Saturday, January 07, 2023

Weekly Mews: A Rainy Start to January

I am linking up to the Sunday Post hosted by Kim of Caffeinated Book Reviewer and The Sunday Salon (TSS) hosted by Deb Nance of Readerbuzz  where participants recap our week, talk about what we are reading, share any new books that have come our way, and whatever else we want to talk about. I am also linking It's Monday! What Are you Reading? hosted by Kathryn of Book Date where readers talk about what they have been, are and will be reading.

I am linking up Stacking the Shelves hosted by Marlene of Reading Reality a meme in which participants share what new books came their way recently.  

Rain! I am loving all this rain. There's a little reprieve this weekend, but another storm is on it's way. All this rain will not get rid of the drought, but it will help. My uncle up in Northern California posted photos on Facebook of the damage in his part of the state. As much as I like the rain, I do not like the destruction it is causing or the lives the flooding has taken. I feel for all of you who are dealing with inclement weather and hope you are staying safe and warm. 

The first week of the new year was fairly uneventful. Mouse started back to school last Monday (it made the local news even--ours was evidently the only district in the area to send kids back to school on a national holiday--there were quite a few disgruntled parents). Work picked up towards the end of the week. I have a feeling it will be back to being crazy busy this coming week. 

I finally have a new desk! I still don't have my own desk in the office (I desk share with other supervisors), but at least when I am working from home, I will have a desk that will hopefully not require me to use a TV tray on the side. Mouse, Anjin and I plan to dedicate time tomorrow to putting the desk together and getting it in place. 

At the moment, my house is filled with the sound of giggles and chatter. Mouse has a couple of friends over to play. We took them out for lunch earlier and put them to work helping carry boxes of book donations to the local library. We couldn't fit all the boxes in the car this trip and so will have to make another trip next weekend. 

I am experimenting with my weekend post format, trying to decide what content I want to include and where. In my dream blogging world, I would have full monthly features for Poetry Corner, Mouse's Corner, and On the Spinner Rack, but, truth be told, that isn't my reality right now. Family, work, and other commitments and interests all get a share of my time. I know many, if not all of you, can relate. Besides, I am not sure I want to review all the manga and graphic novels (On the Spinner Rack) or poetry (Poetry Corner) I read.  If I decide a full review is in order, I will do a separate post. My darling husband, Anjin, created the headers for me. He is way more tech savvy than I am! 

I lean more toward being a monogamous reader, but sometimes I take on more than one book at a time. What I am not: a fast or prolific reader--at least not compared to many of you. My confidence though was given a boost recently when I came across this on Google (because random information that pops up on my phone when I'm doing a search about which big books would make good year long reads is so noteworthy): 

The average number of books read is much less than 33, at least in the U.S. The number 33 is based on the average speed a person reads per Lenstore's online reading quiz (Lenstore is a British contact lens company with which I have no affiliation). It isn't based on how many books a person actually reads, but literally how much you can read. According to last year's Gallup Poll, American adult readers are averaging about 12.6 books (in all formats: print, e-books, and audio books) a year. Evidently the number of non-readers hasn't changed much over the years, but the amount of books readers read has gone down. Ultimately though, it is not about how much we read, but how much we get out of it what we are hoping to. 

Anyway, I went off on a tangent, didn't I? Back to being a monogamous reader. Or not, as the case may be at the moment. 

What I am reading: 
A Darker Shade of Magic (Shades of Magic #1) by V.E. Schwab (Fantasy)
Exes & O's by Amy Lea (Romance)
Dreyer's English by Benjamin Dreyer (Nonfiction)

My TBR List is hosted by the awesome Michelle  at Because Reading. It’s a fun way to choose a book from your TBR pile to read. The 1st Saturday of every month, I will list 3 books I am considering reading and let you vote for my next read during that month. My review will follow (unfortunately, not likely in the same month, but eventually--that's all I can promise). 

I could use your help deciding which book to read next! Which of these three books do you think I should read next? Have you read any of them? If so, what did you think? 

The Reading List by Sara Nisha Adams (2021)
An unforgettable and heartwarming debut about how a chance encounter with a list of library books helps forge an unlikely friendship between two very different people in a London suburb.

Widower Mukesh lives a quiet life in the London Borough of Ealing after losing his beloved wife. He shops every Wednesday, goes to Temple, and worries about his granddaughter, Priya, who hides in her room reading while he spends his evenings watching nature documentaries.

Aleisha is a bright but anxious teenager working at the local library for the summer when she discovers a crumpled-up piece of paper in the back of To Kill a Mockingbird. It’s a list of novels that she’s never heard of before. Intrigued, and a little bored with her slow job at the checkout desk, she impulsively decides to read every book on the list, one after the other. As each story gives up its magic, the books transport Aleisha from the painful realities she’s facing at home.

When Mukesh arrives at the library, desperate to forge a connection with his bookworm granddaughter, Aleisha passes along the reading list… hoping that it will be a lifeline for him too. Slowly, the shared books create a connection between two lonely souls, as fiction helps them escape their grief and everyday troubles and find joy again. [Goodreads Summary]

Dear Fahrenheit 451: Love and Heartbreak in the Stacks by Annie Spence (2017)
A Gen-X librarian's snarky, laugh-out-loud funny, deeply moving collection of love letters and break-up notes to the books in her life.

Librarians spend their lives weeding--not weeds but books! Books that have reached the end of their shelf life, both literally and figuratively. They remove the books that patrons no longer check out. And they put back the books they treasure. Annie Spence, who has a decade of experience as a Midwestern librarian, does this not only at her Michigan library but also at home, for her neighbors, at cocktail parties—everywhere. In
Dear Fahrenheit 451, she addresses those books directly. We read her love letters to The Goldfinch and Matilda, as well as her snarky break-ups with Fifty Shades of Grey and Dear John. Her notes to The Virgin Suicides and The Time Traveler’s Wife feel like classics, sure to strike a powerful chord with readers. Through the lens of the books in her life, Annie comments on everything from women’s psychology to gay culture to health to poverty to childhood aspirations. Hilarious, compassionate, and wise, Dear Fahrenheit 451 is the consummate book-lover's birthday present, stocking stuffer, holiday gift, and all-purpose humor book. [Goodreads Summary]

Midnight at the Bright Ideas Bookstore by Matthew J. Sullivan (2017)
When a bookshop patron commits suicide, his favorite store clerk must unravel the puzzle he left behind. Lydia Smith lives her life hiding in plain sight. A clerk at the Bright Ideas bookstore, she keeps a meticulously crafted existence among her beloved books, eccentric colleagues, and the BookFrogs.....the lost and lonely regulars who spend every day marauding the store’s overwhelmed shelves.

But when Joey Molina, a young, beguiling BookFrog, kills himself in the bookstore’s upper room, Lydia’s life comes unglued. Always Joey’s favorite bookseller, Lydia has been bequeathed his meager worldly possessions. Trinkets and books; the detritus of a lonely, uncared for man. But when Lydia flips through his books she finds them defaced in ways both disturbing and inexplicable. They reveal the psyche of a young man on the verge of an emotional reckoning. And they seem to contain a hidden message. What did Joey know? And what does it have to do with Lydia?

As Lydia untangles the mystery of Joey’s suicide, she unearths a long buried memory from her own violent childhood. Details from that one bloody night begin to circle back. Her distant father returns to the fold, along with an obsessive local cop, and the Hammerman, a murderer who came into Lydia’s life long ago and, as she soon discovers, never completely left.
[Goodreads Summary]

Thank you for voting!

Iliana of Bookgirl's Nightstand mentioned having read A Nature Poem for Every Night of the Year edited by Jane McMorland Hunter this past year, and I liked the idea enough to get my own copy. It is one of those books that I can read through every year if I want to. The book is described as a "calming collection of nature poems to help you relax and unwind at the end of every day."

I almost think Sara Coleridge's poem, "The Months", which is the January 2nd poem, would have been a good one to start off the collection given it is sort of an ode to all the months:

January brings the snow,
Make our feet and fingers glow.

But ultimately, I agree with the editor's choice to begin with "Tapestry Trees" by William Morris. It sets the perfect tone for the start of the year: 

I am the Roof-tree and the Keel;
I bridge the seas for woe and weal.

I like to read poetry out loud and this one reads well with its rhyming couplets, each of which opens with a different type of tree and touches on the different seasons within some of the descriptions. Perhaps my favorite from the Morris's poem:

High o're the mead-flowers' hidden feet
I bear aloft my burden sweet.

So far I have enjoyed all the poems. I read about the four seasons of life in "Sonnet: The Human Seasons" by John Keets, which is a moving poem. There is also John Greenleaf's Whittier's "A Dream of Summer" which I imagine many of you in colder climates would appreciate right about now. Shakespeare makes an appearance with "Sonnet 60".  I may not be a fan of his plays, but I do enjoy his poetry.

I will leave you with an excerpt from Friday's poem, "Not so Far as the Forest" by Edna St. Vincent Millay:

The sun sets in a cloud 
And is not seen.  
Beauty, that spoke aloud, 
Addresses now only the remembering ear. 
The heart begins here 
To feed on what has been.

I am in between graphic novels and manga at the moment. Next up on my TBR are Guts by Reina Telgemeiger (which my daughter handed me last month and told me I needed to read) and Witch Hat Atelier, Vol. 10 by Kamome Shirahama (my daughter's already read it because she called first dibs). Will I get to them this coming week? I am not sure, but I will try. 

For Christmas this year, I accidentally got Mouse the second and third light novel versions of My Happy Marriage, thinking I was getting the manga versions. Anjin recommended I get the first light novel for her because sometimes the telling of a story doesn't line up exactly between the two book types. And so she ended up with the first three light novel versions (and I've pre-ordered the 2nd volume of the manga version which comes out next week). Mouse recently finished the first volume of of the light novel, My Happy Marriage by Akumi Agitogi, illustrated by Tsukiho Tsukioka. Mouse said it was more detailed than the manga version, just as exciting, and she liked them both about the same. 

Mouse is currently reading the 8th book in Shannon Messenger's Keeper of the Lost Cities series, Legacy. She described the series as "dramatic and intense". I told her I was thinking of giving the series a try and she warned me it is filled with drama, which I might not like. Anjin's response was, "Have you seen the types of books your mom reads?" I think there is some fear on her part that I won't like her favorite series if I do read it. 

Mouse recently found a gift card from her birthday last year she didn't realize she had. She went crazy spending it on manga she wasn't able to find at our local bookstores. She's anxiously awaiting that package to arrive next week. 

New to my shelves:

Bad Girls Drink Blood (Blood Fae Druid #1) by S.L. Choi (because of Carole)
A Nature Poem for Every Night of the Year edited by Jane McMorland Hunter (because of Iliana)

What new books made it onto your shelf recently? 

I have been watching lots of Grey's Anatomy. I just finished season 8. It's a good show to have on in the background as I blog and respond to comments. I have long passed the season where I stopped watching the show when it initially aired, although I know parts of what happens in later seasons thanks to various news and gossip sources. Avoiding the spoilers was not possible. As a family, we watched the last episode of the first season of Spy x Family. I like the anime, but I much prefer it in its original manga form. 

What have you watched recently?

© 2023, Musings of a Bookish Kitty. All Rights Reserved. If you're reading this on a site other than Musings of a Bookish Kitty or Wendy's feed, be aware that this post has been stolen and is used without permission.


  1. You had a great week! I have sisters who live in So Cal, and they have been telling me about all the rain. It's so much rain up north!

    1. Wendy - We're expecting another storm this week. My brother who lives up north was telling me his power is out this weekend too--this time just because of the wind. Hopefully it won't be out as long this time. Thank you for visiting!

  2. Great post! We're getting a lot of rain in Oregon, but we're used to it. I feel for those in Northern CA!

    I listened to Dear Fahrenheit 451 six years ago (Jan 6, 2018!) and loved it. If interested, here's a link to my review. I enjoyed it so well, I bought the hardcover edition for my keeper shelf.

    1. Les - I feel for those in Northern California too. Parts of Southern California have gotten hit hard today. And while my area has gotten a lot of rain today, it hasn't been too bad. Some street flooding and minor damage from the wind, but that's about it.

      Thank you for sharing your review of Dear Fahrenheit 451 with me! It sounds like such a fun book!

      Thank you for stopping by!

  3. Happy New Year! I should read more poetry. And Bad Girls drink Blood sounds great. :)

    It is nice to have a comfort show on in the background sometimes. :)

    Hope your new year is off to a great start.

    1. Greg - Thank you! I am looking forward to Choi's book. I always tell myself I will read more poetry. Hopefully I actually well this year. :-) I hope you have a great year too. Thank you for visiting!

  4. I think it's so interesting to know that based on reading speed the average person can read only 33 books per year, considering that there are many in our community who reads hundreds (not me lol). So how do they do it?! I would love to read the full study on that one!

    Sounds like a good first week of the year and yay for getting a desk! I didn't have one for a bit back in 2020 when I was working from home and it was rough. And I love imagining Mouse playing with her friends - she's grown up so much! I remember when she was barely in Kinder! Time sure does fly.

    Oh and I voted for Dear Fahrenheit 451. I loved Fahrenheit 451 when I read it decades ago, so I'm very interested in this one. I hope you enjoy whichever book wins! (we're also not reviewing our winning book the same month - that just doesn't work for us these days).

    Have a great week!

    1. Berls - I wish I could read the full study too. I'm skeptical. LOL My daughter wanted to take the quiz and was disappointed she scored lower than I did. I explained to her that I've been reading a lot longer and am older--that someday she'll read circles around me. :-) She really is so grown! She's got that nearly teen attitude. Time really does fly.

      I'm looking forward to having a bigger desk. We didn't get put together this weekend as planned, unfortunately, but definitely next weekend.

      Thank you for voting and stopping by!

  5. Well yes life can be crazy busy and get in the way of our blogging plnas. But as this is a hobby I say that we don't feel guilty for not doing it exactly as we planned and enjoy the process!

    1. Sophie - Especially this time of year, I feel especially ambitious blogging wise, lots of ideas and big plans, but not at all realistic. Maybe when I retire and my daughter is all grown. I've been blogging so long that I don't feel guilt over not being able to do it all anymore, but I still dream. :-) Thank you for visiting!

  6. I need to read Dear Fahrenheit 451! It sounds fantastic. Also, that was my vote for you as well!

    1. Erin - It does sound good, doesn't it? Thank you for voting and stopping by!

  7. I like how you arranged your post this week. I always enjoy voting on what you might read next, but I also like seeing what Mouse is reading along with your poetry corner.

    Speaking of poetry...I decided to read a poem a day this year. I had hoped to read the book of nature poems like Iliana, but I didn't get that for Christmas. So I decided to make my own book of poems on a Google Doc, download it as a PDF, and add it to my Kindle.

    1. Deb - Thank you. A little different, but not too different. I always look forward to seeing which book you all pick for me to read. What a creative way to create your own list of poems to read every day! Thank you for visiting!

  8. Lol! You sound like you honestly love having kids around. I adore my kids, but was so relieved to have the reprieve when school went back into session. Have a nice week!


    1. Rachel - I am just happy to see my daughter having fun with her friends. She doesn't get to see them as often as she used to. I hope you have a nice week too! Thank you for stopping by!

  9. Ha! I just replied to your comment on my post (I'm late getting to responding there!) commiserating about all your rain, but here you say you love it! For some reason, I thought you were closer to the Bay Area, so it sounds like you are actually farther from all the damage than I thought, which is good. Yes, it will help with the drought and we need all the help we can get!

    I voted for The Reading List in your poll. That was the only one of the books I've read, but I really loved it!

    1. Melinda - Yes, I'm farther south and inland. I braved opening the windows today but I think it was still a bit too cold for me. Thank you for voting and visiting!

  10. I think I say this every month, but I do enjoy that you let the blogging community pick your next read. :-)

    The rain in So Cal has been wonderful and I am really looking forward to the next storm even though I have a college friend coming to visit and it will curtail our activities.

    1. Helen - I enjoy having you help me choose my next read. It's one of my favorite times of the month. :-) Although sometimes I really struggle with which books to have you all vote on. I am looking forward to more rain too. I hope your friend has a nice visit despite the weather. Thank you for stopping by!

  11. I like the sections which organize the post. It's easier to read. Haha well I never expected to be average in my life - I read about 300 books a year. I also don't watch much tv these days though. And audiobooks doubled the number I read in a year. It used to only be about 150. So it took me from 3 books a week to 6 books a week. Your 3 options are all interesting and bookish.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

    1. Anne - Thank you. I figure it would make it easier for people to skip over what they aren't interested in too. :-) Thank you for visiting!

  12. Sounds like a good week. I used to watch Grey's Anatomy, can't remember what season I stopped at. Have a great week!

    1. Cindy - I couldn't solidly tell you when the re-watching and the new watching began, honestly. I do remember why I liked the show though. But I don't know if I would want to go to that hospital for care. LOL I hope you have a great week too. Thank you for stopping by!

  13. Oh my gosh I'm so glad you got a copy of the poetry book! I always love to read at night and I'm finding it particularly a great habit to read one poem in the evening. This year I've got her Happy Poems to end the night and so far it's another winner! The weather is such a strange thing isn't it? Glad you're getting rain but hopefully it will just be normal! We're having almost a spring-like winter. I've had to pull out shorts and short-sleeved shirts again! Anyway, hope you have a great week ahead and I already submitted my vote for your next read. That was hard - all three sound excellent!

    1. Iliana - I could not resist when I saw your mention of it. Thank you for the recommendation! Your weather sounds very pleasant. Hopefully it sticks. Thank you for stopping by!

  14. I hope the rain lets up, storms that cause damage are so scary. Your book choices all look good, I voted for Midnight at the Bright Ideas Bookstore. That's nice you got your new desk to work from home. I'm thinking of getting a larger desk for my remote space.
    That's great your husband is tech savvy and can help with some of the blog stuff. There's never enough hours in the day for it all. I find scheduling my weekly posts on the weekends helps me alot.
    Good luck to Mouse with school this year and happy reading!

    1. Naida - I hope this next storm will cause less damage. We desperately need the rain though. If only Mother Nature went for a balance . . . Thank you for voting and stopping by!

  15. It is scary how much damage water can do and how quickly it can happen. I can't believe that your daughter had to go back on Monday! That doesn't seem right. Congrats on getting a desk! I know that it will be nice for you to have. I am so glad to see that you grabbed S.L. Choi's book! I hope that you like it as much as I did!

    1. Carole - It really is. So many areas aren't built for the amount of rain they are receiving. I can't believe she had to go back on Monday too. I know some parents ended up keeping their kids home that day anyway. I had wanted to get a new desk at the start of the pandemic when I started working a hybrid schedule, but we kept putting it off because we thought I'd be going back fulltime any day. I still might end up going back to the office full-time, but not for awhile from the looks of it. Thank you for recommending Choi's book! I look forward to reading it and the sequel eventually. Thank you for visiting!

  16. I so enjoyed Midnight at the Bright Ideas Bookstore but I also have The Reading List on my shelves so it was a hard choice. One I've read, or one I haven't. It could have gone either way. LOL~ Forgot to add poetry to my reading list this year. Thanks for the reminder. Love that your kids are warning you about dramatic books. I remember when we used to let our parents know whether a movie was okay to watch or not and now my son has taken on that role with me. Funny how things go full circle. Happy New Year!

    1. Robin - I am glad to hear you enjoyed Midnight at the Bright Ideas Bookstore. Sadly, that one has been on my TBR shelf awhile--and still unread. I collect books faster than I read them. I hope we both enjoy The Reading List when we read it. I keep hearing good things about it.

      Ah, yes! While we were out for dinner with my daughter's friends Saturday, I mentioned that I was reading A Darker Shade of Magic--a book both girls have read), and we had a good discussion about it; I almost forgot they are only 10 and 11 years old. I wish I could say they didn't give anything away, but they did. Oh well. I'm not as anti-spoiler as I once was. I hope you have a Happy New Year too. Thank you for stopping by!

  17. Vicki - If you read any of them, I hope you like them (and I hope I will too!). Thank you for visiting!

  18. Happy New Year! Life almost always seems to be in the way of my ideal blogging plans so I definitely relate to this post. Congrats on the new desk!

  19. I live in Northern California now (moved 7 months ago) but I used to live in Southern California, and we've had soos much rain! We've had over 19 inches since around Christmas! My son still lives in So Cal and he's been getting a ton too. We need it, but I feel for those who've had to struggle with flooding issues.

    A Nature Poem for Every Night of the Year has such a pretty cover!

    1. Rachel - I hope you are able to stay safe with all this rain. I love Northern California and would be willing to move back there if circumstances made that possible. It's so much greener there!

      I really like the cover of A Nature Poem for Every Night of the Year too. :-) Thank you for stopping by!

  20. Spy x Family is fun but I'm following the manga rather than the anime. Recently, I've been watching Wednesday, which is fun - hopefully I'll finish it.

    1. Eustacia - We're all caught up with the Spy x Family--at least those volumes published in English here in the U.S. As I mentioned, I prefer the manga to the anime but we do enjoy both. We really enjoyed Wednesday and hope you do too! Thank you for visiting!

  21. Happy New Year to you and your family Wendy! It sounds like you have had a good start to the year. I have only read one of the tree books you are considering next, but the two I haven't read sound good, so I am going to see if I can find them. I am watching Doc Martin and have binged the first 6 seasons since the New Year. I am sorry to see all the destruction caused by the rain as well. I pray that no more lives are lost.

    1. Carla - Same to you! It was a nice start to the year. We usually bring in the new year with just our little family so it was fun to do bring in the year with friends for a change. Thank you for stopping by!

  22. So many great books.. so many of them are already on my TBR list. 33 books huh.. guess i'm not that far off with my 28 books of the year.

    1. Hena - Thank you! 12.6 if you go by the actual amount of books people read. So, you're way ahead of the curve. Thank you for visiting!

  23. Happy New Year! I liked Dear 451 Fahrenheit but I think Midnight at the Bright Ideas Bookstore looks really good. Actually I don't think you can go wrong with any of their books. Yay for the new desk! That makes life so much easier. Have a wonderful week!

    1. Katherine - Thank you! I hope I can fit in all three of the books at some point. I think my daughter's favoring the Bright Ideas Bookstore too. :-) Thank you for stopping by!

  24. I grew up in Redondo Beach, Ca and I miss the beach. But here in Las Vegas I don't have to worry about hurricanes, tornadoes, or many earthquakes. Just the Summer heat and some flash flooding when it rains. it's been drizzling all day today which is nice.

    1. Mary - I am sure your heat would be a deterrent for some. And hopefully you aren't too affected by drought conditions like we've been here. I love the beach, but I am more of a mountain person. At least in the summer because I hate snow. LOL Thank you for visiting!

  25. Happy New Year!

    I'm glad California is finally getting some rain, but the flooding and destruction in parts of the state are terrible. I hope your uncle is all right.

    I've concluded that balancing the blog and everything else (family, work, house, hobbies) is impossible from a practical standpoint, at least for me. Family and work come first, of course, but after that? Sometimes the blog gets done but the housecleaning gets put off, and sometimes the spinning or knitting gets done but no reviews get written. Throw fiction writing into the mix, and the blog definitely goes on the back burner.

    1. Lark - Me too! We desperately need the rain. The mountains have gotten a lot of snow too, which is even better for the drought conditions here.

      I am with you. Balancing everything is not practical. There has to be some give somewhere. Family and work do come first for me as well. We do what we can and that's all we can do. Thank you for stopping by!

  26. I voted for Dear Fahrenheit 451 because it sounds really good and the other two (which I listened to on audio) were a bit disappointing for me.

    1. Laurie - I'm sorry the other two were disappointing to you. Hopefully they will work better for me. Thanks for voting and visiting!

  27. The headings are sweet :)
    Those averages feel very low to me, but I’ve always been a fast reader and I acknowledge I’m the outlier rather than the other way round.

    Wishing you a great reading week

    1. Shelleyrae - Thank you! They seem low to me too. Thank you for stopping by!

  28. I'm not a fast reader at all, but I usually manage to read about 100 books a year. I think that's low compared to what I see others are reading. I used to watch Grey's Anatomy but stopped a couple of seasons ago. I got bored but I wonder if I'd like it better binging what I haven't watched. Maybe I'll try that. I like to watch TV while blogging too. Have a great week!

    1. Yvonne - Well compared to those two sources, you are a very fast reader. And compared to me. :-) I think that's why I stopped watching Grey's initially, but I settled on it when deciding what show I wouldn't mind zoning out of occasionally while I am blogging. If the show is too interesting, I don't get much blogging done. Haha. I hope you have a great week too! Thank you for visiting!

  29. Quite a lot of activity in your reading life right now! That's great. Enjoy. Here's my first review of the year.

    1. Lyn - Now if I only had more time to do all the reading I want to! Thank you for stopping by!

    2. I know, too many books not enough time! lol


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