Tuesday, April 09, 2024

Can't Wait to Read Wednesday: One of Us Knows / Christa Comes Out of Her Shell / The Finders Keepers Library / Within a Captain's Hold

The New
Can't-Wait Wednesday is a weekly feature hosted by the marvelous Tressa at Wishful Endings to spotlight upcoming release we are excited about that we have yet to read.

One of Us Knows by Alyssa Cole
Release Date: April 16, 2024 by William Morrow
From the critically acclaimed and New York Times bestselling author of When No One Is Watching comes a riveting thriller about the new caretaker of a historic estate who finds herself trapped on an island with a murderer—and the ghosts of her past.

Years after a breakdown and a diagnosis of dissociative identity disorder derailed her historical preservationist career, Kenetria Nash and her alters have been given a second chance they can’t refuse: a position as resident caretaker of a historic home. Having been dormant for years, Ken has no idea what led them to this isolated Hudson River island, but she’s determined not to ruin their opportunity.

Then a surprise visit from the home’s conservation trust just as a Nor’easter bears down on the island disrupts her newfound life, leaving Ken trapped with a group of possibly dangerous strangers—including the man who brought her life tumbling down years earlier. When he turns up dead, Ken is the prime suspect.

Caught in a web of secrets and in a race against time, Ken and her alters must band together to prove their innocence and discover the truth of Kavanaugh Island—and their own past—or they risk losing not only their future, but their life.
[Goodreads Summary]
Everything about One of Us Knows appeals to me: from an isolated island estate, a protagonist with dissociative identify disorder, and murder . . . How could I not want to read this one?!

Christa Comes Out of Her Shell by Abbi Waxman
Release Date: April 16, 2024 by Berkley
Just when she thought she’d gotten far enough away . . . a life-changing phone call throws an antisocial scientist back into her least favorite place—the spotlight. A hilarious and insightful new novel from the USA Today bestselling author of The Bookish Life of Nina Hill.

After a tumultuous childhood, Christa Liddle has hidden away, both figuratively and literally. Happily studying sea snails in the middle of the Indian Ocean, Christa finds her tranquil existence thrown into chaos when her once-famous father—long thought dead after a plane crash—turns out to be alive, well, and ready to make amends. The world goes wild, fascinated by this real-life saga, pinning Christa and her family under the spotlight. As if that weren’t enough, her reunion with an old childhood friend reveals an intense physical attraction neither was expecting and both want to act on . . . if they can just keep a lid on it. When her father’s story starts to develop cracks, Christa fears she will lose herself, her potential relationship, and—most importantly—any chance of making it back to her snails before they forget her completely.
[Goodreads Summary]
I loved The Bookish Life of Nina Hill and have been wanting to read other books by Abbi Waxman. A bit of family drama and romance--and snails! I am really curious about this one. 

The Finders Keepers Library by Annie Rains
Release Date: April 16, 2024 by Forever
This heart-warming second chance love story about hope and healing from USA Today bestselling author Annie Rains is perfect for fans of Raeanne Thayne and Jenny Hale!

For a gardener blessed with a green thumb, Savannah Collins’s life sure seems like it’s all thorns, zero roses. She has no job, no relationship, and no place to live. With nothing but a car full of plants and her new rescue kitten, Savannah heads to Bloom, North Carolina, to spend the summer with her beloved Aunt Eleanor, a retired librarian.

Her aunt shares her love of literature with the Finders Keepers Library, located in her beautiful garden, where anyone can stop by to pick a book or leave a book. When a sudden summer storm destroys the library and many of the roses, it will take a village to get everything ready for the garden wedding that is planned there in just three weeks.

As the entire town joins in to make the necessary repairs, Savannah bonds with their neighbor Evan Sanders over the books that Eleanor has handpicked for each of them, helping them both find healing and self-discovery. Savannah only intends to stay through the summer, but when an unexpected job offer, a sudden health crisis, and a wayward pre-teen push her future in new directions, she has to wonder whether this is the place that she is meant to be—and the family she’s meant to be with.
[Goodreads Summary]
If the cover wasn't enough to draw me to this title, the story itself would. I love seeing a community come together to help each other and books bringing two people together? Yes, please! 

Do any of these books interest you? What upcoming releases are you looking forward to reading?

The Old(er) 
Carole of Carole's Random Life in Books has given me the perfect excuse to spotlight those unread books on my TBR in her Books from the Backlog feature, reminding me what great books I have waiting for me under my own roof still to read!

These past couple of months I have been featuring books on the losing end of my TBR List Poll, all books on my TBR shelves. This one was one of the options in my June 2016 poll. While I do not read a lot of historical romance, I liked the sound of this one, featuring a pirate and a stowaway on the run. I haven't gotten to it yet, but I still hope to! 

Within a Captain's Hold by Lisa A. Olech (2015)
Captain Jaxon Steele is a tall, sun-bronzed, fierce-fighting Pirate King. He and the notorious crew of the Scarlet Night are both feared and respected for their ruthless reputation. The Captain’s only love is the open sea and the ship he calls home. When it comes to women, he has three rules: never sleep with another’s wife, don’t take virgins into bed, and most importantly, never bring a woman aboard—that brings the worst luck of all.
Annalise Gatherone has to leave London—tonight! Usually her only concern is the color of her latest gown, but now she’s choosing between life and death. Desperate to escape the clutches of an evil Duke, she stows away aboard the Scarlet Night, hoping she’s bound for Port St. Maria. Winning Captain Steele's affections, she just might sneak by unharmed. But when her plans are altered in ways she never imagined, she must batten down the hatches for a journey into unknown waters… [Goodreads Summary]
Have you read Within a Captain's Hold?  Does this book sound like something you would like to read? 

© 2024, Musings of a Bookish Kitty. All Rights Reserved. If you're reading this on a site other than Musings of a Bookish Kitty or Wendy's feed, be aware that this post has been stolen and is used without permission.


  1. Ooh nice picks! These are all new to me ones! I hope you enjoy them all once you get to read them!

  2. I really like the cover of The Finders Keepers Library!

    1. Bron - I love that cover too! Thank you for visiting!

  3. I just placed a hold for One of Us Knows on Libby Monday. It sounds good and although her last book wasn't a fave, I'm eager to check out another one. I also love the looks of Christa Comes Out of Her Shell.

    1. Barb - I haven't read any of Alyssa Cole's books yet, but I think I have a couple at least on my TBR already. Hopefully this new one will be good! Thank you for stopping by!

  4. How cute is that Annie Rains book cover! That would get me to pick it up just to see what it's about. Thanks for the visit to my resurrected book blog!

    1. Tina - The cover grabbed my attention too. :-) Thank you for visiting! I am glad you are back to blogging again.

  5. Wow, it's been ages since I read anything by Annie Rains. But this latest one from her sounds really good!

    1. Tanya - I hope so--it sounds like it will be. Thank you for stopping by!

  6. Oooh! These books look interesting! Great picks!

    Here’s my WoW

    Rabbit Ears Book Blog: WORLD’S WEIRDEST BOOK BLOG!

  7. I haven't read any of these books but they do sound good. I love the colors on your blog.

  8. One of us Knows sounds fascinating. I did not know that someone with DID would be able to work.

    1. Laura - I didn't either. I'll be curious to see how the author handles it. Thank you for visiting!

  9. I agree, the Books from the Backlog Meme is such a great way to remember what we have waiting for us on our own shelves! Within A Captain's Hold sounds awesome I hope you enjoy it!

  10. All of your picks sound so good. You're really making my TBR grow. Thanks for sharing them. I'll probably start with Christa Comes Out of Her Shell when I can. Hope you enjoy them all!

    1. Laura - I am really looking forward to Christa Comes Out of Her Shell too. Thank you for stopping by!

  11. One of Us Knows sounds like just the kind of book I'd love. Thanks for sharing! :D

    1. Ashley - I hope you get a chance to read it and enjoy it! Thank you for visiting!

  12. All of these look wonderful. I just read my first Abbi Waxman earlier this year (Nina Hill's Bookish Life) and loved it so I really want to read more of it. I love the atmospheric feel of just the blurb for One of Us Knows. I hope the book lives up to it!

    1. Katherine - I really liked Nina Hill's Bookish Life too. I hope these will all be good too! Thank you for stopping by!


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