Saturday, July 08, 2023

Weekly Mews: A Week of Magic and Mystery and Welcome Guests

I am linking up to the Sunday Post hosted by Kim of Caffeinated Book Reviewer and The Sunday Salon (TSS) hosted by Deb Nance of Readerbuzz  where participants recap our week, talk about what we are reading, share any new books that have come our way, and whatever else we want to talk about. I am also linking It's Monday! What Are you Reading? hosted by Kathryn of Book Date where readers talk about what they have been, are and will be reading.

I hope your week has gone well and you were able to squeeze in quality reading time. Mouse's and my glasses came in early, and we spent the afternoon picking them up and then roaming the mall, looking for a birthday gift for one of Mouse's friends. Once we got home, I curled up on the couch to read. My poor husband ended up folding most of the laundry by himself because I was so engrossed in my book. Oops. 

We went out to dinner with friends from out of town one day this past week. It was nice to catch up and give them hugs again. They moved to North Carolina last October and are making the rounds visiting friends and family for the next couple weeks. We hope to get our girls together again before our friends have to head home. 

Has anyone else signed up for Threads, Instagram's (Meta) version of Twitter? I looked into several other social media type apps that were suggested as substitutes to Twitter, but I wasn't impressed with any of them. Threads comes the closest though. It is still early days, but I like it so far and there are so many other book bloggers and book lovers there, several of them familiar names and also new ones--it's been refreshing to have my feed filled with bookish topics. If interested, look me up @literaryfeline)! I haven't posted anything yet, but I do plan to. 

Sadly, I did not even crack open either of the two short story collections I am reading nor did I read any further in my current nonfiction book. I was too engrossed in the books I did finish. 

Finished reading recently
  • Neverseen (Keeper of the Lost Cities #4) by Shannon Messenger ~ This one was a big one with 672 pages. I am enjoying this series--and while Mouse was reluctant to let me start it, now she keeps asking me when I'm going to pick up the next book in the series. 
  • Witch Upon a Star (Witch Way Librarian Mysteries #4) by Angela M. Sanders (see below for review)

Still in the middle of reading
  • Reader, I Married Him: Stories Inspired by Jane Eyre edited by Tracy Chevalier
  • Into the Woods: Tales from the Hollows and Beyond (The Hollows #10.1) by Kim Harrison
  • Untangled: Guiding Teenage Girls Through the Seven Transitions into Adulthood by Lisa Damour

What I Just Started:
A Gathering of Shadows (Shades of Magic #2) by V.E. Schwab

Up Next

My TBR List is hosted by the awesome Michelle  at Because Reading. It’s a fun way to choose a book from your TBR pile to read. The 1st Saturday of every month, I will list 3 books I am considering reading and let you vote for my next read during that month. My review will follow (unfortunately, not likely in the same month, but eventually--that's all I can promise). 

Thank you to everyone who voted in this month's TBR List Poll! It took me quite a while to settle on these three books for the poll this month because I have so many tempting books on my shelves. I have been eagerly awaiting to see which one would be the pick for the July. I am not sure if Michelle is still doing the TBR List poll, but it is one of my favorite monthly features, and I am always so grateful by how many of you take the time to cast a vote. Thank you! 

Death of an Unsung Hero (Lady Montfort #4) by Tessa Arlen did not fare as well as the other two books in the poll, only getting four (4) votes. Murder in Postscript (Lady of Letters #1) by Mary Winters came in second with six (6) votes. That makes the winner A Botanist's Guide to Flowers and Fatality (Saffron Everleigh #2) by Kate Khavari, which received twelve (12) votes! I am looking forward to picking up Kate Khavari's second book in the series. I enjoyed the first quite a bit. As always, I still hope to read the other two contenders at some point and look forward to doing so. 

Thank you for voting!

Witch Upon a Star
(Witch Way Librarian Mystery #4) by Angela M. Sanders 
(Kensington, 2023; 304 pages)
I shivered in the parking lot of Darla's café. [opening of Witch Upon a Star]
Witch Upon a Star is the fourth book in the Witch Way Librarian series set in Wilfred, Oregon. Josie is well settled in her life as the town's head librarian now and is looking forward to her younger sister's visit. Josie's sister, Jean, cannot be more excited about taking part in a workshop at Wilfred's new retreat center about how to become a life coach, led by her idol, Cookie Masterson.

On the first day of the workshop, two people end up dead, one of which is for sure murder. While one of the deaths occurred at the local café and the other at the retreat center, the two deaths seem to be connected. Josie is even more worried about her sister now, which only increases her determination to conduct her own investigation. Yes, she trusts her neighbor and crush, the sheriff, to do his job--but it's in her blood to help him along.

Interwoven with the mystery is the big secret that Josie is keeping from her sister. That Josie is a witch with a special connection to books. Josie's skills have come in handy at solving crimes (and saving lives) in the past, and she cannot resist using them now.

This series continues to be a big hit with me. I just love Josie and the quirky characters of Wilfred. I admit I had a slight concern going into this one that it would be too much like the last--celebrity/well-known person coming into town, murder and havoc ensues--but I worried for nothing. Yes, there's murder and a bit of havoc, but that's where the similarities end. The mystery in Witch Upon a Star is solid with an interesting cast of suspects. I wasn't sure who was behind everything until close to the end. 

Jean and Josie have a fairly good relationship, but not without some tension and misunderstandings as can be expected. Jean still feels like the baby of the family even if she is an adult in her own right. Her mother tasks Josie with keeping an eye on Jean, worried she's in over here head with her new venture. I could appreciate Josie wanting to protect her sister, yet I could also understand Jean's wanting to be trusted to make her own decisions and not be questioned or doubted at every turn.

The library really is a character all its own in this series. It is a Victorian mansion turned library. And the way the books respond and speak to Josie is a booklover's dream come true. And of course there's a cat. Rodney, who is an awesome character on his own. I thoroughly enjoyed Witch Upon a Star and look forward to reading the next book in the series.

Challenge Met: Cruisin' Thru the Cozies / COYER

I hope you have a great week! Let me know what you have been reading!

© 2023, Musings of a Bookish Kitty. All Rights Reserved. If you're reading this on a site other than Musings of a Bookish Kitty or Wendy's feed, be aware that this post has been stolen and is used without permission.


  1. I really liked Gathering of Shadows. I haven't checked out Threads yet, but your comments are encouraging. I should see if I can find my bookish friends there.....
    Terrie @ Bookshelf Journeys

    1. Terrie - I am excited to finally be reading it. I was waiting on my daughter who wanted to read it first, but she keeps dragging her feet. Thank you for stopping by!

  2. I'll have to look into Threads, I keep hearing about it just this past week :)

    I think your winner looks like a good one. Neat cover and it sounds fun

    1. Greg - I have read both good and bad about Threads, but mostly good so far. Thank you for visiting!

  3. Witch Upon a Star looks great! I love the series.
    I haven't tried threads yet. I'm going to look into it.
    Have a great week!

    1. Sara - I just love Josie and Rodney. Oh, to have her magical abilities . . . :-) I hope you have a great week too. Thank you for stopping by!

  4. I don't have a Threads account, but it does seem to be edging out the competition. Have a great week :)

    1. Maree - It'll be interesting to see how Threads fares as time goes on, if its popularity sticks. I hope you have a great week too! Thank you for visiting!

  5. I've joined Threads! Jury is still out on it in my mind, but I will give it a try.

    1. Marg - Threads is definitely in the honeymoon phase, so we'll see how it pans out over time. Thank you for stopping by!

  6. I don't know where I want to go in the post-Twitter world. I'm happy blogging and posting my reviews on Goodreads. For right now, that is enough for me to keep up with. I'll take a look at Threads...I hope you will keep us posted on your thoughts about it.

    A Botanist's Guide to Flowers and Fatality looks really fun. Enjoy!

    1. Deb - It's a lot to try and keep up with every social media format out there--and it's not something I have the time or motivation to do. I've missed, however, scrolling through my Twitter feed now and then and catching up on snippets of bookish news and seeing what other readers are up to and reading. I don't really follow Bookstagram, although I have an Instagram account I rarely use. I'm giving Threads a try and so far I like it, but time will tell.

      I am looking forward to reading Khavari's latest book. It's a fun series.

      Thank you for visiting!

  7. Catching up with friends is always nice. I keep hearing about Threads but I'm not sure about it yet. A Botanist's Guide sounds good and the cover is so pretty, happy reading!

    1. Naida - It was good to spend time with them. My daughter especially has missed her friend when she moved away. I'm looking forward to A Botanist's Guide to Flowers and Fatality. The cover is pretty, isn't it? Thank you for stopping by!

  8. Mall wandering, new glasses, and an afternoon of reading all sounds wonderful and relaxing! And seeing old friends as well is an added bonus.

    1. Helen - It was a nice afternoon--a mix of productive and rest. :-) Thank you for visiting!

  9. Witch Upon a Star. These cozy mysteries are so fill with puns in their titles lol.
    Have a great week.

    1. Snapdragon - Yes, the titles of cozy mysteries can be quite creative--or cringe worthy, depending. LOL I hope you have a great week too. Thank you for stopping by!

  10. Picking up glasses and then putting them through their paces by tucking into a very readable story sounds like a lovely way to spend an afternoon! I like the look of A Botantist's Guide... - that is a fabulous cover and I hope you enjoy it:). Have a great week.

    1. Sarah - Luckily the adjustment period for the new glasses didn't take too long. :-) I hope you have a great week too. Thank you for visiting!

  11. I love the VE Schwab series. I did get Threads and it was weird because I had only signed up for Instagram 2 days earlier without knowing about Threads.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

    1. Anne - It's a good series! I hope you like Threads. Hopefully it will work out. Thank you for stopping by!

  12. I heard about Threads but I'm not signing up for another social media platform. If Twitter goes under then I'm just not going to sign up for something new.

    1. Mary - I can understand that. I like Threads so far. I don't know that I'll spend a lot of time there, but it's nice to see my feed filled with book talk. I wasn't getting that on Twitter anymore. Thank you for visiting!

  13. I am really out of the loop. I haven't been on here (or much social media for a few weeks), but I started hearing about Threads this week. I also need to check into it. I just hate the idea of starting over on another social media site.

    1. Cindy - Threads is still very new. A lot of people seem happy with it so far. Thank you for stopping by!

  14. I see so many bloggers and bookish friends joining Threads (instagram notifies me when one posts for the first time) but I haven't looked into it yet. Twitter seems to dying a slow death though... I'm not on there much these days. For now blogging, goodreads, and instagram keep me busy.

    1. JoAnn - I haven't been happy with Twitter for awhile. I missed all the book chatter among the people I followed. Threads seems to offer that. I feel old there though. Haha! Thank you for visiting!

  15. Hi! I wanted to like the Keeper of the Lost City series, loved book one but it went downhill for me and I ended up DNFing book four. Felt like nothing was happening for the books to be so HUGE. Hope you continue to enjoy it. I am currently reading A Botanist Guide to Flowers and Fatality too!

    Have a great week and happy reading!
    Week in Review

    1. Stormi - I'm sorry you didn't care for the Keeper of the Lost Cities series. I've been enjoying it more with each book. I can see why it's so popular among the middle grade set. I saw you enjoyed A Botanist Guide to Flowers and Fatality. I am glad to hear it! Thank you for stopping by!

  16. I loved Witch Upon a Star. Its one of my favorite cozy series! So exciting to see someone else reading it.

    1. Barb - It's one of my favorites too. I just love Josie and that library. Thank you for visiting!

  17. I'm going to wait awhile before getting Threads. I want to see if it's worth it yet.

    Here’s my Sunday Post

    Please join the Book Photo Sundays and Cover Spotlight

    Rabbit Ears Book Blog: WORLD’S WEIRDEST BOOK BLOG!

    1. Ronyell - It's a work in progress, but I like it so far. I don't spend a lot of time on Threads, but I hadn't realized how much I missed all the bookish talk on Twitter until I signed up for Threads. Thank you for stopping by!

  18. I read several of the stories in Reader, I Married Him, but sadly it was one of the books that went into the giveaway boxes.

    1. Harvee - I'm finding the stories hit and miss for me. I've come across a couple of authors I look forward to reading more of that I hadn't tried before, so there's that positive. I am taking my time reading it whenever the mood strikes for a short story. I doubt I'll keep my copy when I do finish reading it. Thanks for visiting!

  19. I haven't looked at Threads but to be honest I wasn't a big Twitter fan even before it went crazy. I really want to read the Angela M. Sanders series. It looks so fun. Have a great week!

    1. Katherine - I didn't spend a lot of time on Twitter and now none at all. But I did like to go there occasionally to catch up on some of the bookish news and chatter. Now Threads serves that purpose for me. I still don't spend much time on it though. If you try the Witch Way Librarian series, I hope you enjoy it! Thank you for stopping by!

  20. I haven't looked at threads, mostly because I'm on a break from IG and I was never really on twitter anyway :p I hope you enjoy your time there, I've heard positive things so far!

  21. I'm not sure if I'd want to sign up Threads; I rarely use Twitter so I suppose FB and IG are my go-to platforms for now.
    Hope you enjoy reading A Botanist's Guide to Flowers and Fatality! :)

    1. Melody - I've never taken to Instagram. Threads is more my speed. :-) Thank you for stopping by!

  22. I'm really enjoying that series by V.E. Schwab. I'm on the last book and hope to finish it soon.
    Good luck on Threads. I sure hope it works it out!

    1. Heather - Schwab's series is so good. I am really enjoying it. Thank you for visiting!

  23. I haven't really investigated Threads yet but I guess I need to get on with that, don't I?

    1. Dorothy - I hope you like it, if you do try it. There's a learning curve for the algorithm, which may be annoying, but once you get past that, it's much better. Thank you for stopping by!

  24. Ah what a great hubby taking care of the chores so you could spend more time with your book! I hope you've been having a great summer. I haven't looked into Threads yet. Witch Upon a Star sounds like a cute cozy.

    1. Iliana - He is nice that way. :-) Thank you for visiting!

  25. Hey thanks for telling me about Threads - I don't think I had heard of it - I must be asleep under a rock! I will try it out. It does seem like Twitter is dying. I'm not sure why Musk spent all that money on it. Crazy! Too bad the Tess Arlen book didn't win -- I once read her novel In Royal Service to the Queen which I thought was quite interesting. Enjoy your week & reads!


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