Saturday, September 18, 2021

Weekly Mews: Soon to be Fall

I am linking up to the Sunday Post hosted by Kim of Caffeinated Book Reviewer and The Sunday Salon (TSS) hosted by Deb Nance of Readerbuzz  where participants recap our week, talk about what we are reading, share any new books that have come our way, and whatever else we want to talk about. I am also linking It's Monday! What Are you Reading? hosted by Kathryn of Book Date where readers talk about what they have been, are and will be reading.

I am linking up to Stacking the Shelves hosted by Marlene of Reading Reality a meme in which participants share what new books came their way recently. 

In reading . . . 
Then & Now

Not much has changed from last week. I am spreading out the reading of Juliette Cross's Stay a Spell holiday themed short story anthology, Walking in a Witchy Wonderland in between the time I spend on Nancy Marie Brown's The Real Valkyrie: The Hidden History of Viking Warrior Women and The Rose Code by Kate Quinn. Those of you who recommended The Rose Code weren't kidding about it being good! Thank you.


I have a feeling I will be reading my current reads for awhile yet and so am not sure what I will pick up next. I have The Outlaw Demon Wails by Kim Harrison queued up ready to go when I want to dive into the 6th book of the Hollows series. Shirley Jackson's short story The Lottery is also on my must read soon radar.

What I Have Been Watching

I have been binging on Grimm when I get a chance. My family and I are still watching the newer version of Charmed. I am not sure how I feel about this second season yet. It took a big turn from the first season. We have also been keeping up with Ted Lasso

New to the Shelves

My husband gifted me with a copy of European Travel for the Monstrous Gentlewoman (The Extraordinary Adventures of the Athena Club #2) by Theodora Goss and my daughter made me a lovely bookmark to go with it. Many thanks and much love to both! 

Two new e-books were added to my e-reader which I couldn't resist because of the discount offered (I'm a sucker for a deal, what can I say? To be fair, they were on my wish list.):

Dear Justyce  (Dear Martin #2) by Nic Stone & The Women of Troy (#2) by Pat Barker

Off the Blog

I have much catching up to do from last week, including blog visits which are long overdue. I do my best to reciprocate blog visits, but sometimes I am unable to manage it in a timely manner, especially when my free time isn't my own. 

The Nutcracker audition went well last weekend and rehearsals started today. Mouse was not feeling well and so ended up coming home early from the studio and rehearsed via Zoom (she is feeling much better now).  I already have the Nutcracker ballet music stuck in my head and know from experience that it will be there through December! The cast list came out a couple days ago and Mouse was pleased with the parts she's been given. One of her best dance buddies is playing the lead which made her extra happy. 

During my mom's whirlwind visit she was able to find a house she liked and will soon be moving this way. She will be living less than 4 miles away instead of the 430 or so miles away we've been the past 25+ years. My husband, daughter and I are looking forward to having her closer. 

I worked in the office this past week and was able to see my staff in person along with my boss. I also met the new supervisor in person (for those who visited last weekend, not the one who interviewed--it's a long story). It was the kind of week in which I had to put in more overtime than I usually do. I have to admit I am glad I will be working from home this upcoming week.

You may notice the new blog design. I loved my old one quite a bit and stuck with it longer than I have any other design. Early in the year I decided to treat myself to a new design for my 15th blog anniversary (which came and went in July) and reached out to Michelle who had also done my previous one. Only a couple months later, I am finally putting it to use. Many thanks to Michelle at Limabean Designs for this wonderful and fun design! 

I am loving the cooler temperatures in the mornings and evenings! Does this mean fall is officially on its way in? I do not doubt summer will put up a fight. She always does. 

Tell me what you have been up to! What are you reading, listening to and watching? What new books have you added to your bookshelves? How did your week shape up? 

© 2021, Musings of a Bookish Kitty. All Rights Reserved. If you're reading this on a site other than Musings of a Bookish Kitty or Wendy's feed, be aware that this post has been stolen and is used without permission.


  1. I love the look of the cross anthology. And that's awesome that your mom will be closer! That's a huge difference.

    Love your new look! Congrats on the blogoversary. :)

    1. Greg - It's definitely something to look forward too--having her closer. :-) Thank you for visiting!

  2. I really want to read 'The Real Valkyrie' as well, but I do need to stop adding books to my TBR! Also, that cover for 'The Lottery' is ... interesting. I do adore the new design, it's lovely! And it sounds like you've had quite a week, between the Nutcracker and the overtime. Hopefully this next week will be a little bit calmer for you :)
    Juli @ A Universe in Words

    1. Juli - I understand the needing to stop adding books to the TBR. I really need to stop doing that too. It is an interesting cover for The Lottery, isn't it? I wouldn't know what to expect of the story from it at all. Thank you for stopping by!

  3. Sounds like you have a had a good, busy and productive week! As for mine, it was mainly made up of work and early nights, except for a well deserved hair cut. I have continued reading Miracle by C.S. Lewis and started watching The Serpent, on Netflix. Take care and happy reading! 😃

    1. Jessica - I was hoping to get a haircut this weekend but didn't get around to it. Perhaps next weekend. I desperately need one. I should check out The Serpent on Netflix. Thank you for visiting!

  4. Nice new design! Glad your mom will be closer, and I'm sure everyone will be happier being close to those you love.

    1. Jenclair - Thank you! I am happy with how it turned out. I am glad my mom is moving closer, but I know it won't be easy leaving behind her brothers and their families, her friends, and my brother. It'll be quite a change for her. Thank you for stopping by!

  5. I like your design, I can't part with my header on both the food/life and the book blog because it has our beoved shiba insu. I still miss those dogs. But I am loving how your blog is set up. Makes me want to move some widgets on mine.

    Great news about your mom moving closer! I wish our son lived closer.
    I'm glad you enjoyed the Rose Code, I thought that was an excellent book. Currently reading Billy Summers by Stephen King.

    1. Tina - Thank you! I can understand not wanting to part with your header given what your dog means to you. It wouldn't be easy for me to do in that case either.

      I am glad to hear you liked The Rose Code! I haven't read Billy Summers, but I hope you are enjoying it.

      Thank you for visiting!

  6. Love your new look here! I've been considering doing one but still thinking through it.

    That will be so exciting that your mom will be staying closer to you guys! Always nice to have family close.

    I know what you mean about not getting a lot of time to do blog visits. I'm trying to do it a few times a week but it's more adhoc and depending on what else is going on.

    1. Athira - Thank you! It took so long to finally switch over to the new design but I've been wanting to do it for awhile now. All the pieces finally fell into place.

      We can only do what we can blog visit wise. I wish I had more time to devote to it.

      Thank you for stopping by!

  7. The blog really looks good, it's the perfect balance, not too plain but not too fussy.

    I've not heard of The Rose Code so now I'm super curious about it.

    I've taken on a promotion at work and am still struggling with the work life balance so I totally understand about wanting to visit and comment on blogs and actually having the time to do so.

    Have a great week and enjoy your reading.

    1. Louise - Thank you! I didn't want it to be too busy looking. I like simple, but I also wanted to add a bit more to it to make it stand out.

      Congratulations on your promotion! I hope you find that work/life balance. It always seems that when I think I may have found it--something happens to disrupt it.

      Thank you for visiting!

  8. Whew! You do have a lot happening. I'm glad the auditions for Nutcracker went well and that she is feeling better. It will be much easier to have your mother close. Hopefully, she can sort and throw before the move to make the move easier. I say this for everyone moving based on experience. It's hard to know before you move what you might need so I always hate to let anything go and usually move too much. Yay for the new design by Michelle. I just got a new header.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

    1. Anne - My mom is hoping to sort and get rid of stuff but with the short timeline I am sure some stuff will have to wait for sorting when she's here. She's an experienced mover, being a military wife, but it has been a long time since she last moved. And downsizing is never easy. I like your new header. :-) Thank you for stopping by!

  9. Busy week. I hope this one at home can let you rest a bit. Jason is still working from home except for the occasional in person meeting and it's a blessing.

    LOVE that your mom is moving closer :) Mine moved here 7 years ago and are 3 miles away. It will be so nice for Maggie.

    Love the new design.

    1. Stacy - It will be nice having my mom closer.

      I do hope it will be a good week at work! I like being able to work from home part of the time and hope they continue to let us.

      Thank you for visiting!

  10. I love your new design!

    So glad that your mom will be moving closer to you. In these times, we need proximity to family members.

    Enjoy your week and your books, and here are my WEEKLY UPDATES

    1. Laurel-Rain - Thank you! I am glad so many like it too! Thank you for stopping by!

  11. The new design looks great!

    How wonderful to have your mom moving closer. I hope the move goes well.

    Glad you are enjoying The Rose Code.

    Have a great week!

    1. Gretchen - Thank you! I hope her move will go well too. It's going to be here before we all know it. Thank you for stopping by!

  12. Lovely new design! I'm so glad that Mouse is happy with the parts she got in Nutcracker - I hope she enjoys the whole process!

    1. Eustacia - Thank you! I think this will be Mouse's 3rd Nutcracker performance. She's looking forward to it. :-) Thank you for visiting!

  13. I do notice the new design! It is lovely! Well done! And I'm very glad to see you are enjoying The Rose Code. It's one of my favorites for the year.

    Have a good week and take care!

    Elza Reads

    1. Mareli (Elza) - Thank you! Lots of kitties. :-) The Rose Code is so good! I can see why it's one of your favorites of the year. I hope you have a great weekend too. Thank you for stopping by!

  14. As someone who lives far from all members of my family I can relate to looking forward to living closer to your mom! It can be hard having family so far away, excited for you and the next chapter. I am also finally looking forward to the cooler temps of fall...but imagine, like you said, summer will linger. I live in NC so summer could be here for quite a while yet.

    1. Cindy - Yes, living so far away from family has been difficult at times. I think this will be a good move for all of us. :-) Summer holds on here awhile too, unfortunately. I figure she's got a few more heat waves in her before she lets fall take over completely.

      Thank you for visiting!

  15. I love the new design! Very cute! And that European Travel book looks super pretty.
    How nice that your mom is moving closer to you guys. I can imagine how excited you guys are about that.
    Have a great week and happy reading.

    1. Maureen - Thank you! A bit more color and whimsy was needed, I thought. Yes, we are happy that she'll be down here with us finally. Thank you for stopping by!

  16. And, by the way, I do like the new design!

  17. So glad your mother is going to be closer to you guys. Bet Miss Mouse will love that too. And there could be worse music than The Nutcracker tunes ha!

    1. Kay - Mouse will love having her grandma closer. :-) Haha! I do like the Nutcracker music, fortunately, but sometimes it is a bit much. Thank you for visiting!

  18. Lovely new blog design; I think a refresh is a great thing to do (having done so myself recently) and gives our blogging attitude a real pick-me-up.

    How wonderful that your mom is moving close to you! Having parents and our children close by is good medicine.

    Both Dear Justyce and The Lottery and impactful books!

    1. Helen - Thank you! This new design is more whimsical, I think. I definitely like it. We're looking forward to having my mom closer. :-) I am glad you enjoyed both Dear Justyce and The Lottery. Thank you for stopping by!

  19. I really like your new design, it's clean and easy to read. My sister has The Rose Code, and I'm going to have to grab it from her next time I see her.

    1. Wendy - Thank you! Easy to read is important! I hope you get a chance to read The Rose Code. Thank you for visiting!

  20. I've been meaning to redo my blog design too, I definitely need a change. I love yours! Congrats to Mouse on her Nutcracker parts, it's fun thinking the Christmas season is coming😁

    1. Tammy - Thank you on all counts! I do love the holiday season. :-) Thank you for visiting!

  21. Oh my gosh, that cover of The Lottery is hilarious! Makes it look like bawdy!

    1. Lisa - It does, doesn't it? LOL It's not a cover I would've expected for The Lottery. Thank you for stopping by!

  22. I love the new blog design.
    I have been loving that Juliette Cross series. I read Walking in A Witchy Wonderland and really liked it.

    1. Mary - Thank you! I like how it turned out. :-) I am glad you enjoyed Waking in a Witchy Wonderland. I hope to read more of it soon. Thank you for stopping by!

  23. I love your new book design - so fun and bright. I am also happy your mom will be closer to you soon. That is so important to both of you I am sure. Have a great week Wendy.

    1. Diane - Thank you! A bit more color. :-) I am excited my mom will be closer. I hope you have a great week too. Thank you for visiting!

  24. Vicki - I am glad it wasn't anything long lasting. I think too little sleep and not enough water had something to do with it.

    Thank you for the belated blogiversary wishes! It just kind of slipped by. :-)

    I wish the cooler weather would stick around, but I know it will be hot again soon enough.

    Thank you for visiting!

  25. I am in the market for a new blog design so thanks for mentioning your designer. Your blog looks fabulous!

    1. Marg - Thank you! Michelle does a good job and really aims to give you what you will be happiest with. Thank you for stopping by!

  26. That's a beautiful book and handmade bookmark! That's great your mom will be closer now and that The Nutcracker audition went well.
    I love the new blog look, happy blog-versary! I also like the cooler mornings and evenings but summer will definitely put up a fight as always lol.
    It's good your remote this week, I think it makes the workday much easier without the commute. I'm remote half the week permanently and am glad for that. Happy reading this week!

    1. Naida - Thank you! It will be nice to have her closer. :-) I don't miss the commute at all--even though mine isn't that long when I do go into the office. Anything to avoid traffic. Thank you for visiting!

  27. I'm happy to hear that you are enjoying The Rose Code so much. The Lottery is one of those amazing classic stories that you never forget and that you find yourself talking about long after you have read it.

    I am eager to watch Ted Lasso. I've heard such good things about it.

    Congratulations on your fifteenth blogoversary! (I forgot to celebrate my blogoversary this year. Darn!) Your new blog design is beautiful.

    It will be great to have your mom so close!

    1. Deb - I've heard such good things about The Lottery--and Shirley Jackson. I am really looking forward to reading the story.

      Thank you for the blog anniversary wishes. It completely slipped by my this year.

      Thank you for stopping by!

  28. Love the new design, and happy blogoversary 🎈

    Wishing you a great reading week

  29. Congrats on your fifteenth blogiversary! Wow, that's a huge achievement! I'll have been on WordPress, where I blog, for 15 years this coming February, but I've had a number of different blogs.

    I haven't read Dear Martin yet, but have had it on my radar forever and really need to read it especially now that there's a sequel.

    1. Astrid - Thank you! My blog's undergone several transformations over the year, but it feels like home. :-)

      I highly recommend Dear Martin if you get a chance to read it. It's such a good read.

      Thank you for visiting!

  30. I love the new blog design! I'm sorry to hear Mouse was feeling poorly but so glad that she's feeling better and that she's happy with her Nutcracker parts! That's quite a cover for The Lottery! I've always pictured it more Puritan-y. I read The Alice Network by Kate Quinn and loved it so I really need to get The Rose Code. Have a great week!

    1. Katherine - Thank you! I am happy with how it came out. :-) It's been a terrible time for our sinuses--we are prone to allergies (luckily, it has just been allergies). I hope you have a great week too. Thank you for stopping by!

  31. Your new blog layout is so cute. I love it! Happy Blogoversary to you as well. 15 years is a pretty impressive milestone. :)

    1. Suzanne - Thank you. Something different. :-) Thanks for visiting!

  32. THE ROSE CODE is good! I just saw the cover reveal of Quinn's new book and put a recommendation on it for my library. I still have THE ALICE NETWORK on my kindle to read, so maybe I'll get to that in the meantime.

    1. Melinda - I will have to see if I can see the new cover of her upcoming book. All her books sound so good. I know I will like her others given how much I am enjoying The Rose Code. Thank you for stopping by!

  33. Love the new design, that michelle is awesome! ;)
    Glad your mom is moving close. We are trying to get my mom to agree to move with us since she is so alone since my dad passed but she is sort of stuck in her ways.

    I hope you have a great week! Happy Reading!

    1. Michelle - Yes, that Michelle is very awesome. :-) I hope your mom decides to move closer. I know it can be hard to leave the place you've put down roots and have so much history. Thank you for visiting!

  34. Oh my goodness so many good things going on. Love the new blog design. It looks so cozy. And, how great that your mom is going to be much closer to you guys now. Glad to hear that Mouse got a part she's happy with and no doubt she's going to be wonderful in the production! And, a very happy if belated Bloggiversary! 15 years is a wonderful accomplishment!

    1. Iliana - Thank you! I keep coming back to look at it. LOL And thank you for the blogiversary wishes. :-) Thank you for stopping by!

  35. Ooh! The Real Valkyrie: The Hidden History of Viking Warrior Women sounds good as does European Travel for the Monstrous Gentlewoman ... I'm loving the cover.

    As always, enjoying the opportunity to catch up, it sounds like another busy and productive week was had.

    1. Felicity - The Real Valkyrie is an interesting take on history--the author makes a very convincing argument for how history has mis-interpreted the role of women during that time period.

      Thank you for visiting!

  36. I love your new blog design, Wendy! And I'm glad to hear your mom is staying much closer to you. I'm also happy to hear that Mouse got a part she's happy with and here's wishing her all the best for her performance!

    1. Melody - Thank you! It's a little something different. :-)

  37. Your new theme is lovely!
    I’ve been having trouble keeping up with commenting recently too.

    Wishing you a great reading week

    1. Shelleyrae - Thank you! Something different. :-) I feel terrible that I haven't been able to do any blog hopping as of late or keep up with blogging. That is the way it goes sometimes. Thank you for visiting!

  38. I was just looking at my copy of The Real Valkyrie -- I need to get to that sooner than later.

    1. It feels like it took me forever to get through, but I am glad I stuck with it. I hope you enjoy it! Thank you for stopping by!

  39. Nice looking books and great looking blog design too. I also really love a bargain when shopping for books. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  40. I love your new design. I have never had mine done by anyone, since I enjoy playing around with themes and graphics. But I'm sure a professional look would be a good thing.

    I'm glad your mom is moving closer!

    Enjoy your week, and here are my WEEKLY UPDATES

    1. Laurel-Rain - I am terrible with graphics so I lean a lot on my husband for that kind of thing. Michelle has been extra helpful in designing my blog header these last few years. Thank you for stopping by!

  41. I do love the new design! So very cute! I still remember reading "The Lottery" in high school - that story stuck with me.

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction


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