I am linking up to the Sunday Post hosted by Kim of Caffeinated Book Reviewer and The Sunday Salon (TSS) hosted by Deb Nance of Readerbuzz where participants recap our week, talk about what we are reading, share any new books that have come our way, and whatever else we want to talk about. I am also linking It's Monday! What Are you Reading? hosted by Kathryn of Book Date where readers talk about what they have been, are and will be reading.
We are approaching the end of January, and I cannot tell you whether this month has gone by fast or slow. Sometimes it feels like one or the other and rarely in between. I have been moderating my news intake, wanting to stay informed but also not be overwhelmed. It is hard not to be overwhelmed though, feeling sadness, anger, and dread set in. I cannot imagine my father and grandfather, both veterans, would have been happy with the state of the U.S. right now if they were alive. They did not serve their country for this.
I find solace in my reading and with my family. After a day of running errands yesterday, I settled in to finish reading The Mystery Guest by Nita Prose, while my husband and daughter entertained themselves listening to music, following along and reading the conductor's score which they had up on the television set. I am not even close to being well-versed in reading music, but I love that they are. They were a distraction from my reading, but I did not mind at all. I made the mistake of affectionately calling them my music nerds and was quickly corrected. My daughter preferring "fangirling over music" while my husband called it "geeking out over music."
Today has been lowkey. I am doing laundry as I try to rush out this post to you--even as late as it is.
What have you been up to? I hope you are well!
I just started Home and Away by Rochelle Alers, a dual narrative novel about a present day journalist and her great-grandfather's recollections of the his years with the Negro Baseball Leagues during the 1930's and 1940's. I will soon be cracking open Murder in the Dressing Room, a cozy mystery by Holly Stars. I also hope to read Heartstoppers, Vol. 2 by Alice Oseman this week.
What are you reading right now? Is it something you would recommend?
The Mystery Guest (Molly the Maid #2) by Nita Prose
Ballantine Books, 2023
Mystery/Cozy; 289 pgs
Source: From the publisher via NetGalley
When an acclaimed author dies at the Regency Grand Hotel, it's up to a fastidious maid to uncover the truth, no matter how dirty. [From the Publisher]Many thanks to everyone who voted for The Mystery Guest in my January TBR poll this month! It was a delight to read. This is a billed as a stand alone novel featuring Molly Gray, a character introduced in Nita Prose's mystery novel, The Maid, which I read three years ago and enjoyed immensely. The Mystery Guest is set four years after the events in The Maid. Molly Gray takes her role as Head Maid at the Regency Grand Hotel very seriously. She is neurodivergent and struggles to read social and conversational cues, but she is extremely observant, often noticing details others miss or overlook. When a famous mystery author drops dead just as he is about to make a big announcement to his adoring fans in the hotel's newly refurbished tearoom, Molly and her maid-in-training, Lily, are among the prime suspects in his murder.
I love the humor dispersed throughout the novel. Molly is as unconventional a character as she is endearing, with her quirks and resilience. It turns out she and Mr. Grimthorpe, the murdered author, knew each other when she was a child, although he didn't recognize her when they meet again at the hotel. Through flashbacks, the reader is given a glimpse into Molly's past, including her memories of her beloved Gran, who raised her. Gran is ever present in Molly's life even if just in her memories. The lessons and love she bestowed on Molly played a big role in who Molly is today. The reader also gains more insight into Molly and her family history, adding emotional depth to the characters. In addition, the more we learn about the Grimthorpes, the family her Gran once served as a housemaid, the more light is shed on just what type of person Mr. Grimthorpe was and why someone might want him dead.
There are familiar side characters like Angela, the bartender, and Mr. Snow, the hotel manager, the annoying Cheryl--and my favorite, Mr. Preston, the hotel's doorman--who I was glad to see again (well, maybe not Cheryl). Detective Stark was back, having made her first appearance in The Maid. What I especially appreciated in The Mystery Guest was how Detective Stark's character grew over the course of the novel. Everyone underestimates Molly, and Detective Stark was among them, misjudging Molly in The Maid, and again in The Mystery Guest--at least at first--but once she gets to know Molly better, she realizes how valuable her skills and way of looking at things can be.
I thoroughly enjoyed The Mystery Guest. It was a solid mystery that pulled at my heartstrings, made me laugh, and was an all around entertaining read. I look forward to seeing what Nita Prose has in store for us next!
The Wolf Den (#1) (2021; 422 pgs)
The House with the Golden Door (Wolf Den #2) (2022; 474 pgs)The Temple of Fortuna (Wolf Den #3) (2023; 352 pgs)
[While I attempted to avoid including major spoilers, I am reviewing all three books below. The first part of the review is generalized, and then I break it down by each book]
In anticipation of this month's historical book club read, The Temple of Fortuna, I read the first two books in the trilogy on my own late last year. Together, these books paint an amazing portrait of the life and times in Pompeii from the eyes of often overlooked women. Her descriptions of Pompeii, her characters, and their lives came off the pages and stayed with me even when I was not reading. The Wolf Den Trilogy is well-researched and based on factual events and discoveries. While none of the main characters were real life people, there were a few important side characters that were real. I was enamored by the descriptions of Pompeii and Rome, the architecture, the murals, and the lives of the people. Elodie Harper brought all of that to life.
The novels' characters are multi-layered and well-developed. The main focus is on Amara, but so many of the other characters stand out as well, some I came to love even more, like Britannica, who was by far my favorite. And oh, how I loathed Felix, Amara's pimp and nemesis, throughout the trilogy. I had no idea Julia Felix was a real historical figure until I read the author's acknowledgements. How I loved her and Livia!
The trilogy starts with the novel, The Wolf Den, in which the reader is introduced to Amara, once the beloved child of a doctor in Greece, sold by her impoverished mother as a concubine, and later enslaved in a brothel in Pompeii. Amara hates her life as a prostitute and despises her pimp even more. She is ambitious and resourceful, determined to find her way out of her current situation, even as impossible as that may seem.
The women of that time had little freedom, even when they were free. Through Elodie Harper's novels, we see how strong the bonds of friendship can be and also how fragile in the most desperate or darkest of situations. Forced together by circumstance in the brothel, we see friendships bloom, the women trying to make the most of their situations and look out for each other.
There is a lot of loss in the first novel of the trilogy. The Wolf Den was at times desperately sad, these women's situation often feeling helpless. It gets worse before it gets better for Amara, with the loss of a dear friend nearly breaking her. My heart broke over and over for these women.
The second novel, The House with the Golden Door, brought some hope in the way of Amara's promotion to the life of a courtesan. While technically now free, she is still beholden to a man, this time in the form of her patron. It takes time for Amara to adjust to her life away from the brothel. She misses her old friends and feels alone. She, however, is able to make new connections and find a way to solidify her position. Or so it seems. Her position is still precarious. She must keep her patron's interest to maintain her new lifestyle, and she quickly begins to realize that is easier said than done. He isn't the man she thought he was. Amara must be resourceful and cunning if she wants to survive. Friendships are tested and Amara has more difficult choices to make. Although I enjoyed this second novel in the trilogy a lot, I did not find it quite as good as the first. I questioned some of Amara's choices, feeling that they put her more at risk than was wise. While the first book made me sad, this second was full of tense, hair pulling moments.
The Temple of Fortuna finds Amara in Rome, with a new more wealthy and powerful patron. Someone who admires her skills and intelligence. Demetrius is much older than Amara and not the love match she perhaps would hope for, but he does provide for her and respects her in a way her previous patron did not. Demetrius is not cruel, but he is detached and sometimes cold. Amara knows he cares about her, but is not sure he is capable of loving her. When he unknowingly places her in a dangerous position that threatens their safety, he sends her back to Pompeii temporarily, but not before asking her to marry him. Returning to Pompeii is both a joy and a hardship. Amara is happy to return to old friends, but she also must face the guilt she has for leaving behind her young daughter and the girl's father. Their lives are so much different now, her daughter doesn't even know her. And then there is Felix who will never leave her alone.
Let's not forget, however, that the trilogy is set in 79 CE. In this final book of the trilogy, Pompeii meets its end with the eruption of Pompeii. The panic, fear and devastation from the volcano's eruption described in the pages of the book were visceral. It made the tension I felt reading The House with the Golden Door seem so minor in comparison. Based on her research, Elodie Harper describes what she believed the experience might have been like for her characters as well as the recovery process that followed.
There is more I want to say, but I suppose we already are in spoiler territory. If Fortuna existed, it could be said she had a hand in how certain events played out. I found The Temple of Fortuna to be a satisfying ending to the trilogy--perhaps my favorite of the three because of it.
I have so many thoughts about this entire trilogy and so many different aspects I could write about. I talked about these books as I was reading them so much that even my husband became interested in learning more about Pompeii and the recent findings found among the ruins. I highly recommend this series to historical fiction lovers.
Being Mortal: Medicine and What Matters in the End by Atul Gawande
Metropolitan Books, 2014
Nonfiction (Health/Sociology/Science); 282 pgs
Source: Own TBR/Gift
Medicine is a wonderful thing, meant to help fix problems and cure diseases. But there comes a time when we have to question whether medicine is doing more harm than good, when quality is sacrificed at the expense of prolonging life. The medical profession is not set up to stop trying to fix the patient, and Dr. Gawande suggests this is a problem. Where do you draw the line between extending life that only extends suffering? The answer may vary from individual to individual. It is a personal choice, the answer different for everyone. It's all about choices and deciding what is important to us.
Metropolitan Books, 2014
Nonfiction (Health/Sociology/Science); 282 pgs
Source: Own TBR/Gift
In Being Mortal, author Atul Gawande tackles the hardest challenge of his profession: how medicine can not only improve life but also the process of its ending. [From the Publisher]Death and dying are difficult topics to talk about, and even more to face, and yet it is a part of all of our lives. With empathy and compassion, Atul Gawande offers a glimpse at the history of the care for those who are terminally ill and the elderly reaching the end of their lives, and how medicine has shaped that process, for both good and bad. I went into this book expecting it to be depressing and sad, and while it was sad, in a strange way, it was, at times, comforting.
Medicine is a wonderful thing, meant to help fix problems and cure diseases. But there comes a time when we have to question whether medicine is doing more harm than good, when quality is sacrificed at the expense of prolonging life. The medical profession is not set up to stop trying to fix the patient, and Dr. Gawande suggests this is a problem. Where do you draw the line between extending life that only extends suffering? The answer may vary from individual to individual. It is a personal choice, the answer different for everyone. It's all about choices and deciding what is important to us.
Having a doctor who is willing to listen and take our concerns, fears, and wishes into consideration is ideal, but unfortunately not always reality. The author talks about a variety of different approaches doctors take with their patients, some more effective than others. Some doctors make all the decisions, the Doctor Knows Best approach, while other doctors leave the decision entirely to the patient, giving them all the options available, which can be overwhelming. Ultimately, what works best, he says, is when the doctor offers information, choices, and guidance, a combination of both. He discussed how important listening to the patient is and how the language used in how patients are approached can make a huge difference in providing them the support and comfort they need.
Dr. Gawande's research lead him to communities in which the infirm and dependent elderly could live a more socially fulfilling life. One where they can maintain some semblance of independence. He writes at length about the value of palliative care, including hospice, and how it can provide a dignified and more comfortable way for the dying to spend their final weeks or days. And in some instances, people can have both, treatment and palliative care, which research has shown can decrease hospital visits, expenses, and increase the quality of a person's life.
Dr. Gawande's research lead him to communities in which the infirm and dependent elderly could live a more socially fulfilling life. One where they can maintain some semblance of independence. He writes at length about the value of palliative care, including hospice, and how it can provide a dignified and more comfortable way for the dying to spend their final weeks or days. And in some instances, people can have both, treatment and palliative care, which research has shown can decrease hospital visits, expenses, and increase the quality of a person's life.
It was impossible not to relate this book to my own family. In reflecting back to my grandmother's slow decline, her dementia and the type of care she received in the 1990's, to my father's sudden passing over 13 years ago, even with his health issues leading up to it, and to my father-in-law's drawn out death due to metastatic lung cancer the year before last. I also couldn't help but think of my mom. She is able to live independently, but slowing down, with health issues cropping up. We are all getting older. As he often does, my husband listened to my thoughts on the books as I read, and we shared some of our own fears and wishes. Neither one of us has completed our Advance Health Care Directives yet, but I think I am ready. I started to once but became overwhelmed. I appreciated Dr. Gawande's more compassionate approach on such a difficult subject matter and can only hope that there are more doctors like him out there and that communities like those he wrote about, those focusing on quality of life, continue to flourish and become more of the norm. Challenge Read: 2025 Nonfiction Reading Challenge
What was the last book you finished? Would you recommend it?
1. As I lay reading in bed last night, it started to rain outside. Such a beautiful sound! It rained again not too long ago. The perfect Sunday.
Where I share what everyone else in my family is reading
~ Mouse ~
The Strange House, Vol. 1 by Uketsu, illustrated by Kyo Ayano
Haikyu!!, Vol. 1 by Haruichi Furudate
Over Sea, Under Stone (The Dark is Rising Sequence, #1) by Susan Cooper
~ Anjin's Reads ~
The Wood at Midwinter by Susanna Clarke
Play Nice: The Rise, Fall, and the Future of Blizzard Entertainment by Jason Schreier
Too Many Heroines!, Vol. 2 by Takibi Amamori, illustrated by Imigimuru
~ My Mom ~
The Backyard Bird Chronicles by Amy Tan
The Book Woman of Troublesome Creek by Kim Michele Richardson
Have you read any of these books? If so, what did you think?
Following in the footsteps of Deb of Readerbuzz - With all the worries and stressors in life,
I want to highlight some of the good, even the seemingly small stuff.
2. My historical book club met late yesterday afternoon to discuss The final book in The Wolf Den Trilogy, The Temple of Fortuna by Elodie Harper. We had a good discussion. We spent a little time looking over maps of Pompei, including photos of the ruins, which was fun.
3. Anjin, Mouse, and I visited our local independent bookstore this weekend to pick up my pre-order that had come in (I'll share that next weekend) along with a few other books we found. It's always a pleasure to chat with the staff--and I got $10 off my purchase!
I hope you have a great week! Let me know what you have been reading!
© 2025, Musings of a Bookish Kitty. All Rights Reserved. If you're reading this on a site other than Musings of a Bookish Kitty or Wendy's feed, be aware that this post has been stolen and is used without permission.
You've been busy. Like you, I'm trying to cut back on the news. No need for all that negativity in my life. I really want to read Nita Prose's books. I have one, just haven't made time for it yet. Home and Away sounds amazing. Enjoy your week.
Cheryl - I hope you do get a chance to read Nita Prose's books. With so many books available to us, it's not easy to make time for all of them; I can relate. I'm really enjoying Home and Away so far. I hope you have a good week too. Thank you for visiting!
DeleteYou have inspired me to consider a re-read of Being Mortal. It's been many years since I read it, but it helped shape me and my husband shape our decision to move in with my mom once we retired. She had been a widow for a few years and wanted to age in place. She is now 91 and still going strong, but has us to help her with meals, driving to appts., companionship, etc. I think Being Mortal should be required reading for everyone.
ReplyDeleteLes - My copy of Being Mortal is full of post it notes. I imagine it is a book I will be revisiting again too. That is great that you were able to move in with your mom and support each other. It's nice when families are in a position to do that. Thank you for stopping by!
DeleteThe Wolf Den trilogy sounds really good!
ReplyDeleteHave a great week.
Marg - It really is good and I hope others will give it a chance. I hope you have a great week too. Thank you for visiting!
DeleteI just read and reviewed The alchemist of Alleppo. It was a mix of fantasy and reality, dual time lines and what I feel that the fantasy could turn into probability! It has stayed in my mind.
ReplyDeleteMystica - Thank you for the recommendation! I have added it to my wish list. Thank you for stopping by!
DeleteI have the third book of Molly the Maid to read, it’ll be published in April.
ReplyDeleteBeing Mortal seems like it’s an important read, thanks for sharing your thoughts on it.
Wishing you a happy reading week
Shelleyrae - I am looking forward to reading the third book. I so enjoy my visits with Molly. If I could, I would give all my doctors and friends copies of Being Mortal. I do think it's a must read. It may not be a subject most people want to talk about or face, but it impacts us all. I hope you have a good week, and thank you for visiting!
DeleteI've read The Maid and thoroughly enjoyed it, though I've yet to read the other two. Your excellent review has encouraged me to tuck in:). I also love the sound of The Wolf Den trilogy. However, right now I've a lot going on and need something a bit lighter to escape into. I hope you and your family have a great week - the banter regarding listening to music you described puts me in mind of some of the conversations going on in our household with our 15 yo grandson...
ReplyDeleteSarah - I hope you enjoy The Mystery Guest when you read it! I enjoyed getting to know more about Molly's past. The Wolf Den is fairly heavy mood wise, so I can understand not wanting to read it if you need something lighter. I am glad my family isn't alone in some of our crazy conversations. :-) I love those moments. I hope you have a great week too. Thank you for stopping by!
DeleteI relate to your feelings and choices to be informed but not overwhelmed. Although I fear if I want to be informed being overwhelmed and dealing with that is part of the task. I have really enjoyed the Molly stories. What a lovely evening at home you had.
ReplyDeleteAnne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post
Anne - I know what you mean, and unfortunately think you're right. It's impossible not to feel this way while staying informed. And I think staying informed is important. I do my best to stick to news sources I trust and let myself tune it out when I need to. I try to focus on what I can control and do rather than what I can't. I am glad to hear you enjoy the Molly series too! Thank you for stopping by!
DeleteThank you for your review of The Mystery Guest. Excellent review.
ReplyDeleteBeing Mortal is a book I'd like to reread. It was one of the favorite books of my book club when we read it together long ago.
I really like seeing what everyone in your family is reading!
Deb - Thank you! The Mystery Guest was a great read. :-) I can see myself rereading Being Mortal someday. At the very least, I can revisit all those sections I marked with post-its! I thought it would be fun to share my family's reading too. While my husband was eager to share, my daughter was less so. I know she's read more than that. I let her know it's optional. :-) Thank you for visiting!
DeleteNice assortment of reading. I still have The Maid on TBR mountain along with a couple of thousand other books. I do hope to get to it one day. That historical fiction trilogy sounds interesting too. Come see my week here. Happy reading!
ReplyDeleteKathy - Thank you! I hope you enjoy The Maid when you get a chance to read it. I know that feeling of having so many books you hope to get to! Thank you for stopping by!
DeleteI love what you said about Being Mortal. It is one of the books I've read that really 'spoke' to me in so many ways. I have suggested it to many people and I think it provides a gateway to talk about and think about what end of life would look like for each person. Hope that many more will read it and then think about the things discussed there.
ReplyDeleteI have The Maid, but have not read the 2nd book as yet. And I think there will be a 3rd book later this spring. Hope to get to this one soon. Hope your week goes well, Wendy!
Kay - I agree with your about Being Mortal. It really is a gateway book for end of the life discussions--both with our loved ones and our doctors. It's a book I wish everyone would read.
DeleteI am looking forward to the third book when it comes out. It's a entertaining series and the character of Molly offers a unique perspective. I hope you have a good week too! Thank you for visiting!
Being Mortal is such an excellent book... and one I would like to reread sooner rather than later. I haven't read any of the Molly books yet, but my mother and sisters all love them! Can only imagine what a relief it must have been to hear the rain!
ReplyDeleteJoAnn - I think so too! It was very good and I imagine I will want to reread it at some point too. I am glad to hear your mother and sisters enjoy the Molly books too. :-) Thank you for stopping by!
DeleteYou had a busy week! I’m so impressed with how much reading you got done—*The Mystery Guest* and *The Wolf Den Trilogy* sound like captivating reads, especially with such strong character development. While I probably wouldn’t pick them up myself, I always enjoy hearing your perspective on books like these!
ReplyDeleteCarla - I'm impressed with how much reading I got done too. Honestly, I am not sure how I have managed it all. I have really tried to focus more on reading--and perhaps having deadlines because of the book clubs has helped. I don't think I can keep this up though.
DeleteI agree with you--I enjoy hearing about others thoughts on the books they are reading, even if they are not books I might ever read. Thank you for visiting!
I am so glad you liked Being Mortal, I think it has such an important message. And please fill in the Health Care Directive! It makes it so much easier for those who are left to make decisions if you cannot even though it's a tough one to fill in.
ReplyDeleteWe had pelting rain and hail yesterday. The hail even stayed on the ground for a while, looking like snow. It was definitely a micro-thing as even 2 miles away they got no rain at all.
Helen - I think so too. I am glad I finally got around to reading it. I definitely plan to fill out the directive soon and I'm going to make my husband do it too.
DeleteI don't think we got any hail here, but it was coming down hard last night. The clouds are scattering now, so I imagine the rain has passed here for now.
Thank you for stopping by!
I feel the same way. Everything just feels so wrong and vindictive right now. Anyway the Mystery Guest looks good and I've heard so many good things about that book!
ReplyDeletePlay nice looks good too.
I love your Pawsitive Thoughts! The sound of rain is delightful, and independent bookstores are a wonderful thing!
Greg - It really does feel wrong and vindictive right now--that's a good way to describe it.
DeleteMy husband really liked Play Nice. He said it made him angry at times, but was definitely worth reading. He thinks I might like it as well. If you decide to read The Mystery Guest and Play Nice, I hope you like them.
Yes, rain and bookstores always cheer me up. Even if for just a little while. :-)
Thank you for visiting!
I empathize with your sentiments about watching the news. I am Canadian and I feel like the strong and beneficial relationship between our two countries is being threatened. Thankfully we have our books and this wonderful community to bring us some joy. Take care.
ReplyDeleteJodie - It's really embarrassing how he's treating our allies. He did this last time too, but it seems worse this time around. I am so grateful for books and our community here--we all need them ore than ever right now. You take care too. Thank you for stopping by!
DeleteI've been trying to stay away from the news, too, because it stresses me out, but I end up looking anyways. I make myself stop, though. Just cringeworthy! I love Molly the Maid series! Happy to hear you enjoyed it. It's so sweet that your daughter and husband "geek out" on music together! Nice that you got to enjoy the rain. It is a soothing sound, right? Have a lovely week!
ReplyDeleteRachel - Same. I can't help myself. I was on Threads last night and my husband threatened to take my phone away. LOL He wouldn't really, but he knows what being on social media does to me right now. I'm mostly trying to stick to trusted news sources and stay away from everything else. But it's hard. I am so glad to hear you love the Molly series too. :-) I love it when my daughter and her dad bond over music--or manga even. I hope it's always that way. I hope you have a good week too. Thank you for visiting!
DeleteI avoid the news, counting on hubby to keep me up to date on anything he feels is important. I'd rather read a good book or binge on TV.
ReplyDeletesherry @ fundinmental
Sherry - I have been reading a lot this month. It may be another record breaking reading year for me--we'll see. Thank you for stopping by!
DeleteI so want to try Nita Prose! Oh and the wolf den sounds good
ReplyDeleteBlodeuedd - If you read them, I hope you enjoy them! I recommend all of them. :-) Thank you for visiting!
DeleteI love when I'm nice and warm and don't have to leave the house and it rains. Perfect for napping! I really want to read the Amy Tan birder book. I hope your mom is enjoying it! The Wolf Den trilogy looks interesting - I love all the covers.
ReplyDeleteKatherine - Me too! Rainy days at home, when I don't have to go anywhere, are the best. I hope to read the Amy Tan book too. My mom did enjoy it, but said she and her entire book group thought it was a book best read in small doses. Thank you for stopping by!
DeleteI know what you mean about the news. I'm trying to stay away but it's not easy. That's why I love my books and TV shows so much. Hope you have a great week!
ReplyDeleteYvonne - Thank goodness for our books! I hope you have a great week too. Thank you for visiting!
DeleteA rainy Sunday with books sounds cozy and comforting. I hope that sustains you through the week!
ReplyDeleteJoy - It did make for a pleasant Sunday. :-) Thank you for stopping by!
DeleteI feel like January went fast because of all the snow days I had. Looks like some good books there! Being Mortal is on my TBR for some day. I'm wondering of that Too Many Heroines would be appropriate for my high schoolers? Hope you're having a good week!
ReplyDeleteLisa - My daughter wishes we had snow days here. I told her she'd have to make them up at the end of the year if we did, and she said that would be okay. I think she just wants the snow. LOL I asked my husband if he thought Too Many Losing Heroines would be high school appropriate. He thinks so. The publisher lists it as 13+. I hope you are having a good week too! Thank you for visiting!