Monday, July 06, 2015

Where Is Your Bookmark? (07/07/2015)

While my daughter recovered from her most recent fever this past weekend, I snuggled up with Audrey Niffenegger's The Time Traveler's Wife, a book that might have made my top ten list this week had it not been for my Postal Book Club. I actually own a copy of the book, which has sat on my shelf for years. It's time had finally come. Now I am trying to decide if I want to see the movie version. Have you read the book or seen the movie?

It is hard for me to imagine someone not having heard of this book (I feel like the last person on earth to read it), but then again, I had never heard of Daphne du Maurier until 2006. In case you aren't familiar with The Time Traveler's Wife, it is about Henry and Clare. Henry is a Time Traveler who first appears to Clare when she is 6 years old. The two fall in love as he bounces through time, but they both learn that life isn't always easy. It's actually about more than that, but you get the idea.

First Paragraph of The Time Traveler's Wife:

Clare: It's hard being left behind. I wait for Henry, not knowing where he is, wondering if he's okay. It's hard to be the one who stays.

I keep myself busy. Time goes faster that way.

I go to sleep alone, and wake up alone. I take walks. I work until I'm tired. I watch the wind play with the trash that's been under the snow all winter. Everything seems simple unless you think about it. Why is love intensified by absence? 

Teaser from The Time Traveler's Wife: 

I wish for a moment that time would lift me out of this day, and into some more benign one. But then I feel guilty for wanting to avoid the sadness; dead people need us to remember them, even if it eats us, even if all we can do is say "I'm sorry" until it is as meaningless air.

and this one:

I place my hands over her ears and tip her head back, and kiss her, and try to put my heart into hers, for safekeeping, in case I lose it again. 
What do you think? Would you keep reading?  

I began reading The Gracekeepers by Kirsty Logan this week after scrolling through my Kindle and randomly picking the title. I am still not far into it, but I am already captivated.  A world divided into two types of people: those who live on land and those who live on the sea. It's described as being inspired by Scottish myths and fairytales. which is probably what drew me to the book in the first place. I can't wait to read more.

What are you reading at the moment?  Is it anything you would recommend?

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by the lovely ladies at Broke and Bookish.

This week's  Top Ten Tuesday theme is Top Ten Hyped Books I've Never Read. I went back and forth on how to interpret today's theme. Do I list ten hyped books I never intend to read or is it meant to be a list of books I just have not yet read? Several titles I listed in a previous Top Ten post (Books I'll (Probably) Never Read) could easily make this week's as well. Many of those books are well-hyped and popular. In the end, I decided to take this topic in a slightly different direction, listing five books I have not read despite (or because of) the hype and then five books I did read, but which I feel did not live up to the hype.

I read what I want to read, regardless of hype. Although, hype is occasionally what puts a book on my radar. Sometimes I rush to read a book that is getting much praise from my fellow book bloggers, but other times I sit back and wait--because, well, too much hype can be a turn off.

Books I Have Not Read Despite the Hype:


Little Women by Louisa May Alcott ~ So many people love this novel and say I must read it. I haven't felt the overwhelming need to though--or even a little need to, really.  I may read it someday if the mood strikes, but as of right now, I cannot see that happening any time soon.


The Life of Pi by Yann Martel ~ I might have been curious about this one when it first came out, but the more I heard about it, the less interest I had in reading it. I have no plans to see the movie either.


The Casual Vacancy by J.K. Rowling ~ I love the Harry Potter series and I hope to read the mystery series she writes under the pseudonym Robert Galbraith, but this particular book has never appealed to me.


The Martian by Andy Weir ~ I have heard so many good things about this book, but I am still on the fence about reading it. The description alone does not appeal to me, but so many others have sung its praise that it makes me wonder if I am missing out by not reading it.


The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafón ~ I actually do want to read this one.  Someday. The hype kind of put me off of it though, and so it sits on my shelf unread.

Books I Read That Were Overhyped:


Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë


The Other Boleyn Girl by Philippa Gregory


One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel García Márquez


Beautiful Creatures by Kami Garcia & Margaret Stohl


A Prayer for Owen Meany by John Irving

Have you read any of these books?  What hyped books have you never read? Do you think you ever will read those titles?

© 2015, Wendy Runyon of Musings of a Bookish Kitty. All Rights Reserved. If you're reading this on a site other than Musings of a Bookish Kitty or Wendy's feed, be aware that this post has been stolen and is used without permission.


  1. I am actually reading The Shadow of the Wind currently and really enjoying it! I recommend you give it a chance soon. I haven't read Little Women yet, but it's on my TBR.
    Mallory @ The Local Muse

    1. Mallory - I think my interest in The Shadow of the Wind died down a bit after I heard that the subsequent books weren't quite as good. Of course, I hadn't even known it was part of a series when I first became interested in it. I'm sure I will read it. I am glad you are enjoying it!

  2. OK. Where do I start?
    1. Little Women formed the backbone of my childhood. It think it is part of our cultural heritage. Read it!
    2. One Hundred Years of Solitude---I read it last year, actually I listened to it on audiobook with my husband. I did a lot of research on magical realism and ended up really enjoying it...but it is weird.
    3. The Martian is the my go-to book for recommendations this year.

    Have fun!

    1. Anne - I don't know how I got out of my childhood without having to read Little Women, but somehow I did.

      I didn't care for One Hundred Years of Solitude. It almost ruined magical realism for me to the point I was avoiding reading anything that hinted at having magical realism in it. Thank goodness for Alice Hoffman who helped me realize it wasn't magical realism I didn't like--just that one book. It's funny how different our reactions can be towards the same book, isn't it? I know many people loved it.

  3. The Martian was absolutely fantastic, definitely a top read for me! Beautiful Creatures - way over-hyped!

    Check out my TTT and my current giveaway.

    1. Lauren - I had high hopes for Beautiful Creatures and maybe that was part of the problem. I made the mistake of watching the movie too. Was that ever a bad idea!

      I want to want to read The Martian. Maybe someday.

  4. I read and enjoyed The Time Traveler's Wife years ago. Glad you could get to it!

    A hyped book I never read (well, read two chapters and stopped) was Gone Girl. I think I am one of the few adults in the world who didn't read or want to read this "it" book. I returned it without getting past chapter 2 and have no intention of picking it up despite all the lavish praise. I just didn't connect with it and don't see the need to. I know so many love it, so this comment will probably be met with dismay, oh well :)

    1. Rita - I enjoyed The Time Traveler's Wife more than I thought I would. :-)

      I enjoyed Gone Girl, but I do know where you are coming from. The characters weren't very likable. I didn't mind that, given the type of book it was. But it's definitely not a book for everyone.

  5. I absolutely adore Little Women. I try and reread it every few years. I don't know much more about the other books!
    My TTT!

    1. Chrissi - That's how I feel about Jane Eyre. I just adore it. I want to make a habit of reading it more often.

  6. My TTT only overlapped yours a tiny bit. Little Women is fantastic in my humble opinion and should be read once in your lifetime if you're a book lover.

    1. Beth - If I would have added Outlander and Grey, we would have had more in common. Both are not books I plan to read. :-)

  7. I've read The Time Traveler's Wife. I liked it quite a bit. Especially the ending.

    1. Suzie - I was surprised at how much I did like it. The ending . . . I'm not the biggest fan. I have too many questions, particularly about Clare. I think that is because I got so attached to the characters.

  8. I actually haven't read Little Women either, but I've seen the film and absolutely love it. I guess I need to get on it ;) Also, the beginning and teasers from The Time Traveller's Wife sound really good, although also a bit sad. Again, I've seen the film which I like but not love. Maybe the book is more for me! Thanks for sharing :) I hope you have a great weekend!
    My Tuesday post
    Juli @ Universe in Words

    1. Juli - Another one who hasn't read Little Women! Thank goodness. LOL I have seen the film too and liked it as well.

      I hadn't heard great things about The Time Traveler's Wife movie and so I'm a little anxious about watching it. I did enjoy the book.

  9. Having read the Time Travellers Wife I'd say keep reading, I loved it!

    1. Emma - I really enjoyed The Time Traveler's Wife. :-)

  10. Little Women could have made my list as well. So many people, including my best friend love it, so I really feel like I have to read it soon. The Shadow of the Wind is one of the best books I've ever read. It's so detailed and the characters are very complex and well-made. Beautiful Creatures is so overhyped I don't even have words for it. It was very boring and the characters were anything but relatable.
    Lovely list, hope you'll enjoy all of these. :)
    My TTT

    1. Veronika - Little Women is one of those books that seem to cause people to gasp when I admit to not having read it. :-)

      I've heard such great things about The Shadow of the Wind. Someday I hope to read it.

      I'm glad I'm not alone in thinking Beautiful Creatures was overhyped. Did you see the movie? Terrible.

  11. I liked Time Traveler's Wife way back when I had read it. It is a good intto. Also love The Martian.

    Glad Mouse is better.

    1. Diane - I'm glad I finally read The Time Traveler's Wife, even if I was "forced" into it. LOL

      Maybe the movie of The Martian will convince me to try the book.

  12. I loved, loved, loved the Time Traveler's Wife. The movie was ok but I loved the book.

    My teaser (w/ a giveaway) is at Beth Fish Reads

    1. Beth F - I now understand all the love for The Time Traveler's Wife. :-) I've heard bad things about the movie, so wasn't sure if watching it would be a mistake. I can't help myself though. I'm sure I'll watch it at some point.

  13. I actually hate (yes, HATE) Owen Meany. I would take my copy (if I had one) and throw it in the street and drive over it with my car until it was nothing but tattered pages.

    Here's my TTT post!

    1. Deb - While hate isn't a word I would use to describe my feelings about Owen Meany, I understand where you are coming from. I didn't much like the book either. I saw my copy the other day and wondered why on earth I still have it. I need to give it away.

  14. I remember loving The Time Traveler's Wife when I read it a long time ago... it was probably even a favorite that year. I never did see the movie though.

    1. JoAnn - It's a well loved book, I know. I enjoyed it more than I thought I would.

  15. I've seen the movie for The Time Traveler's Wife, but I haven't read the book yet (I want to!). I saw it years ago, but I swear I'll never forget the ending.

    1. Diana - Now you've got me curious to compare the book and movie. :-) I want to see if they end similarly.

  16. So much in the first paragraph and in the teaser that I could comment about. The writing is beautiful and thoughtful.

    1. Topazshell - I feel that way too. I really like the writing in those teasers and opening. This is a very quotable book, I think.

  17. Nice lists, Wendy (although one of my all-time favorite books. A Prayer for Owen Meaney is on your over-hyped list :-)). I loved The Time Travelers Wife, which I read with a book club. I enjoyed the movie too, but not as much as the book.

    My Tuesday post:

    1. Catherine - I'm glad to hear you enjoyed the movie version of The Time Traveler's Wife. I never expect a movie to be better than the book, but I also don't want the movie to be a ruin either.

  18. I was also late coming to The time Traveller's Wife mainly because time travel and I don't mix. Convinced to read it by my mam who loved it (we normally have similar tastes in books) I really didn't enjoy it finding the plot silly.

    I have also yet to read nos 3, 4, 8, 9 or 10. Of the remaining books that you feature I really enjoyed nos 1 and 7.

    About to start reading The Pharaoh's Cat by Maria Luisa Lang, I'm hoping its better than my last read.

    1. Tracy - It's taken me awhile to become somewhat comfortable with time travel. I think Dr. Who has helped with that, but still. I'm always looking for discrepancies and paradoxes. I blame my husband for that.

      I hope you enjoy The Pharaoh's Cat!

  19. I have not yet read The Time Traveler's Wife, but I did see part of the movie. I am definitely curious...and I enjoyed the "time traveling concept" in Stephen King's 11/22/63.

    As for your Top Ten, I haven't read any of them...except Little Women, which I read and reread in childhood...and once in adulthood.

    Thanks for sharing, and here's mine, from an author I haven't yet read: “WATERMELON”

    1. Laurel-Rain - I've heard great things about 11/22/63. The Time Traveler's Wife was interesting from a couple different perspectives, I thought, one of which was the way the story was told. It's not exactly linear. Kind of, but then not. I am curious to see how that comes across in a movie version.

  20. I have read The Time Traveler's Wife and thought it was OK. I have not seen the movie.
    Of your complete list I have only read Little Women and that was eons ago when I was maybe in the 6th grade. I did not read Life of Pi but saw the movie. I have no desire to read The Casual Vacancy, but did like The Cuckoo's Calling. I read a different Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Love in the Time of Cholera, which I thought was awful.
    Isn't it good that we all don't like the same books, though?

    1. Judy - I don't think I want to read Love in the Time of Cholera--nothing I've heard about it has piqued my interest enough to give the author a try again.

      I'm glad you liked The Cuckoo's Calling. The Casual Vacancy just doesn't sound interesting to me.

  21. I haven't read The Time Traveler's Wife but it looks interesting, so I'd keep reading!

  22. Loved Little Women, but liked Alcott's Little Men better! I'm one of the few who didn't find The Time Traveler's Wife that engaging. The Shadow of the Wind didn't thrill me, either. Engaged me the entire time, but in the end, did not live up to the hype.

    1. Jenclair - That's good to know. :-) It'll be interesting to know what I think of The Shadow of the Wind when I do get to it. Eventually. Maybe.

      I am still sorting out my thoughts of The Time Traveler's Wife. I liked it quite a bit, but it won't make my top ten list at the end of the year, I don't think.

  23. One Hundred Years of Solitude...what a pain!! I haven't read any of Rowling's adult novels but I have been toying with the idea of listening to the Galbraith mysteries.

    I really adored The Time Traveler's Wife when I read it (I think in 2005 or 2006). I still consider it one of my favorites but it has had a lot of hype!! The movie was good but I wouldn't watch them back to back unless you are great about being able to keep the two mediums separate.

    Daphne du Maurier was a blogging discovery for me!

    1. Trish - At least we can say we read One Hundred Years of Solitude, right? Listening to the Galbraith mysteries might be a good way to go.

      So maybe put off watching the movie of The Time Traveler's for at least a couple weeks when the book isn't so fresh in my mind? That might be a good idea.

      I discovered Daphne du Maurier via blogging too. :-)

  24. I read Little Women with my mom when I was younger and really liked it, the movie was also pretty good! Hmm, other than that I havent really read any of the books you've listed. I don't think I will either, I kinda read at my own pace and ignore the popular stuff unless my friends say something to me. :)

    1. Lanie - Maybe that's the way to go . . .I can read Little Women with my daughter. I'm ready to read her Harry Potter, but my husband says she's still a little young for that.

  25. I've read The Time Traveler's Wife, but not seen the movie. I so agree with you about One Hundred Years of Solitude. I don't even know why I tried to read it, lol.

    My TT today is from The Night Circus:

    1. Dagny - The Night Circus is one of my favorites! I hope you like it.

      We probably thought all those people who said One Hundred Years of Solitude was so good wouldn't steer us wrong. Alas, they did. *sigh*

  26. I'm with you on overhyped books sometimes.

    I've heard of The Time Traveler's Wife and that's a powerful first paragraph. Definitely an interesting premise.

    Life of PI sorta had my interest, just the image of the boy and the cat on the baord had me wondering. But I read more and lost interest. And The Martian- it is getting SO much buzz but the idea of a guy stranded... just doesn't appeal to me all that much. Must be really well written and flowing because I don't get all the hype. I might see movie tho. :)

    1. Greg - The Time Traveler's Wife was interesting. It's basically a love story, but told in such an interesting way.

      Yes! I feel the same way about The Martian. Just from the description of the book, I worry that it will be on the dull side. People tell me it's not. I have no reason not to believe them, but we'll see. Maybe the movie will change our minds?

  27. The Time Traveler's Wife has been on my TBR for so long. I'm incredibly intrigued but I think I put it off because I worry that it will be too confusing/hard to follow. My teaser is here:

    1. Tanya - I had to look back a couple times to the date and ages of the characters to remember where I was in time as I read, but it flows pretty well and the sections are well-marked. I can see how it could get confusing though. If you do read it, hopefully that won't be a problem though!

  28. The teaser is very romantic. Not sure about the trash part.

    1. Alice - I thought it was romantic too. :-) Yeah, not so much the trash. LOL

  29. The Shadow of the Wind is a new one I'd like to try. Not sure about The Time Traveler's Wife. The movie didn't grab me so I'm not sure the book will either. Never know though:)
    My TT -

    1. Laura - I had heard the movie wasn't as good as the book (when is it?), if that offers you any consolation. I can understand the book might not appeal to everyone though.

      I hope you like The Shadow of the Wind if you do read it. Hopefully I will too. :-)

  30. I have The Time Traveler's Wife on my TBR, although I'm not sure it's the right book for me. It sounds too much like a romance novel to me... Great teasers though.

    1. Yvo - I wouldn't go so far as to call it a romance as it doesn't have all the earmarks of a romance novel, but it's definitely a love story at its core. It falls more into the speculative/literary fiction category, I think.

  31. I read and really liked The Time Traveler's Wife. I have yet to see the movie. I hope you get to Little Women, I loved it.

    1. Nise' - I enjoyed The Time Traveler's Wife too. Hopefully I can see the movie soon.

  32. Nice list!! I haven't read any of the books mentioned in your post either!!

    Here's a link to my TTT post for this week:

    1. Captivated Reader - Thank you! I see The Martian made your list too. :-)

  33. I haven't read The Time Traveller's Wife but I did watch the movie and thought it was OK; I don't think it'd intrigue me much to read the book.

    I didn't read those books you listed for the same reasons except The Other Boleyn Girl. I quite enjoyed that one, despite the story. I think it was the historical setting and the characterisations.

    1. Melody - I can't say the movie would appeal to me much if I hadn't read the book--but my book and movie tastes don't always line up. I do want to see the movie now that I have read the book though.

      I liked The Other Boleyn Girl okay; it was a light read, but I tend to prefer historical fiction to be a little heavier and with more attention to accuracy.

  34. I read the Time Traveler's Wife, it wasn't bad.


    1. Sonia Lal - I ended up really liked The Time Traveler's Wife. :-)

  35. I keep meaning to read The Time Traveler's Wife but haven't gotten around to it. Thanks for stopping by Girl Who Reads.

    1. Donna H - So many books out there to read. It's hard to get to them all, isn't it? Impossible, really. We can sure have fun trying though. :-)

  36. Vicki - I'm so sorry for your loss. I can't even imagine.

  37. Oh - you're missing exactly nothing with The Casual Vacancy! I thought it was less than mediocre. I did love A Prayer for Owen Meany, though...

    And - I also loved The Time Traveler's Wife when I read it years ago, and the intro still appeals to me.

    1. Sarah - It's good to know I'm not missing anything by skipping The Casual Vacancy. :-)

      The Time Traveler's Wife was good! I still get a little misty-eyed thinking of the characters.

  38. I have had several people IRL recommend The Casual Vacancy to me so it is slowly creeping its way on to my TBR list

    1. Angry Grey Cat - (Love your blog name!) I'll be curious to know what you think of The Casual Vacancy if you do read it. I think most people I know offline haven't read it and aren't planning to.

  39. I loved Time Traveler's WIfe! One of my favorite reads ever. I think I did watch the movie (but I don't remember). The book was vivid enough.

    I have Gracekeepers on my shelves and I need to get to it soon!

    1. Athira - I didn't expect to be so emotionally pulled into Time Traveler's Wife. I'm going to watch the movie, but I'm a little afraid.

      I'm a little farther into Gracekeepers than I was last night, but not by much. I'm still enjoying it. I hope you will too!

  40. I really liked The Time Traveler's Wife. I think the book was better than the movie.

    1. Linda - I may try to see the movie this weekend. We'll see. I really liked the book though, so I am kind of afraid to see the movie.

  41. I have a hard time reading books that are over-hyped too. I think I just feel like I'm setting myself up for disappointment. But, I was thinking maybe you'll read Little Women with Mouse once she's older :)

    I loved The Time Traveler's Wife and did see the movie which I thought was ok. Definitely not as wonderful as the book. Hope Mouse is feeling much better now!

    1. Iliana - Yes! I'm actually glad when I start seeing negative reviews come in after the initial love fest for new books. I feel like my expectations become more grounded then, and I lose some of that anxiety of being disappointed.

      Little Women might be a good one to read with Mouse, for sure.

      I am hoping to write my review of The Time Traveler's Wife today. I haven't had time yet. :-(

      Mouse is doing much better, thanks!

  42. Yeah...isn't Wuthering Heights just...Ughhh! I enjoyed Life of Pi and One Hundred Years of Solitude...both are a little weirdish though.

    1. Joseph - I know a lot of people sing the praises of Wuthering Heights, but I just don't see it. Glad I am not alone. :-)

  43. I agree with Beautiful Creatures I wanted that book so bad when it first came out, and could't find it, and when I finally got around to reading it I was disappointed to say the least.

    1. Ashley - I was really excited about Beautiful Creatures too. I love books about witches. Oh well. There are some good ones out there, just not that one.

  44. I'd love to read the Time Traveller's Wife sometime, thanks for sharing the teasers.

  45. Lovely teaser! The Time Traveler's Wife is totally one of those books I've been meaning to read for ages, haha.

    Oh, I'm starting the Martian soon for my book club! haha.
    Thanks for stopping by Bookmunchies (:

    1. Cyn - I hope you get a chance to at some point. I have lots of books on that "list" of books I've been meaning to read but haven't managed to get to yet. :-)

      I hope you enjoy The Martian!

  46. The Time Traveller's Wife? I think I've read it before. Either that or an overly detailed plot synopsis :p

    I actually really like Little Women. The sequels? Not so much.

    1. Eustacia - If your memory is anything like mine, you may have read it and just forgotten. Or maybe you saw the movie. That's one of the reasons I started journaling my reading.

  47. So bummed that Owen Meany didn't live up! I'm so excited for it, after loving The Cider House Rules.

    1. Shaina - I think more people loved Owen Meany than didn't, so you shouldn't go by what I say.


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