Monday, August 10, 2015

Where Is Your Bookmark? (08/11/2015)

Does your mind ever start whirling at top speed with thoughts of all you need to or want to do and then takes you off in all sorts of directions, here and there and everywhere until you feel a bit overwhelmed? Especially when you add in worries and fears. That's my brain lately.  If it isn't this, it is that.  And it's not even big stuff.  At least not right this minute big stuff.  This is when reading most comes in handy. It helps calm my mind, gives me focus, and helps me relax even if just for a little while. If only I could find more time to read (said every reader out there).

I currently am reading Sharon Bolton's Little Black Lies, which is just as good and smart a crime fiction novel as everyone says it is--except for the fact it hits on several issues I am not too keen on reading about because it plays on my fears (so much for calming my mind, right?). I am tempted to glare daggers at all of you who ever recommended I read this book, but it really is good--at least so far.

First Paragraph of Chapter One of Little Black Lies:

I believe just about anyone can kill in the right circumstances, given enough motivation. The question is, am I there yet? I think I must be. Because lately, it seems, I've been thinking of little else.

It is a minute after midnight. In two days' time, it will be the third of November. Two more days. Am I there yet?

Teaser from Little Black Lies at 33% on my Kindle

He's in the middle of the road, staring at me as I hurtle towards him. He is frozen in place. Unafraid. Staring.

What do you think? Would you keep reading?  

What are you reading at the moment?  Is it anything you would recommend?

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by the lovely ladies at Broke and Bookish.

This week's  Top Ten Tuesday theme is My Top Ten Most Read Authors I've Read in the Past Fifteen Years. All of the authors that made my list are series authors. No big surprise there.

1. Jim Butcher ~ Dresden Files, how I love thee . . . I haven't tried his other books, but I hope to.

2. Janet Evanovich ~ I haven't picked up a Janet Evanovich book in awhile. I got burnt out on Stephanie Plum and her the never-ending love triangle between Stephanie, Ranger and Joe Morelli. [highlight text to read spoiler] 

3. Linda Fairstein ~ I enjoy her legal thriller series quite a bit, especially the historical tidbits Fairstein throws in about New York City.

4. Sue Grafton ~ One of my favorite mystery authors ever.

5. Laurell K. Hamilton ~ It has been years since I last read a book by Laurell K. Hamilton. I was a big fan of her Anita Blake Vampire Hunter series in its earlier years.

6. Charlaine Harris ~ I first was introduced to Charlaine Harris through her Southern Vampire series featuring Sookie Stackhouse.  I've enjoyed some of her other books as well.

7. J.A. Jance ~ I follow several of J.A. Jance's series. Reading her books are like visiting old friends.

8. Jonathan Kellerman ~ It's been ages since I last read a Jonathan Kellerman book, but for a number of years, I bought his books as soon as they hit the shelves.

9. Mercedes Lackey ~ My husband-ten-boyfriend introduced me to Mercedes Lackey and her Valdemar fantasy series. I've since several of her other books outside of that series as well.

10. Anne Perry ~ I went crazy over Anne Perry's Inspector Pitt and Charlotte Pitt series years ago and binge read many of her books. I have been wanting to try her World War I series for some time now.

Who are some of your most read authors?

© 2015, Wendy Runyon of Musings of a Bookish Kitty. All Rights Reserved. If you're reading this on a site other than Musings of a Bookish Kitty or Wendy's feed, be aware that this post has been stolen and is used without permission.


  1. So wild how most of these authors could've been on my list, especially if I had stuck to more recent times. However, over my lifetime, my TTT is sort of lopsided in favor of more prolific writers rather than especial brilliant authors who might write less. This was a hard top ten for me to figure out just how to decide how to qualify why certain authors made it on the list.

    1. Beth - I had to set a time frame to make it easier for me to come up with my list. Admittedly, my memory isn't what it used to be, so that made it a little easier (or harder, depending).

  2. Interesting list of authors. I've also read quite a few of those. That first paragraph raises an interesting concept. I'd like to see where this is going.

    1. Margot - Isn't it? I needed to know where it was going to. So far, I haven't been disappointed.

  3. I love Jim Butcher - The Dresden Files is one of my all time favorites. I've read one of the Codex Alera and it was also very good.

    Check out my TTT.

    1. Lauren - I'm glad to hear you liked the first Codex Alera book. I own a copy. I just need to read it!

  4. I like Sharon Bolton so I'd keep reading. Hope you enjoy!

    1. Emma - This is my first by her. My friends are all thinking, "Finally she's giving her a try!" :-)

  5. Yes, sometimes my mind bounces from worries to possibilities to things that are pending and back again. Reading helps me too!
    This book sounds like it's scary. Your Teaser makes me wonder ... will the person be run down by a car? Is that the way the murder is committed?
    My Tuesday post features THE LAND OF MANGO SUNSETS.

    1. Sandra - Reading is a form of meditation, isn't it? At least in a way.

      The book is intense, I'll give it that. And it's only getting more intense as a I read. I was walking down the hall reading as I made my way to my desk after my lunch because I wasn't ready to have to stop reading. I'm anxious to get back to the book tonight. Maybe I'll get lucky and have jury duty tomorrow and can spend the day reading (if I'm not assigned to a jury). That would be nice!

  6. That's quite an intriguing opening. I'd have a hard time putting it down.

    1. Suzie - I am having a hard time putting it down. If I didn't have a vacation coming up next month . . . ;-)

  7. Oh, my mind does the same thing - makes it hard to sleep. Yes, I'd keep reading that book.

    1. Kathy - Yes, it is one that stays with you. There's one scene that was quite disturbing (for me) and I'm so glad I didn't read it before going to bed. I still can't shake it.

  8. That is one awesome intro -- It definitely makes me want more. Hope the rest is just as good.

    1. Diane - I'm almost half way through. I don't know how much I can take. LOL It is really good so far.

  9. I'd likely keep reading -- even if it did keep me up at night. :)

    1. Beth F - This is one of those that will keep you up all night. :-)

  10. It sounds like my kind of book. I'm featuring something a little lighter today. Girl Who Reads

    1. Donna - I will definitely need something lighter after this, I think.

  11. You need to keep reading! Little Black Lies is Bolton's best! The new Kellerman (The Murderer's Daughter) features a different protagonist, Grace Blades. I liked it and hope it makes a new series.

    1. Jenclair - I am, I am. It's so good! I am glad to hear you liked the new Kellerman book. I can't believe how many books he has written.

  12. Little Black Lies has been on my TBR list for a while now. I've been reading mostly thrillers lately, and this one sounds like it would fit in perfectly.

    1. Catherine - You have to read Little Black Lies! I seem to be going through a crime thriller phase right now too. I may take a break from it after this book though.

  13. First of all, I completely understand your mind references. When I am in the midst of that, I call it my 'hamster on a wheel' mind, but I've also heard it referred to as 'monkey mind' - like the monkey with the cymbals. And reading has helped me when I get into that state - mostly. Sometimes I just can't concentrate enough. Good luck with cultivating your 'zen' mind. :-)

    To the books - I so want to read Little Black Lies and will. I notice Jenclair has chimed in with 'Bolton's best'. She told me that too. I've read a bunch of the authors you listed. I, too, did a binge read of the Pitt books a while back. I've read the first book in the WWI series and liked it, but have not completed that set. Have you read the other series with Monk and Hester? I like that one too, just not as much.

    Love your Mouse picture!!

    1. Kay - That's a good analogy--a hamster on a wheel. That's how it feels inside my head right now. :-S Yes, it really can depend. Sometimes even reading can't keep my focus. Thank you for the good luck wishes.:-)

      I would love to get your take on Little Black Lies. This is my first Bolton, and so I have nothing to compare it too. Another Pitt reader! I never did try her Monk and Hester series. I might yet. I think I gave all those books away though with our move a few years ago. I'd bought near the entire series for a very low price during my must-buy-entire-series-at-once-e-bay phase.

      I love that picture of Mouse too. :-)

  14. I keep hearing good things about Mercedes Lackey. I should check out some of her books.

    1. Stephanie - My husband first introduced me to Mercedes Lackey books early in our relationship. They make me feel a bit nostalgic. :-)

  15. Is that a picture of Mouse at Disney? So cute! Love the juxtaposition of desert and princess dress.

    And what you described in the first paragraph about feeling overwhelmed is something I can absolutely relate to. I've been trying to be better about keeping a planner and making lists...but even that can feel overwhelming sometimes!

    1. Trish - Yes! I loved the contrast too. :-) She wanted to be Belle for the day. Crazy girl.

      Sometimes I think my problem is that I am a big planner. Maybe I plan too much. And yet, I stress if I don't have a plan . . . I can't win. We make ourselves crazy. Maybe we should put on princess dresses too.

  16. Little Black Lies has piqued my curiosity...especially since I read another suspense thriller by the same title not too long ago (by Sandra Block). Luckily, they don't sound alike at all, so I think I'm up for trying this one.

    Of your ten authors, Sue Grafton and Jonathan Kellerman are on my "must read" list more often than not. I, too, got burned out on Stephanie Plum...LOL.

    Thanks for sharing...and for visiting my blog.

    1. Laurel-Rain - Sandra Block's book caught my eye when I saw that title too. I hope you do read this one if you get the chance.

      Every now and then I read a review of a new Stephanie Plum book and have to know if Ranger and Morelli are still vying for her attention. That love triangle will never end, will it?

  17. That teaser from Little Black Lies really has my interest! I noticed you have Mercedes Lackey on your top ten. I haven't read any of her books, but she is coming to the book festival held in my state (NC) next month. I'll have to give her a try before the festival! Thanks for visiting Bookworm Book Reviews!

    1. Kimberly - You get to meet Mercedes Lackey?! How exciting! It would be for me, anyway. :-) I hope you have a good time at the book festival. I love events like that.

  18. I would, at least for a little while.

    1. Sonia - You wouldn't be able to stop once you started. :-)

  19. My TT today is for a Sue Grafton book! I didn't do a ten most read authors, but at least three of mine would be the same as yours: Grafton, Evanovich and Harris. I read a lot of classics so Balzac and Zola would be on the list too.

    My TT this week:

    1. Dagny - Sue Grafton is wonderful. I need to catch up with her series.

  20. My mind seems to go like that all too often. I hate it at night, when I just can't turn it off. Anyway, I would keep reading, but that's the kind of girl I am. Thanks so much for dropping in and checking out my blog.

    sherry @ fundinmental

    1. Sherry - At night it can be the worse. Sleep becomes impossible. Ugh. I hate that. I'm sorry you go through that too.

  21. I really need to read Charlaine Harris after hearing so much about her today! My TTT

    1. Carrie - I enjoy her books. They are fun, light reads mostly.

  22. I'm looking forward to reading Little Black Lies! Not only it sounds great but it's Sharon Bolton's!

    Love that pic of Mouse! Great scenery too! :)

    1. Melody - You must read it. I'm surprised you haven't as you seem to always be ahead of me. Haha!

      Thank you. :-) The photo was taken at Disney's California Adventure's Carsland. They really did a good job building that place up.

  23. I should have put Sue Grafton and Janet Evanovish on my list, too. I forgot about those two authors. It has been a while since I read either of them.

    Anne's TTT Most Read Authors

    1. Anne - I am sure I forgot about a couple too. I wasn't the greatest at keeping track all those years ago. And I didn't even think I should count Dr. Seuss who I read so much of these days. He'd probably win by a mile.

  24. I likemany of the authors you chose. I'd add Nevada Barr, but haven't seen a new book in a while.

    1. Harvee - I have only read one of Nevada Barr books. I would really like to read more by her. I hope she comes out with a new book soon for you.

  25. Little Black Lies looks really good.

    Great list of authors. I forgot to add Charlaine Harris to my list. I loved her Sookie books.

    1. Yvonne - Little Black Lies is good! I hope to finish it tonight. I'm very close to the end!

  26. Your teaser has peaked my interest. Thanks for visiting my blog. Happy Reading.

    1. Nadene - It's such a good book! Happy reading to you too!

  27. Intriguing intro. I'd keep reading! Also, I like your list of authors!

  28. I'd keep reading. Nice to see Mercedes Lackey's Valdemar series on your list. You might also like Jennifer Roberson's books.Thanks for coming by Through Raspberry Colored Glasses.

    1. Laura - I've read Jennifer Roberson before, just not a lot of her stuff. I remember liking her work. I think I may have a couple of her other books still in my TBR collection.

  29. Wow, what a rich post... got a lot of notes today. Thanks for sharing!

  30. I have the same brain problem - especially when I'm trying to go to sleep if I'm not careful. I tend to read till I'm just about to sleep otherwise I'm up all night digging up new things to worry about.
    Great list! I've read pretty much all of the authors - especially JA Jance. I had kind of forgotten about her but if I was really counting she'd most likely be on mine because I really binged on her books when I discovered her. I collected all the Anne Perry books because I really loved the titles and covers but when I actually sat down to read them I discovered I didn't like them! Whoops!

    1. Katherine - At bedtime it's the worst. I'm afraid my daughter has inherited my habit of doing that as last night she had such a hard time sleeping. She's been really stressed about her new swimming class and I'm sure that was most of it for her.

      I would like to get back into some of those authors again--it's been awhile since I last read many of their books. Anne Perry is one for detail, especially about the little stuff. I really liked the books I've read by her, but I can see how not everyone would.

  31. Hi Wendy,

    I guess I'm 'the cups half empty' kind of girl - the eternal pessimist my husband would say! I'll worry over just about everything, until eventually something does go wrong!

    My best time to read is early in the morning, as I am generally the first one up and about and I manage to get a small window of opportunity for some quiet time, whilst I have my breakfast and early morning coffee fix!

    Reading your excerpts, I know why I have the Sharon Bolton book on my GR 'Want To Read' list, it sounds like just my kind of thing, especially the teaser line! I often wonder if we all have it in us to commit murder?

    I love your choice of murder / thriller authors and I am sure to have books by all of them ear - marked, even if I haven't had first hand experience of their writing yet.

    Great Post :)


    1. Yvonne - Haha I know that feeling. I find that if I anticipate the worst case scenario, the reality often won't be that bad. :-)

      Your morning reading time sounds nice. I'm the early riser in our house too. During the week, especially. I sometimes read while I eat breakfast, but it's usually such a quick meal, it's hardly any time at all. On the weekends, my daughter is up pretty soon after I am.

      I definitely want to read more by Sharon Bolton. Black Little Lies was very good. I've wondered that too--if I could kill someone (probably only us crime fiction readers--and authors--really think about!). I don't think it would be easy.

  32. Now you gone ahead and spoiled me about a love triangle in the Stephanie Plum books. I am so disappointed (sarcasm, please notice ;) ) But really i have only gotten to the first 4 books by here up until this point, but i am already getting tired of the constant back and forth between her and Morelli, does it get worse? Because then I really have to think about reading any more of those.
    But we only her and Harris, which are both books i read when i feel slumpy in hopes to get out of the reading slump before i actually fall into it by those fast and easy and no-brain reading books. Interestingly enough i only just noticed that both books have love triangles. Huh...
    Great list :)

    1. Dawnie - I wasn't even thinking! I am glad you didn't mind the spoiler, but I am kicking myself for not catching it. I forgot the whole triangle didn't start with book one. To answer your question, up until the last book I read in the series, the two of them were still going back and forth. And from what others have told me, they still are. It got old for me.

      The Sookie and Plum books both do have love triangles, don't they? I hadn't really thought about that either. They are nice brain candy though, aren't they?

  33. Great TT I really haven't heard about this book but I absolutely love crime books and this one looks and sounds right up my alley. Thank you for stopping by my blog. :)

    1. Katiria - Thank you! It was really good. You should give it a try!

  34. Replies
    1. Stormi - It was! I kept hoping my daughter would go to sleep last night so I could finish it--I had like 15 minutes left. And of course she didn't want to sleep. I was up later than I wanted as a result. It was worth it though.

  35. She is excited about something happening, I think. Enjoy it.

    1. Topazshell - She is counting down the days. It was a great book.:-)

  36. Great list. I read the first two in the Janet Evanovich books, but then moved. I used to enjoy those books. I also read the first in Charlaine Harris Sookie books, but I remember not liking Bill and not wanting to read the rest.

    That teaser sounds good, I'd keep reading.
    And too cute, in her princess dress!

    1. Naida - Thank you! I really enjoyed Evanovich's Plum series early on. They always made me laugh out loud. They became too much of the same thing after awhile. I was never a fan of Bill from the Sookie books either. If you liked the book other than him, you should give the series another try--he is in the other books, but he doesn't remain her boyfriend for the entire series (sorry for the spoiler).


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