Saturday, June 12, 2021

Weekly Mews: Making Way For Summer Heat and Good Books to Read

I am linking up to the Sunday Post hosted by Kim of Caffeinated Book Reviewer and The Sunday Salon (TSS) hosted by Deb Nance of Readerbuzz  where participants recap our week, talk about what we are reading, share any new books that have come our way, and whatever else we want to talk about. I am also linking It's Monday! What Are you Reading? hosted by Kathryn of Book Date and a children's/middle grade version hosted by Jen Vincent, Teach Mentor Texts, and Kellee of Unleashing Readers where readers talk about what they have been, are and will be reading.

I hope you are enjoying the weekend. Summer is definitely making her presence known in my sliver of the world. The temperatures are rising, and it's supposed to reach 107F by Tuesday. If my coworker was here, he would brag that it will get up to 120 where he lives in Palm Springs next week. I might have to suggest he work out of the office then--it will be a little cooler. 😉

In reading . . . 


I seem to have been able to keep my reading dip from turning into a full blown slump, thank goodness. Kim Harrison's The Good, the Bad, and the Undead (The Hollows #2) helped with that. I am hoping not to wait so long to read the third book, Every Witch Way But Dead, as I did between the first two books.  I love the detail the author put into her world building of this urban fantasy series. 


Currently, I am reading Colleen Oakley's The Invisible Husband of Frick Island and also working my way through my first issue of Oh Reader. I am not a big magazine reader, to be honest (they tend to pile up and sit unread), but I could not resist when I heard it was a magazine written by and for readers--not about books specifically (although there is plenty of book talk), but about reading and readers themselves.

Next up on my TBR pile is this month's TBR List poll winner. Thank  you to all who voted! I am also eying Murder in the East End (Kat Holloway Below Stairs Mysteries #4) by Jennifer Ashley, which is calling my name and I hope to start soon.

Mouse and I finished reading Just Add Magic by Cindy Callaghan earlier in the week. I think I mentioned before how different the book is from the TV series. The focus in both is on three best friends who discover a magic cookbook in one of the girl's attics. As they begin trying out recipes, they quickly learn that each spell they cast with the recipes has consequences beyond what was intended--the law of returns. The book and TV series diverge significantly from there. I think both Mouse and I agree we like the show more, but we did see it first so that may be part of the reason. Mouse has seen it multiple times actually. That isn't to say we did not enjoy the book--because we liked it too. The series is a bit darker and aimed at a wider audience age-wise, I think, than the book. And the magic is more subtle in the book. My daughter and I agree the highlight of the book for us was the friendship between the three girls. 

Although Mouse and I were reading Magic Misfits (#1) by Neil Patrick Harris separately, we did finish it around the same time and had a nice bedtime discussion about it last night. As I expect from anything Neil Patrick Harris does, the novel is a bit quirky with a large dose of wit. I could hear Mouse laughing out loud as she was reading. She loved that the narrator was writing directly to her, the reader, offering funny sidebars as well as directions on how to do magic tricks. It's a cute book about an orphan boy who runs away from his con-artist uncle and winds up in a town where a visiting carnival has set up shop. He meets three friends who share his love for magic tricks. The friends come to realize the  carnival boss and his crew are up to no good and they put their talents together to thwart him. I love that Leila's adoptive parents are a gay couple, something I wish we would see more of in middle grade fiction. Magic Misfits was funny and cute. There was a bit of mystery and action mixed in. For those willing to do the work, there is even a secret message for the reader to decode.  I bet the novel would be even better in audio format with Neil Patrick Harris narrating. 

Mouse and I are now reading Tales from a Not-So-Happy Birthday (Dork Diaries #13) by Rachel Renée Russell together. This continues to be one of Mouse's favorite series. On her own, Mouse just started Magic Misfits: The Second Story by Neil Patrick Harris. She is excited about this installment of the series because it features her favorite character, Leila, the escape artist. And, of course, the entire misfits gang play prominent roles as well. 

What I Have Been Watching . . . 

My family and I finished off season 5 of Lucifer--which had quite the ending, I have to say. We are all curious what direction the show will go in its final season. After a recent High School Musical movie marathon (at my daughter's request), we were curious about The High School Musical: The Musical series, which is a mockumentary musical drama about a high school theater department putting on a version of the original movie musical. We liked the first episode enough (especially my husband) to continue, and so we have put a couple of episodes on (each being a half hour long) in the evenings. Except for on Loki night, of course. Now our Wednesday TV time is dedicated entirely to Loki. The show has gotten off to a very promising start. Tom Hiddleston does such a good job in the role.

Off the Blog . . . 

It was quite the week! It started with my husband's birthday. We stretched it out over two days--a quiet family celebration one day and then a visit to California Adventure and Disneyland the next. We had received passes as a gift the Christmas before last and decided to take advantage of the lower capacity requirement in the parks while it was still in place (and before the passes expired). During our visit, only California residents were being allowed in the parks and masks were required at all times (except for when eating in designated areas--no indoor dining) along with social distancing. We had a great time although we were exhausted when we got home. You can bet we slept well that night! 

Other than that, our week was rather ordinary. Mouse had dance and rehearsal and attended a day of the summer camp program. She is determined to earn her en pointe letter and has been working hard in her ballet and pre-pointe classes. Her favorite dance class this year though is jazz, followed by musical theatre. Both classes have been working on their dance routines for the Summer Showcase, which she will be taking part in alongside the musical. 

It was another busy week at work for both my husband and me. My managers announced the proposed schedule for my office as things continue to open up throughout the county and state. California is lifting most of its COVID restrictions this next week on the 15th, although some will remain in place. It looks like I will continue to work a hybrid schedule, only working a couple days in the office than I am now, but still mostly from home. If approved, the new schedule will start in July. 

Tell me what you have been up to! What are you reading, listening to and watching? How was your week

Thank you for helping me decide what book from my TBR collection I should read next: 

My TBR List is hosted by the awesome Michelle at Because Reading. It’s a fun way to choose a book from your TBR pile to read. The 1st Saturday of every month, I will list 3 books I am considering reading and take a poll as to which you think I should read. I will read the winner that month. My review will follow (unfortunately, not likely in the same month, but eventually--that's all I can promise). 

This is the first time I think I have had a poll where one book received no votes! Poor Kate Atkinson and Life After Life. In the end it came down to The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue by V.E. Schwab and The Midnight Library by Matt Haig. The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue came away with 10 votes and The Midnight Library won with 14. Thank you again to all who voted! I look forward to reading The Midnight Library this month. So many people I know have enjoyed it! 

I hope you all have a wonderful week! Happy Reading!

© 2021, Musings of a Bookish Kitty. All Rights Reserved. If you're reading this on a site other than Musings of a Bookish Kitty or Wendy's feed, be aware that this post has been stolen and is used without permission.


  1. Happy weekend! Invisible Husband sounds fun. and wow 107? We hit 88 today and I thought THAT was bad. lol. You have got us beat!

    Those parks can be exhausting! :) And good luck with the new protocols- pretty much everything is opened up here too (or will be).

    I need to start Loki.

    1. Greg - Happy Weekend to you too! I finished The Invisible Husband of Frick Island this morning and have to say I really liked it.

      Our feet were really sore after all that walking. I am glad we went even tough I had a lot of reservations given the pandemic.

      My family and I will continue wearing masks and taking precautions for the time being, despite everything opening up. My daughter isn't able to get the vaccination yet.

      I hope you enjoy Loki!

      Have a great week, Greg. Thank you for visiting.

  2. I just got a copy of the Invisible Husband of Frick Island as I've heard good things about it. I hope you enjoy it.

    1. Helen - I hope you enjoy Oakley's novel. I finished it this morning and loved it. Thank you for stopping by!

  3. Happy Belated Birthday to your husband! 🎉 Sounds like you had a fun time celebrating and glad you reading dip hasn't become a full slump. My reading took a significant dip this week, what with work, stress and tiredness. I took comfort in a re-watch of the fun, fantasy-adventure Merlin instead. 🧙‍♂️

    Take care and happy reading in the coming week 🙂

    1. Jessica - Thank you for the birthday wishes for my husband. :-) I am sorry for all you are dealing with right now. I hope the interview goes well! I have only seen a couple of episodes of Merlin in passing. It looks like a good show. I hope you have a much better week. Thank you for visiting!

  4. Loki is so fun! I'm excited to continue the series too!

    Hope you enjoy Invisible Library!

    1. Eustacia - Yes, I thought Loki was fun too. I look forward to seeing what this week's episode will be like. Thank you for stopping by!

  5. I loved Midnight Library, but I voted for Invisible Life. I'm glad Midnight Library won.

    We (oddly) haven't had lots of heat here, though everyone else seems to be scorching. My sister-in-law said it was in the 90s in Boston! Crazy.

    I remember seeing Neil Patrick Harris at BookExpo a few years ago. I had to look back and see what he was promoting. Yes. It's the series you guys are reading:

    1. Deb - Thank you for voting. I do want to read Schwab's book too, so it's not out of the count completely. :-) I am glad to hear you loved The Midnight Library.

      I'm surprised you haven't gotten the high temperatures too, now that you mention it. Unfortunately, I am sure it's coming.

      Thank you for sharing the link to your post! I'm a big fan of Neil Patrick Harris going back to his Doogie Howser days.

      Thank you for visiting and hosting The Sunday Salon!

  6. 107 - sounds pretty hard to take even if it is a dry heat. We are high 70s to low 80s so I love when we don't need to use the AC. Glad you were able to have some birthday fun last week and also that you will still be able to work from home a bit. Hope you find the perfect book to get your reading jump started again.

    1. Diane - Thank goodness for air conditioning! Your weather sounds perfect. I am glad we will still be able to work from home to a degree too. This way I won't get jealous of my husband who is working from home too. Haha. We actually do not see much of each other during the work day though, both in separate parts of the house. Thank you for stopping by!

  7. Same terrible summer here. Temperature has been rising to 120F here regularly. Stay safe!

    1. Gayathri - I hope you are able to stay cool. Take care and have a good week! Thank you for visiting. :-)

  8. Happy Sunday! Our temps are climbing too. Summer has started off wet and humid here. I'm hoping for drier weather this week. I'll have to look into Magic Misfits. My little man loves all books and the narrator breaking through and talking to him is a favorite of ours. Just recently finished Duckscares: The Nightmare Formula with him (written from Huey, Dewey and Louie's perspectives) and they constantly break through the story to talk and add sidebars. I agree, Loki is off to a great start. I can't wait to see where they take it. Hope you have a great week :)

    1. Lillian - Happy Sunday to you too! I do not mind wet or hot, but not together. I am not a fan of humidity. I hope you get the drier weather you want this week. Thank you for the recommendation of The Nightmare Formula. We'll have to check those out. I hope your son likes Magic Misfit books if you decide to give them a try. Thank you for visiting!

  9. Love the Midnight Library and the Below the Stairs Mysteries are a favorite. So glad you are spending time in the Hollows! One of my favorite series.

    1. Kimberly - I am enjoying the Hollows series. I don't know why it's taken me so long to get to it. I love Ashley's series too. It's one of my favorites. :-) I am glad you enjoyed The Midnight Library. I am looking forward to reading it. Thank you for stopping by!

  10. Oh my gosh! So hot! So many fun books for Mouse. I watched Loki last night. I really like the look of the show. The retro TVA home office reminded me of the timeline main office in The Umbrella Academy. I look forward to hearing what you think of The Midnight Library. When I started reading it I almost stopped reading- it is dark. I kept reading because I was waiting for the Midnight Library promised in the title to show up. Have a great week!

    1. Victoria - Yes! I thought of the Umbrella Academy too with the retro TVA home office. Which reminds me, I need to watch the second season of that still. Thank you for the head's up that The Midnight Umbrella is dark. I hope you have a great week too. Thank you for visiting!

  11. Wow, 107? I think the hottest we’ve gotten so far is 96. I was not pleased that day. Happy birthday to your husband. I hope you have a great week.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. AJ - This is more July weather than June. Thank you for the birthday wishes for my husband. :-) I hope you have a great week too. Thank you for stopping by!

  12. Glad things are going well for you and your family. Your day at Disneyland sounds like it was a lot of fun. We have a week of 100+ degrees ahead of us here in Utah, with a high on Tuesday of 106. Yuck. We usually don't get temps like that until July. And with the drought everything is either drying up...or burning up. Thank goodness for air conditioning. Have a great week!

    1. Lark (Lark Writes) - Same here--these temperatures are usually more normal for July/August. We are all on high fire alert here. Hopefully the winds don't kick up too much because that always makes it worse. I hope you have a great week too. Thank you for visiting!

  13. 107?! Oh, ugh! I do not do well in hot weather. It's not going to be too bad here this week -- 80s, mostly -- but with the humidity, that's more than enough for me.

    Murder in the East End was good, and adds to Kat's knowledge of Daniel (both his past and his present.) I hope you enjoy it!

    I'm glad you enjoyed Disneyland, and were able to go while capacity was still limited. Honestly, the crowds are what keep me from wanting to go to theme parks.

    The Magic Misfits sounds charming! I will keep my eye out for a copy.

    1. Lark (Bookwyrm) - Humidity does tend to make hot weather more unbearable. :-( I am glad to hear you liked Murder in the East End. I can't wait to learn more about Daniel.

      I am really glad we were able to get to the parks while the capacity was limited too. We aren't fans of crowds either, especially the older we get.

      Thank you for stopping by!

  14. Those over 100 temps aren't appealing. I'm glad you got out for your CA and Disney before it got so hot too. It's also good to hear places aren't just dropping all restrictions and common sense precautions at once.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

    1. Anne - It's like walking into an oven when it gets so hot. I am grateful for air conditioning. It was nice not having the usual crowds at the Disney Parks.

      I hope the people here will show common sense with the lifted restrictions, but I worry too many have decided this just means the pandemic is over.

      Thank you for visiting and I hope you have a great week.

  15. It's going to be 117 here next week. Not looking forward to it. Most places here in Vegas have dropped all the restrictions. Masks aren't being worn by a lot of people. I loved this last season of Lucifer and am looking forward to this next season. It can't come fast enough.

    1. Mary - I can't wait for the new season of Lucifer either. I hope you are able to stay cool. We'll be inside mostly, I imagine. I think most of the country has dropped the restrictions with California lagging behind. Our governor has been extra cautious, which I appreciate. It's expected people will follow the CDC recommendations, but I doubt that will happen, especially not in my county. Since my daughter is still unvaccinated, we plan to continue wearing our masks and taking precautions.

      I hope you have a great week. Thank you for stopping by!

  16. My sister's a huge Kim Harrison fan -- I really should try those books sometime! They sound so fun. Hope you enjoy your next-up reads!

    My weekly roundup post.

    1. Nicky - I hope you will give the series a try. I have only read the first two books, but I really enjoyed them.. Thank you for visiting!

  17. We're currently dancing around 100 too - wuth humidity today feels like 107 (according to my weather app). I enjoy hot weather typically, though I need a private pool now!

    Sounds like a great Disney trip - smart to go while restrictions are still in place!

    Enjoy your TBR pick - I voted for Addie LaRue, but this sounded good as well!

    Have a great week!

    1. Berls - I don't mind the heat as much as long as the humidity is low. My husband hates the heat. He tends to go into hibernation. I wish we had a pool too.

      I am glad we were able to go with the restrictions still in place too. It made me feel more comfortable even with my initial reservations.

      Thank you for voting. I still plan to read Schwab's book at some point. :-) Thank you for stopping by and I hope you have a great week too!

  18. Vicki - I do not like the humidity. :-( I finished reading The Invisible Husband of Frick Island this morning and loved it. I am glad to hear you are enjoying it too. Thank you for stopping by!

  19. Phew, looks like a scorcher for you. Sure you're back door doesn't open on Death Valley? LOL Glad you had fun for your husband's birthday and sounds like your daughter has a nice challenge getting her dances ready. Looks like a fun book picked out for your TBR vote winner. I'm not familiar with it so I'll have to look it up.

    Have a great week!

    1. Sophia Rose - Way too hot! That's what I get for living so close to the Mojave Desert. I started reading The Midnight Library last night. Hopefully I will enjoy it. :-) I hope you have a great week too. Thank you for visiting!

  20. I desperately want to go to Disneyland. We used to go to Disney World every year (and I fully intend to add it back in rotation once Will is done with chemo!) but I've never been to Disneyland. Sounds like a perfect birthday treat. I need to find some books to read with Will. We tried a children's series by James Patterson and another author and ended up DNFing it. I hope you have a great week!

    1. Katherine - We haven't been to Disney World but perhaps someday. I hope you are able to find something to read with Will. We haven't tried the Patterson books--sounds like that is for the best. I hope you have a great week too. Thank you for stopping by!

  21. We will be watching Loki too!

    That is a surprise that Kate Atkinson didn't get any votes, but then again those other two choices were both good ones!

    1. Marg - I hope you enjoy Loki! I was surprised it didn't get any votes either, but as you said, the other choices must be good ones. :-) Thank you for visiting!

  22. Its getting warmer here too but not that warm! Its warm enough for us to turn our AC on though lol I want to start Loki! I love his character.

    Have a great week!

    1. Molly - I am still trying to open the windows in the morning and evenings, but we've had to have our air conditioner going during the day for awhile now. Hopefully the evenings will not start holding onto the heat long too soon. I like having the fresh air come in. Thank you for stopping by and have a great week!

  23. I love Kim Harrison!! She lives about an hour away from me so I always went to her book signings. :)

    I miss Disney! I need to plan a trip for our family!

    1. Erin - That is so cool that you got to go to Kim Harrison's book signings often. I am enjoying her books. :-) Thank you for visiting!

  24. We have hot weather, too, but it is typical during the summers here. I don't like our air conditioning system, as the fans are loud (old style!) and blow hard, right on me at my computer. LOL.

    Enjoy your books and your week! Here are my WEEKLY UPDATES

    1. Laurel-Rain - The heat is typical here too, although triple digits are more common in July and September. That's too bad the fans are so loud. The fan at work is loud and blows right on me too, so I feel like I always need a sweater when I'm there. Thank you for stopping by!

  25. I'm hoping to read The Invisible Husband of Frick Island next month! How are you enjoying it? The Invisible Life of Addie Larue and The Midnight Library are on queue for the fall. How fun that you and your child share a love for books as well! Oh Reader sounds interesting. I found an individual copy for sale on Amazon, so am going to try it out. Thank you for sharing!

    1. Mia - I hope you like The Invisible Husband of Frick Island as much as I did! I am glad my daughter enjoys reading with me--I will take it for as long as it lasts. :-) Thank you for visiting!

  26. Sounds like you had a good week. I didn't know that Neil Patrick Harris wrote books. I still think of him as Doogie Howser. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

    1. Kathy - He's multi-talented. :-) Doogie Howser was my first introduction to him too. Thank you for stopping by!

  27. Wow—the weather sounds really hot where you are! It sounds like you've been reading a lot of fun books lately—I'm intrigued by the Magic Misfits series and the Just Add Magic books. I didn't realize the latter series was so different from the show, which I haven't seen but have heard about. I love that you use a poll to decide what to read next—from what I've heard, The Midnight Library sounds like a great pick! And I'm glad you all had a fun birthday celebration. Thanks so much for the great post!

    1. Too hot! We're spending a lot of time indoors as you can imagine. The Magic Misfits series is really cute. My daughter's already begging for the Just Add Magic sequel, so we will probably get to that one at some point. Thank you for visiting!

  28. Congratulations on your husband's birthday.
    We have had some great weather too. And I'm definitely loving it.
    I've heard some great things about The Invisible Husband of Frick Island.
    Have a great week and happy reading.

    1. Maureen - Thank you! He had a nice birthday. :-) I am glad you have such nice weather. I hope you have a great week too. Thank you for stopping by!

  29. My book club is doing The Invisible Life this month. I read some of the Magical Misfits book last year and enjoyed them. I liked Life after Life when I read it, so don't toss it from your TBR shelves yet :-)

    I had a lot of fun with the last season of Lucifer. And we're also making popcorn on Wednesdays to enjoy Loki. Have a great reading week!

    1. Beth - I hope the discussion around The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue goes well. I still plan to read both that and Life After Life--no chance of them being thrown off my TBR shelf just because they didn't win my poll. :-) Their time will come.

      I hope you have a great week too! Thank you for visiting!

  30. Yikes, those are some seriously hot temps. I was whining today because we were in the high 80s, lol. I agree that Loki has gotten off to a great start. I've been really impressed with all of the Marvel series on Disney Plus so far.

    1. Suzanne - Sounds like you have perfect weather. LOL I have been impressed with the Marvel series on Disney+ too. They are doing such a great job with them. Thank you for stopping by!

  31. The heat is going to be bad! And it's only June. I'm missing our typical California "June gloom" this year😁 You and Mouse especially sound very busy, hope you have a good week😁

    1. Tammy - I miss the "June gloom" too. Maybe we'll see it before the end of the month? There was a little bit of it at the very beginning of the month, but it didn't last long. I hope you have a good week too! Thank you for visiting.

  32. The description of Just Add Magic kinda reminds me of the Love Sugar Magic series by Anna Meriano. I wonder how much they have in common. I’d love to check it out this fall, when my reading schedule will hopefully be a little more open. We recently started watching Loki. My oldest daughter has always adored him, so it’s fun to have a series devoted to him. I really enjoyed The Midnight Library, so I hope you do, too. Have a wonderful reading week and thanks for linking up with #imwayr!

    1. Shaye - We have Love Sugar Magic in our TBR stacks to read still, but I can see why Just Add Magic would remind you of it from the cooking aspect. It sounds like they are pretty different though from the descriptions. I am enjoying The Midnight Library so far! I hope you have a great week too. Thank you for stopping by!

  33. All of the comments I leave are lost unless I use Firefox. I will try to remember to use that browser instead. Anyway, 107 now and although I am inside my poor daughter is a camp counselor at a park right now and it must be completely miserable outside.

    1. Ti - That's odd. I wonder why your comments only work when you use Firefox. I use Chrome and haven't had any issues. It didn't make it up to 107 here after all, but it was close. I feel for your daughter and all the others having to work outside right now. Thank you for visiting!

  34. I'm glad you'd a fun time at Disneyland, Wendy. We haven't been out and about for weeks, and I really miss those fun outdoor times! Hope you enjoy reading The Midnight Library!

    1. Melody - It was a nice outing after over a year of sheltering in place. The COVID numbers here continue to improve, thankfully. Now that things have opened up in the state, I hope that continues. I think we are all a little anxious about it though. Thank you for stopping by!

  35. Huh. I'm curious about Oh Reader now. I've never heard of anything like it before.
    I didn't particularly like Magic Misfits but it's nice to see Mouse enjoyed it so much that she wants to read more. Isn't it nice when you get really into a new series?
    Yeah I don't what they are going to do with Lucifer. Of course the only thing I think about is the romance in any story so I have this silly thought that Ella would end up with Michael or something. I know it's farfetched but he is not a great person and I know she has this dark side to her. I really hope that is resolved and something comes out of it.
    The Midnight Library sounds like the perfect read for me but I'm worried it'll be too sad. I will look for your review of it in the future.

    1. Adriana - The online subscription is cheaper than the physical copy of Oh Reader if you decide to give it a try. I think you can buy one copy if you just want to sample it first. I just jumped right in. LOL

      Magic Misfits is definitely aimed at the middle grade audience. It isn't one of my favorites, but if my daughter likes it, that's what matters.

      I really liked The Midnight Library. It was sad but hopeful.

      Thank you for visiting!

  36. We had a heatwave for a few days here as well, but now it cooled down again for a bit :) Ooh, Loki, I haven't started it yet, but I hope to binge it soon! The Midnight Library is on my TBR, hope you'll enjoy!

    1. Lindsey - We enjoyed a thunderstorm the other day. It was so nice to see the rain. I hope you enjoy Loki when you watch it and like The Midnight Library when you read it! Thank you for stopping by. :-)

  37. Wow 107! It's been hot here but we have rain all this week which also means my curly hair looks like a poodle lol.
    Enjoy your books, I've been wanting to read Kim Harrison for so long. Magic Misfits sounds cute.. glad you both are enjoying the series.
    And yay for Disneyland. It's awesome that things are opening back up again for some sense of normalcy. Hopefully you can keep your hybrid work schedule. I've been doing the same.

    I need to start watching Loki, it looks so good.
    Happy reading this week. :)

    1. Naida - There was rain and a thunderstorm here the other day, which was really nice. Still hot out though. I don't like the humidity so much, although I do like the rain.

      I hope you have a great weekend. Thank you for visiting!


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