Monday, July 25, 2016

Where Is Your Bookmark? (07/26/2016)

I am currently reading (and enjoying) Amanda Quick's 'Til Death Do Us Part, a Gothic mystery romance, which the majority of you voted for as my July read. The protagonist owns an introduction service in Victorian London and is being stalked by an unknown person. She turns to a reclusive crime fiction author for assistance in finding out who is targeting her.

'Til Death Do Us Part by Amanda Quick 

Every Tuesday Diane from Bibliophile By the Sea First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros, where participants share the first paragraph (or a few) of a book they are reading or thinking about reading soon. It is also where I share my first impressions about the book I am sharing.

"I've got to get rid of her, Birch." Nestor Kettering reached for the brandy bottle and refilled his glass. "I can't abide the sight of my wife. You have no idea what it's like living with her in the same house."

Every Tuesday, Jenn from Books And A Beat hosts Teaser Tuesdays at which time participants grab their current read, open to a random page, and share two (2) "teaser" sentences from that page while avoiding any spoilers.

Teaser from page 3% of 'Til Death Do Us Part:
For a precious few seconds he debated where to leave his gift. The bed or the dressing table? 
The bed, he decided. So much more intimate. 

Teaser from page 6% of 'Til Death Do Us Part:
"The last thing I need is a professional fortune hunter trying to make me believe that he is still in love with me after he abandoned me to marry another woman. I would remind you that I am not alone in this house. My housekeeper and butler may be elderly, but I assure you they are still quite capable of whistling for a constable if necessary. Yes, Nestor, I will scream bloody murder if that's what it takes to remove you from the premises."

What do you think? Would you keep reading?  

I am intrigued already!

What are you reading at the moment?  Is it anything you would recommend?

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by the lovely ladies at Broke and Bookish.

This week's  Top Ten Tuesday is Top Ten Things Books Have Made Me Want To Do or Not Do.

Things Books Have Made Me Want To Do:

1. Own and work in a bookstore - Whether it's The Readers of Broken Wheel Recommend Broken Wheel Recommend or The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry or another book set in a bookstore, I understand it would be hard work and I might find a dead body or two, but what reader wouldn't want to be surrounded by books all day?

2. Travel ~ Reading has let me travel all around the world, and so many of those places I would love to visit in person. Be it London, Australia, Narnia, New York City, Japan. Anywhere really.

3. Go back in time ~ Oh, how I would love to go back and time and meet some of my favorite historical characters in person, not to mention see how they really lived. And wouldn't it be amazing to experience some of history's greatest moments in person?

4. Hang out at Hogwarts ~ I have always wished I could explore the campus and surrounding grounds more fully. It is a magical place. If I met up with a few of my favorite characters from the Harry Potter books, well, I wouldn't mind that either.

5. Have magical powers/Save the day ~ I have always enjoyed stories involving magic, and would love to one or more magical abilities myself. In my ordinary very normal life, I sometimes enjoy reading a book in which I can place myself in the place of the hero or heroine, saving the day. Even if no one else knows, I have thought I wouldn't mind doing that in real life.

Things Books Have Made Me Not Want To Do:

1. Date a vampire ~ Can you imagine cuddling up to someone who is so cold? And, well, dead? Not to mention he will likely want to drink my blood. Plus, where vampires go,  trouble always follows.

2. Go intentionally into a dangerous situation alone--or without at least telling someone what I was doing ~ Because that's a sure sign I am too stupid to live (TSTL) and will likely wind up in a lot of trouble.

3. Go back in time ~ No indoor plumbing, inadequate medical care, and women weren't exactly always treated well.

4. Hang out at the Overlook Hotel ~ If you've ever read Stephen King's The Shining, you'll understand why.

5. Have the weight of the world on my shoulders ~ If I did have those magical powers and, as much as I would like to have saved the day, the actual work to do the saving would probably be hard, cruel and I would likely almost die a few times before the final outcome. I'm not sure I would be up for that.

What are some of the things books have made you want to do or not do? Please share in the comments!

© 2016, Wendy Runyon of Musings of a Bookish Kitty. All Rights Reserved. If you're reading this on a site other than Musings of a Bookish Kitty or Wendy's feed, be aware that this post has been stolen and is used without permission.


  1. I'm a big Jayne Ann Krantz fan and love her Amanda Quick novels too. Enjoyed reading your list as well.

    1. Catherine - I've never read any of her books--well except this one. :-) It's good so far!

  2. I bought this book after you talked about it a couple of weeks ago. I'm looking forward to reading it.

    1. Margot - I hope you enjoy it! I like it so far. I'm about half way through it--and it's going pretty fast. I just haven't had a lot of reading time. :-(

  3. Definitely HELL NO to The Overlook. I am shuddering just thinking about it. Those girls! The creepy topiaries in the book!! Jack Nicholson!! And also NO to the vampire boyfriend thing. I never did get that phase. Okay, so Robert Pattinson is hot. But if he's dead, he's off my list.

    Owning a bookstore though.... omg so much YES!

    1. Michelle - Especially not overnight. I am happy staying far away from the Overlook. I still have nightmares about the topiaries. I actually don't mind reading about vampires, but I don't get the allure.

  4. Great list! I'd like to go back in time too, but you're right conditions might not be that great. As long as I could come back to the present... :) And owning a bookstore would be on my list too- love your comment about finding bodies. So true!!

    1. Greg - Thank you! I would have a lot of qualifications before I agree to go back in time. LOL Like, as you said, being able to come back to the present.

  5. Can't deny it - still kind of want to date a Vampire. But one of those not entirely accurate ones who still have body warmth and have beating hearts. I just like the supernaturalness and broody alpha maleness.
    There are a surprising number of books I've read where the main characters work in book stores. I'd love to work in one too!

    1. Kate - I'll date the werewolf and you can date the vampire, how about that? ;-)

      I think it would be fun to work in a bookstore. I used to work in a library many many many years ago. It's still one of my favorite jobs.

  6. I look forward to your review on that Amanda Quick's book and I'm definitely with you on that TTT list.

    1. Melody - The list could have gone on a while. LOL I am enjoying Quick's book so far.

  7. I smiled at that "hang out at the Overlook" statement LOL - I'll pass as well.

    Not sure about your intro pick for today but, I hope that you love it.

    1. Diane - I don't even think I'd want to go if it were a group trip. Too scary.

  8. Great teaser! And yes, I do agree, books made me want to hang out at Hogwarts too. :)

    Here's my teaser.

    1. Majanka - We could probably spend days wandering around Hogwarts. Weeks, even. I would love to visit there.

  9. I love your list of want and not want to dos. I would definitely like to time travel and own a book store. Definitely keep reading. I've heard nothing but great things about Amanda Quick and this book in particular.

    1. Kathy - Thank you! It was fun to put together. :-) This is my first Amanda Quick novel and if it's anything to go by, it won't be my last.

  10. I'm pretty sure I could have spent my life happily working in a bookstore. Yes. Inspired by books.

    1. Deb - Sometimes I think I might try to get a job in a bookstore when I retire from my current job. Heck, sometimes I wish I could afford to that now.

  11. Kind of creepy teaser. Books do inspire me and make me happier.

    My TT from Shepherd & the Professor

    1. Laura - It is creepy, isn't it? I'm still in the dark about who the stalker might be. It could be anyone just about.

  12. I enjoyed this one. Of course, I am a big fan of anything Amanda Quick writes. My teaser this week comes from cozy mystery The Bluebonnet Betrayal by Marty Wingate. Happy reading!

    1. Kathy - I am really enjoying it so far. I definitely would like to read more by the author. Thanks for stopping by!

  13. I haven't read a gothic book in awhile but I always enjoy them. I just started a Netgalley read which I haven't seen around but it is good so far. Only Daughter.

    1. Marce - I haven't seen much mention of Only Daughter either, although I have heard of it. I hope you are enjoying it!

  14. Great list! I love the way you listed things you want to do and not want to do :) Travelling it definitely up there that I pick up from books.

    My TTT

    1. Lianne - Thank you. :-) I love to travel, but do so little of it. So many places I would like to visit thanks to the books I read.

  15. I have read and loved many books by the alter ego Jayne Ann Krentz....I must try Amanda Quick! Love the opening lines. Thanks for sharing, and here's mine: “CONFESS”

    1. Laurel-Rain - I have a Jayne Ann Krentz book in my TBR pile to read. I am looking forward to giving it a try. I'm enjoying 'Til Death Do Us Part so far.

  16. Definitely avoid TSTL moments! It's best and if you can't avoid them don't take your child to one that involves confronting a murder over a vat of turpentine. That was the last time I read that partucluar author! Also, dating vampires does sound bad. But if you own a bookstore I will definitely come visit! Great list and I love that teaser from Til Death Do Us Part. It's on my TBR!

    1. Katherine - A character took her child to confront a murderer?! That would really bother me too.

  17. Noooo... this week's Top Ten feels wrong on SO many levels. I read books to escape from my life - not drag bits of them back into my own existence! Having said that, I enjoyed reading your article - do you think you could part with any of the books in your shop, though? The book seemed distinctly creepy... I'll be interested to know how you get on with it when you've finished it. This is my TT

    1. Sarah - I know what you mean. Although I don't always read just to escape, right now with the political climate, I'm feeling that's the best option. At one time I might have been averse to letting go of books, but not so much anymore. :-)

  18. :) I'm not sure I'd really like owning a bookshop. I'm afraid I would find customers interrupting my reading!

    1. Jenclair - Yes, that could be a problem. Too many interruptions make me cranky.

  19. Replies
    1. Beth - I'm glad to hear you like her books! So far so good. :-)

  20. This looks like a really good book. I'd keep reading! Also, I loved your top ten list!

    1. Monica - It's definitely hooked me! I hope to finish it soon. I want to know how everything turns out!

  21. Owning my own bookstore would be a dream come true. Then you could read any book you wanted for FREE! ;) Great TOP TEN! :D
    My Top Ten Tuesday!

    1. Giovanna - It really would, wouldn't it? If only . . .

  22. This book sounds interesting! Many books have made me want to travel, something I wish I did more often.

    1. A.M.B. - I wish I was able to travel more often. There are so many places I would love to visit. Maybe someday. :-)

  23. Like your list and your book pick. Good Tuesday posts. Happy Reading!

  24. Basically everything on your list of things you want to do is stuff I want to do too!
    My TTT:

  25. Love the Amanda Quick cover and the quotes you chose... you made me want to read it, too. :) And your list of ten things that books either made you want to do, or not want to do--hilarious! And so true. I completely agree with everything on your list. Especially wanting to hang out at Hogwarts and never date a vampire :)

    1. Lark - I really like the cover too. I found a quote yesterday I wish I had found earlier to share. Maybe in my review. :-) I think Hogwarts would be such fun. I want to learn magic too!

  26. I can definitely understand why time travel fits both categories! :)

    Check out my TTT.

    1. Lauren - Haha! Yes it certainly has its pros and cons.

  27. This book sounds great! I might have to add it to my TBR list. Speaking of lists, I'd have to agree with the majority of yours. If I could own a combination bookstore/tea shop, it would be pure bliss.

    1. Mia - I'm enjoying it so far. I really like the main character and her friends. Ooo! A combination bookstore/tea shop would be wonderful!

  28. Own and work in a bookstore has been one of mine since I was a little kid!

    1. Kelly - Wouldn't that be wonderful? I know it would be hard work, especially when it comes to making ends meet, possibly, but the idea of owning and working in a bookstore is very alluring.

  29. Hmm, I'm not sure 'Til Death Do Us Part appeals to me, it certainly doesn't shout 'Gothic'.

    No, I'd definitely not want to date a vampire either - too cold. Now a werewolf would be a whole other matter.

    1. Tracy - Maybe not from my description of it, but reading it, it meets the definition of Gothic Fiction. The cover doesn't quite give that feel though.

      I am right there with you when it comes to the possibly being agreeable to dating a werewolf. :-)


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