Saturday, September 11, 2021

Weekly Mews: Interviews, Nutcracker Audition & a Too Short Holiday Weekend

I am linking up to the Sunday Post hosted by Kim of Caffeinated Book Reviewer and The Sunday Salon (TSS) hosted by Deb Nance of Readerbuzz  where participants recap our week, talk about what we are reading, share any new books that have come our way, and whatever else we want to talk about. I am also linking It's Monday! What Are you Reading? hosted by Kathryn of Book Date where readers talk about what they have been, are and will be reading.

In reading . . . 

I finished reading Witches Get Stitches by Juliette Cross this week. It is the third book in the author's Stay a Spell romance series featuring a family of witches. This one focused on Violet and the werewolf she keeps trying to resist. It was a steamy and fun read.


I was not ready to leave New Orleans and the Savoie sisters just yet and so dived in the first story in Juliette Cross's Stay a Spell anthology, Walking in a Witchy Wonderland. I also have started reading a nonfiction book, The Real Valkyrie: The Hidden History of Viking Warrior Women by Nancy Marie Brown.

Mouse and I are still reading and enjoying Tilly and the Bookwanderers by Anna James. Mouse recently also picked up The Little White Horse by Elizabeth Goudge and has been reading it to me off and on.


Next up will likely be my September TBR List winner.  I can't wait to read it! Chapter and Curse, the first in a new cozy mystery series by Elizabeth Penney, is also calling my name and I may not be able to resist it much longer. 

What I Have Been Watching

I have been watching more of the same. I am on the second seasons of Grimm and Charmed. My family and I checked out the first episode of Doogie Kamealoha, M.D., reboot of the 1990's Doogie Howser television show. I think we are going to like this show. It has some similarities to the original but is very much it's own, featuring a 16 year old doctor trying to balance life as a teenager and that of a doctor with a full time job. 

Off the Blog

It was a busy week but with the perk of an extra weekend day due to the Labor Day Holiday. At work, I sat in on interviews for a new supervisor early in the week. The candidates all seemed promising. The catch for my office is always the hours--the available shift is not a preferred one and tends to scare prospects away more often than not. Most of the people interviewed seemed okay with the hours/days though, and my manager made a selection Friday afternoon. The new supervisor will start the middle of October.

Mouse met with her Girl Scout troop this past week for their first meeting of the season. The weather was perfect for the outdoor meeting, held at a park. All their meetings last season were via Zoom and so it was nice to see everyone in person again. The girls have grown so much this past year.

It is a busy weekend for us. My mom is in town and Mouse had her usual dance classes on top of a Nutcracker audition (it went well) Saturday. Tomorrow she is attending a double birthday party for two of her friends. They are going mini golfing and then will have doughnuts in a nearby park. 

This next week is my week in the office. I will miss my furry work buddies.

Sleeping on the job
Tell me what you have been up to! What are you reading, listening to and watching? How was your week?

Thank you for helping me decide what book from my TBR collection I should read next: 

My TBR List is hosted by the awesome Michelle at Because Reading. It’s a fun way to choose a book from your TBR pile to read. The 1st Saturday of every month, I will list 3 books I am considering reading and take a poll as to which you think I should read. I will read the winner that month. My review will follow (unfortunately, not likely in the same month, but eventually--that's all I can promise). 

I seem to be collecting Kate Quinn's novels and am grateful for your help in deciding which of her books to read first. It was really close with The Huntress coming in with 4 votes, The Alice Network with 5, and the winner, The Rose Code with 6 votes.

The Rose Code by Kate Quinn

Thank you for voting! I hope you all have a wonderful week! Happy Reading!

© 2021, Musings of a Bookish Kitty. All Rights Reserved. If you're reading this on a site other than Musings of a Bookish Kitty or Wendy's feed, be aware that this post has been stolen and is used without permission.


  1. Good luck with the new hire! And The Rose Code looks good. Hopefully it goes well. :)

    Be well this week!

    1. Greg - Thank you. It didn't quite turn out how everyone planned with the new supervisor position--last minute change by upper management--but hopefully everything will work out okay. Thank you for visiting!

  2. I hope the new supervisor will be good in the role and that you continue to enjoy your witchy reading as well as The Rose Code - I have not read but have heard a lot of good things about it! As for my week, it was a busy, sweaty and fun one, as we returned to work and enjoyed a bit of an Indian summer here in the UK. ☀

    1. Jessica - Thank you! I am enjoying The Rose Code so far. I am glad you had a good week! Thank you for stopping by!

  3. Hope the new supervisors works out well and glad that Mouse is able to do more fun things in person. I hope you will enjoy the Rose Code. I need to pencil that one in.

    1. Diane - The supervisor situation developed a kink, but hopefully it will work out. Thank you for stopping by!

  4. I love stories that center on books, so I think the Tilly and the Bookwanderers series would be a series I might like. Glad you are enjoying it.

    I didn't have strong feeling about any of the three books you put up for the vote last week, but The Rose Code seemed to be a little stronger than the other two. Let's see what you think.

    It's lovely that the weather has allowed for more outdoors gatherings. I'm sure your daughter is glad she could meet in person outdoors with her friends in Scouts.

    1. Deb - It's a fun book and I look forward to reading more of the series. The Rose Code is good so far. I am enjoying it.

      Thank goodness for outdoor gatherings!

      Thank you for visiting!

  5. Nutcracker audition. Man that makes me want to see a ballet so badly! And you know I will(wink) have a great week!

    1. Trin Carl - The show will go one! Haha. Thank you for stopping by!

  6. Aww, I love the sleepy cat photo. I'm glad Mouse was able to see her friends in person! Have a great week.

    1. AJ - She loves being close. :-) I am glad Mouse was able to see her friends in person too. Hopefully someday it will be commonplace again! Thank you for visiting!

  7. Good luck with the new supervisor. I'm glad you're enjoying the witchy book series, Witches Get Stitches sounds good. I used to watch Doogie Howser way back when lol...seems so long ago!
    Cute pic! I miss Otis when I'm in the office but I'm glad the hybrid schedule is permanent so I'm still home with him a few days also.
    Happy reading this week!

    1. Naida - Witches Get Stitches was a fun read, even if not my favorite in the series.

      I am glad I am able to be home with my cats most of the time too. :-) They make good work buddies.

      Thank you for stopping by!

  8. Love that sweet kitty face!

    I just had my first experience of sitting in on a candidate interview (it was a panel interview) and it felt really weird not being the one being interviewed. I've been the candidate on SO MANY panel interviews and it's the worst thing in the world so I was amazed at how relaxed our candidate for the job seemed. I didn't like the experience at all because I immediately liked the guy and wanted to insist that he be hired right then and there but of course that's not my call to make so my stomach is in knots wondering if HR will hire the guy or not. lol I know how crushing it is to not get a job you interview for, even if that means there's a better one out there for you, somewhere.

    1. Jinjer - Thank you. She's such a charmer. :-)

      You sound like me when it comes to the interviews. I always want to hire everyone because they all sound good. Or, rather most of them. I have had some bad ones over the years.

      Thank you for visiting!

  9. I enjoyed Witches Get Stitches. That series is so much fun.

    1. Mary - I agree! I really enjoy that series. Thank you for stopping by!

  10. Glad to hear life is good on your side!! Chapter and Curse sounds like a fun read. Keep us posted!

    I love Kate Quinn! Both The Alice Network and The Rose Code are sure favorites. I've reviewed The Rose Code a while ago. You are welcome to read my review - on my blog under Book Remeows.

    Have a good week and take care!

    Elza Reads

    1. Mareli (Elza) - I think it will be a good read too. I'll have to look for your Rose Code review after I finish reading it. Thank you for visiting!

  11. I love the sound of those Juliette Cross books. I haven't heard about that author before to be honest. I'll need to check her out ;)
    Ah.. I love your cat photo. That looks like the perfect work buddy!
    Have a great week and happy reading.

    1. Maureen - I have enjoyed many of Juliette Cross's books. If you do give her a try, I hope you will enjoy her books!

      Gracie is the perfect work buddy. Even if a bit disruptive sometimes. LOL

      Thank you for stopping by!

  12. That picture of your cat is SO cute! And I'm glad Witches Get Stitches was such a fun read. Have a good week! :)

    1. Lark - Thank you! She's very photogenic. :-) Thank you too for visiting!

  13. Sounds like you have been doing some fun reading. I remember really liking The White Horse, glad your daughter is enjoying it.

    I look forward to your thoughts on The Rose Code.

    It's good to hear that kids are able to get together again. Hope your daughter enjoys her time with friends.

    Have a good week!

    1. Gretchen - I hope to read The White Horse at some point. Probably not until my daughter is finished with it though. The Rose Code is good so far. Thank you for stopping by!

  14. Witches Get Stitches sounds like a fun read. I still need to read The Rose Code but I loved The Huntress and The Alice Network so I have high hopes for it. Here's hoping it's a great read for us both. :)

    1. Suzanne - I am really enjoying The Rose Code and look forward to reading Quinn's other two books as well! Thank you visiting!

  15. You sure had a busy week! Hope you have a great week!

    Here’s my Sunday Post!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog

  16. It feels a little odd how much people are doing. We are still being pretty careful. I'm glad your daughter is able to enjoy her dance and Girl Scouts. Robin likes the Stay A Spell series too. Good luck in the office.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

    1. Anne - We are definitely taking more risks but still being careful--wearing masks everywhere and social distancing. The birthday celebrations were outdoors and the same guests at both parties--all dance friends she's hanging out with weekly at the dance studio already. Mouse is such a different person than she was last year at this time, being able to do more normal stuff again. Luckily, our numbers have been down with the vaccination rate up. Hopefully it stays that way and continues to get better. Thank you for stopping by!

  17. Sounds like things are getting back to normal. My daughter's Brownie group meets in person this week for the first time since March (she is the leader). I loved the Rose Code and hope you do as well. Your cat is so adorable, love that picture of him. Have a great week, Wendy.

    1. Carla - I hope your daughter's Brownie troop meeting went well! It's good the girls are able to get together again. Thank you for visiting!

  18. Nice to see that the Kate Quinn novels were all close in votes! I think you'd like them all.

    Girl Scout meetings in person sound wonderful; I know having students back at school has felt really good here.

    1. Helen - I've heard they are all good. :-) I'm enjoying The Rose Code so far. Thank you for stopping by!

  19. Good luck to Mouse and her Nutcracker auditions. I look forward to hearing what her part will be😁

    1. Tammy - Thank you! She was cast in four parts, one of which she performed before and was happy to get again. :-) Thank you for visiting!

  20. Your week is going to be busy. Mine is routine but despite the lockdown the days seem to be going by fast. Its already mid September. Sadly this year has nothing to show other than depressing statistics all around. We are still in lockdown.

    1. Mystica - I am sorry you are still on lockdown. Hopefully the numbers in your part of the world are improving as a result. Thank you for stopping by!

  21. I was a fan of Doogie as a kid so I’ll definitely be checking out the reboot.
    I hope Mouse gets the role she wants in Nutcracker

    Wishing you a great reading week

    1. Shelleyrae - If you do catch the Doogie reboot, I hope you like it. We saw the second episode last night.

      Mouse is very pleased with the parts she was offered in the Nutcracker. Thank you for the well wishes!

      Thank you for visiting!

  22. Witches Get Stitches sounds like a good read.

    I'm glad to hear Mouse had a fun time with her friends. And fingers crossed for her Nutcracker audition result. :)

    1. It was a fun read, although I think I enjoyed the earlier books in the series a bit more.

      The audition went well, thank you!

      Thank you for stopping by!

  23. I'm so glad the girl scouts got to have an outdoor meeting so they could see each other IRL. Glad the Nutcracker audition went well. Those witchy books look so fun! Have a great week!

    1. Victoria - I am glad the Girl Scout troop is able to meet in person again too. Zoom isn't as much fun. Thank you for visiting!

  24. All the best with the new supervisor at work!

  25. Hope you enjoy all your books, have a good week!

  26. My sister is reading the Rose Code, She's liking it so far, It's on my TBR. I plan on borrowing it from her when she's done. Sounds like you had a busy week. Love your photo of the cat. :)

    1. Wendy - I hope your sister continued to enjoy The Rode Code. I like it so far and hope you will too! Thank you for stopping by!

  27. Some great reads, perfect for Halloween. Witches get Stitches and Chapter and Curse caught my eye straight away.
    And its great to hear mouse is able to meet up with friends in person. Zoom just isn't the same.

    1. Felicity - They seem like timely reads. :-) I agree, Zoom just isn't the same as being able to meet in-person. Thank you for visiting!

  28. Vicki - I hope you like Doogie Kamealoha, M.D. if you give it a try. It's a good family show, I think. Thank you for visiting!

  29. I'm so glad to hear Mouse was finally able to meet with her girl scout troop in person. This pandemic is just so exhausting. You know, I think I have several Kate Quinn books too and I haven't read her yet!

    1. Iliana - I was too. They had their first official meeting this week and they enjoyed being able to be together again. I agree--I wish this pandemic was behind us. It's so exhausting. Thank you for stopping by!


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