Thursday, April 18, 2024

Where Is Your Bookmark: A Peek Into Legacy & Other Friday Fun

The bees-in-the-wall saga continues, unfortunately. We will likely have to take more drastic measures (break into the walls) to get them out. At least the sun is shining and the days are pleasant. I had the windows open today while I worked from home and enjoyed the sound of the birds singing outside. 

I have four books going right now, and the one closest to me is Shannon Messenger's Legacy (Keeper of the Lost Cities #8). I have been neglecting this series too long and decided it was time to jump back in. It is one of my daughter's favorites.

A weekly meme where readers share the first sentence of the book they are reading and say what they think. Hosted by the amazing Gillion Dumas of Rose City Reader.

We can't keep doing this. [first sentence of the Preface of Legacy]


"You look confused," Mr. Forkle said, and the lilt of his tone made Sophie wonder if his lips were twitching with a smile--but she couldn't pull her eyes away from the round, gilded door he'd brought her to, tucked into the side of a rolling, grassy hill.  [opening of first of the first chapter of Legacy]  

 The preface of these novels always seems to occur in the middle of a dire or stressful moment, and so my first thought upon reading the preface opening is to wonder what trouble Sophie and her friends are in now. As for the beginning of the first chapter, well, if the description of that door made you think of a similar--and more well-known door--you had the same thought Sophie and I did! 

A weekly meme in which readers share a random sentence or two from page 56 or 56% of the book they are reading. Our wonderful host Freda of Freda's Voice is on a break, and Anne of My Head is Full of Books  has stepped in to host! 

Sophie's eyebrows shot up. "I'm meeting with the council tomorrow?"
"You are. They've asked you to come to Eternalia at midday."

Sophie waited for her to add more, but Edaline had busied herself with brushing the shaggy purple fur off the front of her tunic in slow, methodical strokes. "Is everything okay?" [excerpt from page 116 of Legacy]  
Sophie's adoptive mother is clearly holding back from telling Sophie something. I am just as curious as Sophie to find out what that might be. 

Sophie Foster wants answers. But after a lifetime of lies, sometimes the truth is the most dangerous discovery. Even the smallest secret comes with terrifying new responsibilities.

And Sophie’s not the only one with blank spots in her past, or mysteries surrounding her family. She and her friends are part of something much bigger than they imagined—and their roles have already been chosen for them.

Every clue drags them deeper into the conspiracy. Every memory forces them to question everything—especially one another. And the harder they fight, the more the lines blur between friend and enemy.
[Goodreads Summary]

Does this sound like something you would enjoy? If you have read it, what did you think?

Tell Me Something Tuesday is a weekly discussion post where bloggers discuss a wide range of topics from books and blogging to life in general. It is hosted by Linda Book Girl of Mur-y-Castell and Jen from That’s What I’m Talking About. Join in by answering this week's question in the comments or on your own blog.
What new-to-you authors have you enjoyed in the past 12 months?

I actually did not include ALL of the new authors I read in the past 12 months, not even all the ones whose books I enjoyed. These were the stand outs that I definitely plan to read more of someday. A few I have already read multiple books (as indicated in parentheses) by within these past 12 months. 

Travis Baldree
Parini Shroff
Leigh Bardugo (5 books)
Mitsu Izumi (4 books)
Joshunda Sanders
Nina Simon
R.F. Kuang
Paula Charles
Samara Yew
Heather Fawcett (2 books)
Elizabeth Penny
Martha Wells
Colson Whitehead
Shannon Messenger (7 books)
Hitsuzi Yamada (3 books)

Have you read anything by these authors? Which new-to-you authors have you enjoyed the work of in the past 12 months?

Every Friday Coffee Addicted Writer from Coffee Addicted Writer poses a question which participants respond on their own blogs within the week (Friday through Thursday). They then share their links at the main site and visit other participants blogs.

Do you think contemporary book covers lack originality? (submitted by Billy @ Coffee Addicted Writer) 

Book covers today are no more or less original than they were decades ago. Maybe even longer. To quote my husband, "Marketing has always chased trends." If you were to do an image search for book covers by decade, you would be able to see some of these trends. Especially within genres, many of these covers have similar styles and features, whether it be a pose, artwork, lettering, colors, or stock photos. While I very much value and appreciate originality, it's somewhat of a credit to marketing trends that I can look at a book cover and know that it will likely be a book I will enjoy because it has identifiable characteristics that I associate with a particular genre. Truth be told, when I think about my favorite book covers from the past, I remember them more because of how much I liked the books, not because the covers were necessarily unique.

What do you think? 

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend! Be sure and tell me what you are reading!

© 2024 Musings of a Bookish Kitty. All Rights Reserved. If you're reading this on a site other than Musings of a Bookish Kitty or Wendy's feed, be aware that this post has been stolen and is used without permission.


  1. Travis Baldree, Leigh Bardugo, and R.F. Kuang are some of my favorites. I'm glad you love them!

    1. Lauren - Yes! I love their works and I can't wait to read more by them. :-) Thank you for visiting!

  2. Replies
    1. Laurel-Rain - I am enjoying it so far. :-) Thank you for stopping by!

  3. Replies
    1. Lisa - It's good to be back in their world again for a little while. :-) Thank you for visiting!

  4. Great excerpts. Sounds like a good book. That list of books looks great too. Enjoy!

    1. Yvonne - It's a fun series. :-) And all those books by authors I read for the first time were great! Thank you for stopping by!

  5. There’s lots going on in this post! I love discovering new authors that make me want to read more!

    1. Jodie - I do too! I just wish I had more time to read everyone's backlists. LOL Thank you for visiting!

  6. I read two RF Kaung books last year, my first by the author. What did you think of Yellowface? I liked Babel much better.

    1. Anne - I really enjoyed Yellowface. I look forward to reading Babel. Thank you for stopping by!

  7. That sounds like an interesting book.

    I love Heather Fawcett's books and am looking forward to the next one!

    I don't read many Contemporary books, but your answer is interesting. It is very clever how book covers are done to attract people to the genre. Like you I remember books for their story rather than their cover. Although in the case of Heather Fawcett's books, they are very pretty covers!

    Have a great weekend!

    Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog
    My post:

    1. Emily - I would like to try some of Heather Fawcett's other books. Her Emily Wilde books are so good. I agree--they have such pretty covers. :-) Thank you for visiting!

  8. I do notice that books within the same genre tend to have similar cover features. It does tend to either draw me towards them or push me away. The trends in contemporary covers has me keeping far away because I know I won't enjoy them. But when I see covers for something spooky looking I'm usually reaching forward to read what it's about! Even looking at the covers of my books I own I can see variance in them. Some covers I didn't even like but loved the story. So it does almost go back to the age old adage: "don't judge a book by its cover!"

    Even though we still totally do! Lol. I feel like covers definitely give you an idea of what you're getting into so I find them very helpful indeed!

    Thanks for visiting my BBH!

    1. Jessica - Yes! I think more often than not, the cover will give you an idea of what you are getting into. I know we shouldn't judge books by their cover, but a cover is sometimes what makes me take a closer look at a book--at least to see what it's about and whether it interests me. Thank you for stopping by!

  9. I'm behind on this series, but I loved the ones I have read. Hope you have a great weekend! :)

    1. Ashley - It's a fun series. :-) Thank you for visiting!

  10. I love Martha Wells and her Murderbot series! And I'm loving the spring weather we've been having here in Utah. Hope you have a fabulous weekend! :D

    1. Lark - I need to pick up and read the second book. It's such a good series. Thank you for stopping by!

  11. Coleson Whitehead really is good and I liked Nickel Boys a lot!

    1. Helen - It was such a good book, wasn't it? Thank you for visiting!

  12. I have several of your New to You on my TBR though I think the only one I've read is Elizabeth Penny. Keeper of the Lost Cities looks really intriguing. I should try the series!

    1. Katherine - It's a fun series. :-) Thank you for stopping by!

  13. You did crazy but that is good! I have legends and lattes and REALLY need to start it

    1. Blodeuedd - LOL Never ask me what my favorite book is. It would be a very long list too. I hope you enjoy Legends and Lattes when you read it. It's sooooo good! Thank you for visiting!

  14. Yikes about the bees. When I was a kid we had wasps living in a wall- there was a small hole on the outside of the house they were using to enter/exit. My parents tried several methods to encourage them to leave- I think they ended up spraying something in the middle of the night. I hope you find a way to relocate your bees safely!

    1. Jeane - I am so tired of the bees. I thought we had gotten the problem resolved, but clearly now I see we didn't. They just went on a vacation and now they are back. :-( Thank you for stopping by!

  15. Travis Baldree and Martha Wells are both on my TBR!

    1. Jen - I hope you enjoy their books when you read them! Thank you for visiting!

  16. Lots of interesting authors and happenings in this post. Have a wonderful week.

  17. Some great musings here! Wow so many stand out authors that's great you've been reading so many books you enjoyed.
    As many books as you read, you'd cross off a bunch of squares on our bingo cards!
    Julie @

    1. Julie - It was a good reading month. :-) Thank you for visiting!

  18. So happy to see Leigh Bardugo on your list of new to you authors! And at 5 books already last year -- I think I've only read 4 books from her, and the first one was years ago. :D She's a fantastic writer though.

    So cool that you tend to remember book covers bc of the content! I'm a pretty visual person, so I'll remember an aesthetically pleasing cover regardless of the content. 😂 No plus points for the pretty covers though! If the content is bad, I'll still hate it. And if there's a fantastic book with an ugly cover, I'll still remember it. <3

    aimee @ aimee can read

    1. Aimee - I have enjoyed the Leigh Bardugo books I've read. I need to read more by her.

      Unfortunately, a pretty cover can't make up for a bad book, I agree. Thank you for stopping by!

  19. Book covers for romance books in the 80's and 90's were different. Especially the historical. lol I can always spot those.

    1. Mary - They definitely have an easy to identify look. LOL Thank you for visiting!

  20. I like your site's new color look. Nice! The Nickel Boys was my first Colson Whitehead book too ... and it was an eye-opener. Also RF Kuang's Yellowface was great. So I'd like to read more of their books.

    1. Susan - Thank you! I'm recycling an older look I used to have. I missed the red. I would like to read more of RF Kuang's books too. Thank you for stopping by!

  21. Replies
    1. Sarah - It was good! I recommend it! Thank you for visiting!


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