Wednesday, December 02, 2015

Beyond the Books: My Bucket List

Every Thursday Karen of KissinBlueKaren hosts Beyond the Books, at which time participants are given a topic and asked to write about it on their own blogs. They then share their links at the main site and visit other participants blogs.

Today Karen's Beyond the Books topic is about what is on my bucket list.

I do not actually have a bucket list nor really want to make an official one. I am not sure things like seeing my daughter graduate from high school and college and get married (if she wants to) count. I can easily think of things I want to do but will never do. Like learn how to fly a helicopter and play the violin.  Yes, maybe I could do these things if I was motivated enough to learn how, but I am not. I accept that and have no regrets. So, what do I hope to do before I kick the bucket?

1. Get my passport.

2. Travel overseas.

3. Learn how to crochet. (I've tried, but so far to no avail. I took a class; I tried to teach myself both by You-Tube and by book); and a friend tried to teach me.--Maybe I should accept that it's not going to happen.)

4. Renew my vows to my husband. 

5. Read all of my TBR books (does this mean all the TBR books I currently have or does it include all those plus the ones I will acquire at some point in the future? Hmm.)

6. Attend Major League Baseball games in at least three different states.

7. Create and grow a garden in my backyard. (Not being a fan of gardening, this one will be tough.)

8. Keep a plant alive for more than a couple weeks.

9. Reach my goal weight (again).

The first time

10. Read the Harry Potter series with my daughter.

11. Visit the Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Universal Studios in Hollywood.

12. Overcome by phobia of fire.

13. Roast marshmallows over a campfire as an adult.

14. Make a photo book for my daughter for every year of her childhood (I've only managed to do the first one so far).

15. Visit Alaska.

16. Dye a section of my hair blue.

Do you have a bucket list?  What are some of the things you would like to do before you die?

 © 2015, Wendy Runyon of Musings of a Bookish Kitty. All Rights Reserved. If you're reading this on a site other than Musings of a Bookish Kitty or Wendy's feed, be aware that this post has been stolen and is used without permission.


  1. I love your list, especially because these are all very realistic goals!!

    1. Jillian - I aimed for realistic, I admit. I figure I might as well make a list of things that might actually happen. :-)

  2. Great list! Everything here is definitely doable! I have Alaska on my list as well. I watch so many shows about that state I feel like I know more than the residents do.

    1. Karen - Alaska looks like such a beautiful state. I would probably like to visit in the summer--I am not a fan of a lot of snow. :-)

  3. Great list! I love the idea of baseball games in 3 different states! We've done 2 (Atlanta and DC) but I'd love to go see the Cardinals play in St. Louis. The photo book is something on my To Do list. I'm trying to at least get one done for Christmas gifts but it's such an overwhelming project! And the Wizarding World is Awesome! We had the best time there and I really can't wait to go back.

    1. Katherine - I would have put every state that has a team, but I don't think that's very likely. Photo books are a lot of work, aren't they? I am excited about seeing Diagon Alley at Universal Studios. It doesn't open until this summer in California--and I doubt we'll go then, but someday . . .

  4. Dye your hair now! We see lots of different colored hair here and I love the bright, vibrant colors like pink and blue.

    I would love to travel more too.

    1. Kathy - I wish I could. There's a dress code at work, however, and so dying my hair blue is out for the time being. Maybe when I retire.

  5. Yeah, both nos. 8 and 16 would make my list though I'm not sure whether to go with blue or purple.

    We renewed our vows for our 20th anniversary and it was lovely. Less stressful than our wedding in that we did things our way.

    1. Tracy - So you aren't good with plants either? It's a curse. I tried purple earlier this year--just the ends, but it didn't take. I had kept it subtle because I didn't want it to be obvious (it's against work policy), but I had hoped it would last a little longer than it did.

      I think if we renew our vows, it will be something very small and informal. I had wanted to do it at 10 years, but it didn't work out. Maybe 20, but I won't hold my breath. You never know though.

  6. I don't have a list, I love the cutlery in your post - I so need a set like that


    1. Lainy - This was my first attempt at one. I don't know that I'll even remember it. LOL Isn't the cutlery great? I really like it too.

  7. I'm the same way, I don't really have a list mine would mostly be travel. Certain places. I think backyard gardens are cool, although they would take a ton of work I imagine. Great list!

    Roasting marshmallows is one of those simpler pleasures of life, heck just sitting around a campfire can be so relaxing- hope you get to do it soon!

    1. Greg - I probably could have filled the list with travel destinations. Those are what come to mind most easily.

      I know what you mean about backyard gardens being a lot of work. I want something though-anything would be better than what I have now. I am a terrible gardener though. I'm not a fan.

  8. I love your list! And travel would definitely top my list! I'd also love to dye my hair but couldn't get away with it here at work. (I should add finding a new job to my list!)

    1. Melissa - Same here with the hair dye. It's against the dress code here. I know a few people have done some interesting things with red to try and get around it--and no one's called them out on it, but blue would definitely be a no no.

  9. This is a great list. I am right with you on The Wizarding World of Harry Potter. I feel like I NEED butterbeer.

    1. Andi - Thank you! Butterbeer does sound good right about now. :-)

  10. Wow, that photo book one would be a tough one for me/my childhood. Apparently my mother took a gazillion photos of my older brother (the eldest child) and I have maybe ten pictures a year of my childhood (good enough, but not a gazillion). I'd say your bucket list is pretty well rounded- although, truth be told, I had all over dark blue hair color before. ;)
    On my bucket list is seeing the Redwoods, the ocean, and writing a book for publication (or tear my hair out trying).
    ~Litha Nelle

    1. Litha Nelle - That seems to happen with second and beyond children. Not as many photos. My one and only doesn't have that problem--fortunately or unfortunately. I have too many photos of her!

      I bet your dark blue hair was beautiful! Such a pretty color. :-) I'm not sure I'm brave enough to do it all over.

      The Redwoods are beautiful! I hope you get to see them and the ocean someday.

  11. That is a great list, Wendy! I like that all your choices are fairly easy to achieve. I, also, would love to travel overseas. I have a passport, but it is sadly free of stamps. I'd like to change that.

    1. Nicole - I admit I went for easy to achieve. I would rather be able to check things off then have regrets that I couldn't get to certain items. I am probably the only person on the planet who doesn't have a passport. I think it would be a good idea to have one, even if I don't intend to travel any time soon.

  12. Great list! #5 and #11 are on mine too. Aw, maybe learning to knit instead of crochet?

    1. Naida - I think maybe I should give knitting a go. Maybe I would be better suited for that than crocheting. :-)

  13. Vicki - Thank you. :-) I hope someday we can do all those things!


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