Saturday, September 09, 2017

Weekly Mews: Foul Weather/Good Books/September's TBR List Winner

I am linking up to the Sunday Post hosted by the wonderful Kim of Caffeinated Book Reviewer, where participants recap our week, talk about what we are reading, share any new books that have come our way, and whatever else we want to talk about. As well as Stacking the Shelves hosted by the great Team Tynga's Reviews and Marlene of Reading Reality a meme in which participants share what new books came their way recently.

My thoughts and prayers are with all of those impacted by the recent disasters around the world, including the hurricanes, earthquake and fires. My Facebook feed right now is filled with friends talking about preparations for Hurricane Irma, whether they have evacuated or are doing what they can to stay safe in their own homes. 

There has been some smoke from nearby fires, but, fortunately, the area I live has been unaffected otherwise. Temperatures have cooled from the triple digits to the low 90's, which has been quite pleasant, considering. Storm clouds were moving in Friday evening, but I haven't seen a drop of rain, even despite the warnings on my phone for flash floods, thunderstorms and even a dust storm. I think most of those were meant more for the high desert, however.

How have all of you been this week? I hope the bad weather has not come your way, and that you and your families are safe and sound.

New to My Shelves:  I am so excited! September's My Lit Box came in the mail! The theme this month is "Who is to blame?" and features Ayobami Adebayo's novel, Stay With Me. I imagine I will be diving into this one very soon. Included in the box was a bundle of sage to burn out life's negativity and welcome  the positivity, Moonlight tea, and a poem from Yrsa Daley-Ward's upcoming collection, Bone. There was also a little journal tucked in there with the cover of one of my favorite books.

I used two Audible credits to get these two books this week:

Wonder Woman: Warbringer by Leigh Bardugo, narrated by Mozhan Marno

Chitty Chitty Bang Bang by Ian Fleming, narrated by David Tennant (recommended by Katherine)

In Blogging: I got away from posting every weekend over the summer months, but am thinking of starting back up again (hence this post). I've been posting five days a week recently--something I never thought I would do again. Time will tell if I keep it up or decide to drop back down again. I will just go with it for the time being. 

What I Am Reading: I finished reading Gin and Panic by Maia Chance, a delightful historical cozy mystery, and am now reading a historical novel, this one set in the South called Miss Jane by Brad Watson. I also started reading Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking by Susan Cain, which I picked up on a whim after seeing mention of a September read-along hosted by the folks at the Book Bloggers International blog. It has been collecting dust on my TBR shelf for awhile, sad to say. I hadn't planned to read it right now, but I'm not always in control of which way my reading mood will take me, I guess.

What I Am Listening To: I still haven't started anything new, but imagine I will soon. Maybe one of my new audiobooks!

What I Am Watching: I am still in season 10 of Supernatural.  I am loving the Felicia Day episodes. I also watched Hearts of Spring on the Hallmark channel the other night, something I usually only indulge in during the Winter Holidays.

What's Going On Off the Blog: The first game of the soccer season is this weekend. So is my birthday. Mouse had another good week at school. Homework doesn't start until this next week, and while Mouse says she's eager to jump in, I'm not so sure I am ready. Work has been extra busy now that school is back in full swing. I may not work in the education field, but my job tends to see more work during the school year. Things were pretty tense for a couple days at work in particular because of a big employee strike. A Court injunction prevented me and my colleagues from striking, although I am not sure I would have anyway.

In Pictures This Week:

This Week In Reading Mews:

Thank you for helping me decide what book from my TBR collection I should read next:

My TBR List is a meme hosted by the awesome Michelle at Because Reading. It’s a fun way to choose a book from your TBR pile to read. The 1st Saturday of every month, I will list 3 books I am considering reading and take a poll as to which you think I should read. I will read the winner that month, and my review will follow (unfortunately, not likely in the same month, but eventually--that's all I can promise). 

Thank you to everyone who voted in my September TBR List Poll! My choices this month are all very similar, and I could not decide which one I wanted to read more. I am glad I wasn't the one voting!

Owl and the Japanese Circus has been on my TBR pile longer than the other two, which is another reason it is a good choice to read it this month. Thank you again to everyone who voted!

Tell me about what you have been up to! What are you reading, listening to and watching? How was your week? Do you have anything planned for this coming week?

© 2017, Wendy Runyon of Musings of a Bookish Kitty. All Rights Reserved. If you're reading this on a site other than Musings of a Bookish Kitty or Wendy's feed, be aware that this post has been stolen and is used without permission.


  1. These natural disasters are terrifying, aren't they. We may feel some impact from Irma but nothing like others will feel.

    I loved Chitty Chitty Bang Bang as a kid - both the book and the movie.

    1. Kathy - They really are frightening. I hope Irma doesn't hit you too hard. I haven't read Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, but I remember the movie quite fondly. :-) Thanks for stopping by, Kathy!

  2. Watching the approach of Irma, especially after seeing the destruction left by Harvey, is anxiety inducing. Nature appears to be in revolt. Glad the fires aren't affecting you!

    Miss Jane is on my list. Not that I will ever get around to reading all the books on my list--even if I stopped adding more!

    1. Jenclair - It is. I keep hearing stories about the damage Irma has already done. I do hope it lightens up before it does any more damage.

      I hope I like Miss Jane. I like the writing--but I admit to being a little leery at first.

      Thanks for visiting, Jenclair!

  3. All the natural disasters have been terrible lately I just hope everyone stays as safe as can be during the hurricane. Everyone seems to have wonder woman. Enjoy!

    1. I hope everyone is able to stay safe too. The stories coming out of the areas impacted so far are terrifying. Thanks for visiting today!

  4. The Natural Diasters are going to play havoc with us for a while. I'm praying for all those in Florida. Great haul of books.


    1. Grace - It sure seems that way. They just keep coming. :-( Thanks for stopping by, Grace.

  5. I feel for those suffering with the hurricane. :-( On a positive note, I like the look of Stay With Me! :-) Great post!

    1. Chrissi - I do too! It's already done so much damage. I hope it lightens up before it comes any farther. I am really excited about Stay With Me.

      I hope you have a great week, Chrissi. Thanks for stopping by!

  6. I feel for those suffering from natural disasters. It has been a few years since the Northridge Earthquake in LA, where my son lives...but it definitely impacted their lives.

    We had a flood here in the foothills where I was living from 1994 to 2007...and we had to evacuate for a few days, but the house was spared. I remember that my DIL, who was living next door with my son and their kids burned sage in the house before leaving. So I am a fan of sage.

    Then in 2005, we had fires that hemmed us in...but we didn't have to leave.

    Enjoy your reading...and those gorgeous kitties. Here are MY WEEKLY UPDATES

    1. Laurel-Rain - I remember the Northridge quake. I was in Thousand Oaks at the time. It was very scary. It always seemed there were fires in that area.

      I hope you have a great week! Thanks for visiting!

  7. I never realized Ian Fleming wrote Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, I just knew he wrote 007. Your kitties are so adorable.

    1. Ellen - I was surprised when I found out a few years ago. It seems so different genre-wise. I haven't read his James Bond novels, but my husband has. They are evidently are quite a bit different from the movies.

  8. So true - we really aren't always in control of our reading whims!

    1. Lisa - It kind of throws off what I planned to read, but I'm flexible. :-) Thanks for visiting today, Lisa!

  9. Oooh! I love your lit box! I would love to get a lit box one of these days!

    Here’s my Stacking the Shelves!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog

    1. Ronyell - Thank you! The lit box subscription is my little splurge each month. I just love it. Thanks for visiting!

  10. Boxes are so much fun. I'm currently in love with the Nocturnal Readers box. Cute kitties and hope you enjoy your books.

    1. Barb - Yes, they are. I wish I could afford more than one. I'd subscribe to at least two others that I can think of. Like Nocturnal Readers. :-)

      Thanks for stopping by, Barb!

  11. I feel the same. It's been so sad to see the news lately especially when we have no power to help. Anyway, I hope you enjoy your new books and have a wonderful week. Happy reading. :)

    1. Geybie - It really is sad. Situations like this really do make a person feel helpless. I hope you have a great week as well. Thank you for visiting.

  12. It is a crazy time for weather, no doubt! Hope you continue to be free of anything bad. And ooh Wonder Woman Warbringer- that one looks good. Leigh Bardugo is coming here in a few weeks- in fact, that reminds me I need to get tickets. Sarah Maas sold out before I did. :(

    Cute cat pics! And I remember seeing Quiet the introvert one around, I should read that one of these days.

    1. Greg - Thank you. I hope the same for you. I am looking forward to giving Warbringer (and Leigh Bardugo) a try. That would be great if you could see her!

      I'm still in chapter two of Quiet (long chapters). It's more business oriented than I expected, but still good. I hope that changes, just the same. I have heard nothing but praise for the book, so I'm hopeful I will like it too.

      Thanks for visiting!

  13. Yay on Chitty Chitty Bang Bang! I don't think you will regret it! I think I would listen to David Tennant read tax codes but the story itself is pretty fun too. All this Irma talk has me glued to the TV. We aren't in any danger other than some heavy rain but they're expecting it to be severe enough in the middle of the state that my daughter's university has cancelled classes Monday. The Lit Box is awesome! Love all the extras they included. Have a great week!

    1. Katherine - I can't resist David Tennant, so I'm sure I will enjoy it. I was really surprised my husband hasn't seen the movie! How is that possible?! I hope your daughter stays safe. I keep hoping it won't be as bad as they are predicting. :-( I hope you have a great week too, Katherine. Thanks for stopping by.

  14. I hope the hurricane will go somewhere else where there's no civilisations.

    I'm waiting for my copy of Wonder Woman: Warbringer to arrive! The moment I saw it's on pre-order checkout I knew I've to have it! :)

    Enjoy Owl and the Japanese Circus and hope you've a lovely weekend!

    1. Melody - I hope so too. Unfortunately it doesn't look that way. :-(

      I am really looking forward to listening to Warbringer too!

      I hope you have a lovely week, Melody. Thanks for visiting!

  15. Awww, weekly mews :) that so just soooo cute. Don't know if that pic is new, or if I failed to notice it before.

    Your box contents look amazing :) I really want that journal too! It looks super cute.

    How are you liking Quiet (the introvert book)? I've heard about it and I'm quite curious.

    The kitty pics are super cute!!!

    1. Evelina - It's a new picture I thought would make a great opening for my weekend posts. :-)

      I love journals as it is and the Pride and Prejudice cover was just perfect.

      Quiet is really interesting so far. The chapters are very long and I'm only in chapter two of the first part. Hopefully I will continue to enjoy it.

      Thanks for stopping by today, Evelina!

  16. Your Lit Box looks like fabulous fun. Burn off a little negativity here for me, too, would you? In fact, we could probably use some of that all over the US!

    1. Deb - Thank you! I agree, I think we all could use some relief from negativity in the U.S. right now.

      Thanks for stopping by!

  17. Happy Birthday! Or did I miss it?? I hope Mouse went well at her soccerr game! I am thinking of going back to wacth supernatural. I gave up at season 5 or 6 unfortunately.

    1. Verushka - Thank you for the birthday wishes! You didn't miss it at all. It was yesterday. :-) Mouse enjoyed her soccer game. The team lost by a considerable amount, but they did get one goal at the very end, which made the team very happy. :-) They had fun, and that's what matters most.

      I tend to watch Supernatural when I am working on my blog. It's one of those shows I enjoy, but probably am not paying as much attention to as I could be. I had watched the first few seasons years ago and re-watched them this summer and am into seasons I hadn't seen before now. The brothers have survived a lot (and died a lot). I kind of like the earlier episodes better, but I'm still enjoying the show.

      Thanks for stopping by, Verushka!

  18. You had a busy week Wendy. I love the pictures of your cats - so cute and, like you I think about all the people affected by fires and hurricanes and hope they stay safe. Have a great week.

    1. Diane - It was hard to get a good one of my gray cat. She sees me coming with my phone and takes off. I keep trying though. I hope you have a great week as well. Thanks for visiting.

  19. Happy Birthday! I hope that you had a wonderful one!

    I just picked up a copy of Quiet the other day at my local Goodwill and am looking forward to reading it. I'll have to watch for your thoughts on it. I hope that Mouse had a fun time at her soccer game. We used to have soccer in both the spring and fall but it has dropped down to just the spring as my youngest is so busy with so many other activities. I miss it though!

    I hope you have a wonderful week!

    1. Samantha (Booked on a Feeling) - Thank you for the birthday wishes! My husband and daughter made it a nice day for me yesterday. :-)

      Mouse enjoyed her soccer game. One of the mom's made a comment at the end of the game about the team that scored last being the winner, and evidently my daughter believed her because she's going around telling everyone they won when really it, was a big loss on her team's part. But the did get one goal right at the end. :-) Mouse is taking dance too and really seems to enjoy it. I know you've got a ton going on with all of your kids. It can be hard to keep up sometimes, but it is fun in its own way, isn't it?

      I hope you have a wonderful week too! Thank you for stopping by!

  20. This time of year is always filled with crazy weather!! My students have been really involved in watching these hurricanes. They did a fundraiser for Harvey last week (a graduate lives in Fort Hood and we sent the money to him directly so he could get and deliver supplies) and now they are thinking of organizing a mission trip to St. Martin or Puerto Rico this summer (we go to Jamaica and Haiti regularly).
    Have a great week! Love the kitty pics!!

    1. Samantha (Book Disciple) - That is really neat that your students did a fundraiser for Harvey last week. My daughter's after school program is doing something similar, which is really nice.

      Have a great week too! Thanks for stopping by!

  21. It's really horrifying watching the news these days. Glad to hear that you are not too affected. That box looks great! I've done one or two of those subscription boxes but I guess I just prefer to shop for myself! LOL

    1. Melissa - Yes, the news is pretty horrific. I've been subscribing to My Lit Box for a year now and am impressed with each box. Often included are books I hadn't heard yet. I had trouble with a couple others I tried because they would include books I already had--which kind of takes the fun out of it. And fortunately, with this this box, so far it has always been books I want to read. All the extra goodies are always a nice surprise too. I think the only thing I don't like is the price. I probably shouldn't be spending the money every week for a box like I do. :-S

      Thanks for visiting, Melissa!

  22. The weather has been lovely here this week, very fall-like, but I am anxiously watching Irma since I have a lot of family located on the Gulf Coast side of Florida. Praying that everyone down there stays safe.

    5 posts a week can be pretty challenging. I made that one of my goals for this year since I used to only do 3-4 and it's definitely easier some weeks than others. I actually did 7 this week and know that will not ever become a regular thing, haha.

    Hope you have a wonderful week!

    1. Suzanne - I am glad you have had such nice weather. I look forward to when our weather turns more fall like. It usually happens in October. I hope your family is safe in Florida. I know you must be worried!

      I think the hardest part for me right now is keeping up with the comments and visiting blogs. I figure I'll see how it goes through September and then decide if I can keep up this pace of posting so frequently. Good luck to you in your goal to post five times a week!

      Thanks for visiting, Suzanne!

  23. I'm so glad you reminded me of Warbringer. I want to read it ASAP, and audio may be the perfect way to go! So much good stuff in this post! <3

    1. Andi - I figure I'm likely to listen to it before I read it, and I couldn't resist when I saw the cover. :-) I hope you enjoy it if you decide to read/listen to it! Thanks for stopping by, Andi.

  24. I"m glad you haven't been too badly affected by the fires. My daughter describes the smoke in NM as bad enough to make her throat scratchy and her eyes sore within half an hour of being outside... and that's from the fires in other states, as the one north of her isn't blowing smoke in her direction.

    I've put that Chitty Chitty Bang Bang recording on my wishlist based on Katherine's review, and I wish I had an Audible subscription. I have an account (via Amazon) and some Audible books, but not a subscription. Maybe someday!

    Enjoy your new books, and the ones you're reading now. And what lovely kitties! Give them each a pet from me.

    1. Lark - Thank you. I hope the fires are under control soon so we all can breathe more easily.

      I think my husband wishes we didn't have an Audible subscription. LOL I don't always use my credits right away, but I like to think they are put to good use.

      Thanks for visiting, Lark!

  25. I enjoyed Quiet! There are so many good books to read this fall that I am overwhelmed by all the choices!

    1. Harvee Lau - I am glad to hear you enjoyed Quiet. I am finding it very interesting so far! I know what you mean about being overwhelmed by all the choices of books out there this fall. I feel that way too. Thanks for visiting!

  26. I'm delighted to hear that you have not been affected by the fires and very much hope it stays that way. I don't start back at college for another week, thankfully, and hope that Mouse continues to enjoy school, even with homework. I think there's far too much homework these days. And I'm a teacher... David Tennant is a wonderful narrator - he has read the How To Train Your Dragon series and made a fabulous job of it, so hopefully you will thoroughly enjoy Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. Have a great week, Wendy and many thanks for popping by:)

    1. Sarah - I hope you enjoy your last week before school starts again. I agree about them going too far with homework these days. I'm excited about listening to Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. I can't resist David Tennant. I'll have to check out How To Train Your Dragon as well. Thanks for visiting, Sarah!

  27. Oh, happy (early) birthday!! I hope you have a lovely celebration!

    1. Erica - Thank you! I had a nice birthday--a quiet one. I wasn't especially excited about it this year. Maybe because of everything going on. My husband and daughter did take me out for breakfast though, which was nice. :-)

      I hope you have a great week! Thanks for visiting!

  28. I love the Owl series. Happy Birthday! So glad Mouse is loving school. So many horrible weather events. Hope the week ahead is happy one!

    1. Kim - I am glad to hear you love the Owl series. It does sound good, and I hope I love it too! I hope you have a good week too. Thanks for stopping by!

  29. Happy birthday, Wendy! I am so glad that Mouse is still enjoying school. I am really curious about the Wonder Woman book. I may have to take a look at the audiobook myself. Enjoy all of your new books!

    1. Carole - Thank you! I am glad Mouse is enjoying school too. She has a long way to go of it, so might as well be on a positive note now. :-) I don't generally read books like the Wonder Woman book, but I thought I would give it a try. I keep hearing good things about it. Thanks for stopping by!

  30. Heidi - I wish we could get some of that water from the rain on the East Coast. It would definitely help with the fires. Although, not the wind. We don't need that too. I hope you have a great week too. Thanks for visiting, Heidi!

  31. Our weather is much cooler than it normally is this time of year. I like it, but I feel bad for the people who are getting hit by the hurricanes. I have family in both Texas and Florida.
    I need to read Owl and the Japanese Circus too. Hopefully I will get to it soon. I've had it for a long time, sadly.
    Have a great week!

    1. Jen - I am glad you are at least getting cooler weather. I feel so bad for those affected by the hurricanes too. I was watching a bit of the news tonight. It looks horrible. I hope your family is safe.

      I hope you have a great week too. Thanks for stopping by!

  32. Aww pretty kitties! Man, all of these natural disasters suck. We have a lot of smoke in the air from the fire here. Glad you're not getting it much. Hope you have a great week.

    1. Christy - I love my kitties. :-) I hope the fires are contained soon and the air clears. I hope you have a great week too. Thanks for stopping by!

  33. I'm eager to hear what you think of Wonder Woman. I am curious about that one. Your fur babies are just adorable and I want to pet them :-)

    1. Nicole - It's not normally one I would have picked for myself, but the author and the talk about it has me interested in giving it a try. I love my cats. :-)


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