Outside my window: A quiet street, brightened only by the lamppost across the way. No skunks exploring the yards today.
I am listening to: The sound of silence.
I am watching: We are nearly done with the 4th season of How I Met Your Mother. It's one of my favorite shows right now. We also are trying out a couple of new shows: Up All Night, a sitcom about parenting an infant, and Ringer, a mystery/soap opera drama type show. Up All Night is quite funny, not to mention one I can relate to all too well right now. I'm not too sure about Ringer. I wasn't impressed by the first episode and so haven't decided if I want to continue watching it.
I am thinking: Endlessly thinking. My mind is running a mile a minute. Best not to delve into that abyss right now. Trust me.
I am grateful for: Today I am grateful for the simple things. My husband's embrace. A single tooth grin; the determined set of that tiny jaw as she goes after what she wants; two small arms reaching for me . . .
I am reading: I finished Michele Martinez's Cover-Up and am now reading a cozy mystery called The Trouble With Magic by Madelyn Alt. The types of books a person reads for a thrill or for escape. Nothing too meaty or thought provoking right now.
Around the house: The old dining table is finally in the garage. There are toys everywhere. I made my bed, and we've yet to put any of the pictures and paintings on the walls. Except for one. No, two.
The child this week: Mouse is a bundle of energy and motion. She loves to explore unknown territory and is now pretty proficient at pulling herself up into a standing position. She's mastered her crawl and is now a force to be reckoned with.
She has a lot to say, but like me tends to be shy around people she isn't very familiar with.
Poor Mouse seems to have allergies--or a very persistent cold.
I am hoping and praying: For an uneventful rest of the month.
Plans for the week: This coming Friday is Mouse's sixth month well check-up. So she'll be closer to 7 months old then. Blame the vaccinations. Other than that, it'll be business as usual. Work, play, eat, sleep. Shuffle and repeat.
On the blog: Expect to see my review Cover-Up by Michele Martinez later this week!
Thanks to Suey from It's All About Books for sharing this format with me, and to Ibeeeg of Polishing Mud Balls for inspiring Suey's use of the format.
© 2011, Wendy Runyon of Musings of a Bookish Kitty. All Rights Reserved.If you're reading this on a site other than Musings of a Bookish Kitty or Wendy's feed, be aware that this post has been stolen and is used without permission.
I'm sorry things have been so difficult for you so far this month Wendy - I hope they calm down and you have a peaceful few weeks.
ReplyDeleteOh, Wendy, I've been away a bit and have neglected to tell you how sorry I was about your Dad. Big, big, big hugs to you. Hope this next month will be a better one.
ReplyDeleteI had a little girl who seemed to have a stuffed up nose and a never ending round of respiratory issues. I know how hard it is. All I can say is that you just take it a day at a time and this too shall pass. It's tough when you are right in the trenches though. Love your comment about the grin with one tooth! :-)
Again, hugs!
I am so sorry to hear about your father; my thoughts and a hug out to you and family and friends right now. Take your time in returning.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry that your favorite month has held so much sorrow and hardship. I know that grief lasts a long time, but I hope that you're seeing a little bit of sunshine in the midst of it all.
ReplyDeleteAnd is she really almost 7 months old? Time goes by so quickly...
When it rains it pours it seems like. You have had one heck of a month. Maybe October is going to be a better month. I do love the fall...cooler weather and spooky books!
ReplyDelete*hugs* SO sorry you are going through a hard time.
ReplyDeleteI am sorry you have had such a bad month. I hope next month brings a lot more joy for you.
ReplyDeleteLife can be so difficult and trying sometimes. I think you've had enough 'trials and tribulations' in September to last the rest of the year! (I hope whomever deals with this...the fates, a higher power...hears me! just a little levity...very sad but I tried! lol)
ReplyDeleteI hope your foot is better, your kitty is feeling better and able to keep food down (a couple of my cats are having similar issues) and you celebrated your birthday doing something you enjoyed.
I have been watching Up All Night, too. It is funny, Amy is adorable (of course) but, to be honest, I was hoping for more. I think there are a lot of cringing & awkward moments, mostly to do with Maya Rudolph's character. I realize it takes time for a new show to work out the kinks so I'm staying around for a while.
Mouse is adorable...I have images of her going, going, going in my mind. I love the age she's at, when everything interests her & she's realizing she can actually move around alone...I know she's a joy to watch and play with! It's hard for me to believe she;s 6 months already, I can't imagine how it feels for you.
I hope you have a nice, relaxing Sunday :o)
I'm sorry to hear things are so difficult right now. I'm especially sorry to hear about your Dad. My heart goes out to you Wendy. Blessings and hugs.
ReplyDeleteI have been thinking about you and wondering how you have been doing over there. It does indeed sound like you have had a hard month, and I hope that October proves to be better to you. You continue to be in my thoughts. Have a peaceful and relaxing week.
ReplyDeleteI just saw your tweet saying you thought this post was a downer. I don't think so. It's been a hard month, obviously, but you're enjoying your lovely little girl and the new house. As to the loss of your father, I'm so sorry. I know how hard that is. The grief goes on for a long time but it does get better -- you gradually learn to live without a loved one yet they're always there in your heart. It's been 21 years since my father died. I still hear his laughter in my head, sometimes, and when I see his handwriting on a box or a slip of paper, my heart still stops for just a moment. You will never stop missing him, but you can hold the good memories tight and never let them go.
ReplyDeleteWishing you strength and hope the baby feels better, soon!
I've been thinking of you often and pray for comfort for you in dealing with the loss of your father. Life is crazy and out-of-control feeling sometimes! Hopefully, you are able to make a little time for yourself to just catch your breath and relax for a bit! Mouse is really growing fast...just wait when she can run!
ReplyDeleteSo sorry to hear about your dad.
ReplyDeleteDon't worry about the constant runny nose. When we brought Julia home from China, her nose ran for an entire year. And since then, she's been a pretty healthy kid (knock on wood).
I love Michele Martinez's books! Sadly, she's not writing anymore, but there are four books in her series.
What a rough month. Things have to get better soon.
ReplyDeleteWendy, just to let you know that you are in my thoughts. I hope things will work out well and smooth for you. {Hugs}
ReplyDeleteSix months? Wow time flies! Good luck with all that thinking... I hate it when that happens... :)
ReplyDeleteSo sorry to hear about your father Wendy. You've had a lot going on. I'm glad you are enjoying your daughter and it is nice to have you back to blogging!
ReplyDeleteOh Wendy--I hope that october is spectacularly uneventful for you. It's hard to have so much going on--so much emotion--so much everything with the little one, I know. I've finally succumbed to being treated for PPD and it's made a world of difference. I know you blogged about it at your other blog--not sure if I'll write about it or not.
ReplyDeleteWow--teeth and crawling! I'm thinking Elle is quite a bit behind the Mouse. At five months (yesterday) she still hasn't mastered rolling over. she's close both ways but her poor little arm is giving her troubles. :) Honestly not in a hurry for the crawling OR teeth but how I long to sleep later than 1:30 in the morning.
I love the set-up of this post, Wendy!
Wendy, I'm also sending prayers for an uneventful October for you. Sending lots of love and hugs out through the blogosphere.
ReplyDeleteI hope October is better for you!
ReplyDeleteLove this newsy post! Sounds like life. Hope you are doing okay. When my mom died a year ago, I was kind of in limbo for quite a while. Hang in there. Mouse sounds so adorable!
ReplyDeleteI hope that things are less eventful for you too. It stinks when everything hits at once like that.
ReplyDeleteI've been curious about How I Met Your Mother, but it's not one that we've watched that much (just an episode or two). I would imagine it is one that is better watched in order.
We love The Big Bang Theory and Doctor Who - our absolute favorites right now.
I'm so sorry for your loss! You've been in my thoughts. I'm curious to see what you think of The Trouble With Magic as I have it checked out from the library. You'll have to let me know if you continue to enjoy Up All Night. I watched a little bit of the first episode but didn't end up finishing it.
ReplyDeleteGage had a stuffy nose for quite a while and then it just cleared up, so I hope Mouse's will too. She is doing well! Gage didn't crawl until 10 months, but now he's everywhere.
ReplyDeleteI like Up All Night too, but this week he made a 2 hour breakfast and no hint of baby Amy. I had to roll my eyes at that one!
Meghan, Natalie, Sheila & Lola - Thank you so much! It's been difficult, but life does go on and I'm managing as best I can. That's all we can do, right?
ReplyDeleteKay - Thank you, Kay. I know you understand having just lost your mother.
Just as she seemed to be getting better, she has gotten worse. At least she doesn't have a fever. I'm hoping the end is in sight and she'll be feeling better soon. I hate seeing her miserable--although, I have to say she's all sunshine during the day even despite her runny nose and cough! It's the night's that are hard to get through.
That smile is something else. :-) She's got two teeth now, although you can still barely see the second one.
Carrie - I think November will be my favorite month from now on. Smack dab in the middle of autumn. :-)
She is! Just another few days and she'll be 7 months old. I don't want to believe it. She is my ray of sunshine though.
Sandy - My boss's boss said pretty much the same thing. She says it seems like the bad always comes in bunches with me. It would seem that way this year, anyway. Still, there's a lot of good that's come too.
Amy - I think so too! Here's hoping the rest of the year is full of calm, humor and gentleness!
ReplyDeleteMy foot is doing much better, thanks. I started wearing regular shoes again yesterday--just in time for the rain. I wish Parker was doing better, but he still is having trouble keeping food down. He does okay some days, but then others, not so much. The vet hasn't been able to say what's wrong.
I'm with you in regards to Up All Night. I was hoping for more. I could actually do without the Maya Rudolph storyline altogether. Anyway, we'll see how it goes.
I bet your images of Mouse going and going would be right on. LOL I love the look of determination on her face when she goes after what she wants. She can be so serious and yet turn around and give you the brightest of smiles.
I hope you are well, Amy!
Terri, Heather - Thank you so much. Your thoughts mean a lot to me right now.
Nancy - I'm glad I don't come across that way in this post--although I was sure feeling like it when I wrote it. :-) I am definitely holding tight to those memories of my dad and am looking forward to sharing them with my daughter one day. Maybe even carry on some of my dad's traditions. Thank you, Nancy.
Staci - Thank you, Staci!
Don't say that! Mouse won't be running for a long while yet. Right? Hopefully. Haha!
Karen - Thank you, Karen.
That's good to know about the runny nose not being so unusual. Thank you for sharing that with me!
So sad about Michele Martinez not writing anymore. Oh well. I hope she'll write something else eventually, even if it's something entirely different.
Kathy, Melody, Kathleen, & Andi - Thank you very much.
ReplyDeleteSuey - It sure does, doesn't it? I can't believe she's over half a year old now.
Too much thinking does no one any good. LOL
Trish - Thank you, Trish. I am glad you sought help for the PPD and are doing better. Yes, teeth and crawling, can you believe it? I can't. I hope she takes her time walking. I'm in no hurry for her to grow up.
Kelly, - Thank you!
ReplyDeleteLinda - That's a good word for it--life. I am doing okay. Looking forward to my mom's visit in two weeks. Mouse makes everything seem much brighter. She's such a sweetheart.
Alyce - Thanks, Alyce. I'm trying to take it one day at a time right now.
How I Met Your Mother is definitely better seen in order. I love how the writers are so careful about carrying over little gems from episode to episode. They really pay attention to the details. I enjoy The Big Bang Theory too although I think we're a couple of seasons behind. Dr. Who is a favorite of ours too. :-)
Samantha - Thank you! Have you had a chance to read The Trouble with Magic yet? I really enjoyed it. I am not completely sold on Up All Night yet. It definitely has its funny moments, but it also has parts I find a bit boring.
Stacy - I am glad to hear Gage's stuffed nose is clear again. It feels like she's been sick forever. :-(
I think Mouse wants to be like her friends at the daycare--walking and moving around so she's working real hard at getting there. LOL
Yes, I did think that was odd--no baby Amy during their long breakfast. Not very realistic. Haha