate. So while visiting your location can be an added perk, there’s no way of going back in time without research and a great deal of imagination.

Michelle Moran is the bestselling author of Nefertiti. Her second novel, The Heretic Queen, will be released September 16.
You can learn more about the author and her books at her website and on her blog, History Buff.
*Photo of Michelle Moran in Athens standing with a statue of Octavian.
I would be happy to take any excuse to travel.
ReplyDeleteI really enjoyed reading this post. I just recently discovered who Michelle Moran is and am excited that both of her books will soon be coming my way. Although I can say I am certainly jealous of all of Michelle's traveling (her blog has beautiful pictures of the many places she has visited...all the more so because Michelle herself is in the pics and is quite lovely) and I can certainly see how, as a writer, it would be inspiring to go to those places. However I would assume that any writer worth his/her salt can certainly use their imagination to make a place 'real' is they use the wide range of research avenues available in today's world.
ReplyDeleteI echo the above commenter in saying that I too would be happy to have any excuse to travel...especially if someone was willing to drop the money in my lap to pay for it! :)
I've been an amateur egyptologist since I was very young, learning hieroglyphs and all about the gods, goddesses and temples. So visiting Egypt was always a dream for me, one that I realised in 2002. Even though I knew a lot about Egyptian history, I still wasn't prepared for the scale of everything, and thoroughly enjoyed myself, especially at Abu Simbel.
ReplyDeleteBased on my own knowledge and experience of Egypt, there is nothing quite like a visit, and I imagine this is especially true for a writer visiting a setting for a story.
Great post, thanks! I'll definitely be taking a peek at Michelle Moran's new novel! The Amarna period is my favourite part of Ancient Egyptian history.
These sound like such great books and I love the background information. Thanks again for answering my questions over at Books 'N Border Collies!
ReplyDeleteWhat a great guest post. I have been seeing these books everywhere and can't wait to eventually get my hands on one (actually, Wendy, I think your review of Nefertiti was the first I read!).
ReplyDeleteMarg - Yes, any excuse to travel is a fine one ;]
ReplyDeleteCarl - You flatter me... Or at least, Photoshop does!
Mariel - You're absolutely correct. There's nothing like visiting the place(especially when that place is Egypt) to realize just how much effort went into these towering buildings. They make you feel so incredibly small (and underachieving! :).
Ladytink - You're welcome!
Trish - I hope you enjoy Nefertiti or The Heretic Queen if you do end up reading it!!
Hi Michelle - Really enjoyed reading your take on writing historical fiction. I'm really looking forward to reading The Heretic Queen. And, I am probably getting ahead of myself here but are you planning on another book set in Egypt to follow? Maybe the answer is already on your blog. Will check that out.
ReplyDeleteHi Iliana,
ReplyDeleteThe answer is both yes and no! My next book is Cleopatra's Daughter and it will follow the incredible life of Queen Cleopatra's surviving children with Marc Antony -- twins, named Alexander Helios and Cleopatra Selene, and a younger son named Ptolemy. All three were taken to Rome and paraded through the streets, then sent off to be raised by Octavia (the wife whom Marc Antony left for Cleopatra). Raised in one of the most fascinating courts of all time, Cleopatra's children would have met Ovid, Seneca, Vitruvius (who inspired the Vitruvian man), Agrippa (who built the Pantheon), Herod, his sister Salome, the poets Virgil, Horace, Maecenas and so many others!
So while the first part of the book is set in Alexandria, the rest takes place in Rome.
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to answer this great question, Michelle. I am delighted to find out how other writers feel about it.
ReplyDeleteAnd my congratulations for The Heretic Queen! You must be so excited... I can't wait to read it.
Thank you, Catherine! And thank for taking the time to answer this question, which was originally posed for Solander Magazine. For those who are interested, an article about this same topic will appear in Solander Magazine's Fall issue, where many more authors will be weighing in.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much, Michelle, for being a guest on my blog--and thanks to all those who stopped in and commented!
ReplyDeleteAs a reader, I do enjoy visiting places I have read about--and reading about places I have visited. When we were visiting the Pu'ukohola Heiau this past week, I couldn't help but visualize what it must have been like all those years ago.
It is interesting to hear what various authors have to say on this topic. I think I would take the travel option if given the choice and opportunity. Even if the surroundings have changed significantly, I think I would still find inspiration in a location even if only a hint of it.
Wonderful post, Michelle! Thank you again!