Monday, January 01, 2024

Top Ten Tuesday: Favorite Books Read in 2023

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by the lovely Jana at The Artsy Reader Girl.

This week's Top Ten Tuesday topic is the Favorite Books Read in 2023, which is one of my favorites. I enjoy seeing everyone's lists this time of year. I am often encouraged to move a book up on my TBR when I see it listed as someone's favorite or add it to my wish list. I cannot wait to see which books you loved in 2023!

I read many great books this year, but these are the ones that stand out the most as I look back on the past year. 

Emily Wilde's Encyclopaedia of Faeries (#1) by Heather Fawcett

Yellowface by R.F. Kuang

A Darker Shade of Magic (Shades of Magic #1) by V.E. Schwab

The Moon Within by Aida Salazar

Station Eleven
 by Emily St. John Mandel

Vera Wong's Unsolicited Advice for Murderers by Jesse Q. Sutanto

Flutter, Kick by Anna V.Q. Ross

How the Word is Passed: A Reckoning with the History of Slavery Across America by Clint Smith

All Systems Red (Murderbot Diaries #1) by Martha Wells

The Deep End (The Country Club Murders #1) by Julie Mulhern

I cannot help but include these four titles as honorable mentions, all excellent reads as well:

Crooked Kingdom (Six Crows #2) by Leigh Bardugo
The Nickel Boys by Colson Whitehead
The Secret of Bow Lane (Below Stairs/Kat Holloway #6) by Jennifer Ashley
Spy x Family, Vol. 10 by Tatsuya Endo

Have you read any of these? If not, do any pique your interest? What was your favorite book of 2023? 

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  1. I think I've seen a few episodes of Spy x Family anime - I hope I'm not confusing with some other show. Murderbot I've just started, let's see how it goes.... and wish you much happy reading in'24! ~Lex (

    1. Lex - The anime of Spy x Family is cute too, based on the manga. My family and I are all big fans of the manga series. I hope you enjoy the Murderbot Diaries. I am looking forward to reading the other books in the series. I hope you have a great reading year too! Thank you for visiting!

  2. Some great choices here! I have just finished one of the later Murderbot books and they are still such fun!

    1. Marg - I am glad to hear the series continues to be good. I really liked the first one. Thank you for stopping by!

  3. I’ve heard a lot of good things about Yellowface.

    Here is my Top Ten Tuesday post.


    1. Lydia - I liked Yellowface much more than I anticipated. It was a hard book to put down once I started. Thank you for visiting!

  4. How the Word is Passed is such a great read. I've just read a book of Clint Smith's poetry, Above Ground, and it's excellent, too.

    1. Deb - It really is. I love the author's writing style. I want to check out his poetry now. Thank you for stopping by!

  5. I love Murderbot, A Darker Shade books and am enjoying the Emily Wilde books. Some of the others I want to read. Please feel free to share this with our top 10 list last week if you like.

    Anne - Books of My Heart

    1. Anne - I hope to start the second Emily Wilde book soon. Thank you for visiting!

  6. Wendy, I have not read any of your 'top' books, but that seems to be the way of it this year with all the other 'top' lists bloggers are sharing. Does give me some good suggestions for reading in 2024. Ha!

    1. Kay - I have missed a lot of other bloggers' top favorites too, although it just means more to look forward to, doesn't it? Thank you for stopping by!

  7. STATION ELEVEN has been on my TBR for so long. I should definitely read it this year and then I can watch the tv show too, lol. I'm glad you loved all of these!

    1. Jenni Elyse - I don't subscribe to the service with the Station Eleven adaptation. Maybe we can subscribe for a brief time so I can fit it in. :-) Thank you for visiting!

  8. Replies
    1. Deanna - I really enjoyed the entire duology. Thank you for stopping by!

  9. I love seeing everyone's lists as well! Happy New Year :)

  10. A few of the books on your list I have been eyeing to read myself, like Emily Wilde's Encyclopaedia of Faeries and also Spy x Family. A lot of the rest of these books I've never heard of.

    1. Sarah - Spy x Family is such a fun series. I hope you do get a chance to read it and Emily Wilde's Encyclopaedia of Faeries--and like both if you do! Thank you for stopping by!

  11. I've only read volume one of Spy x Family, but I enjoyed it. I hope to read more of it this year.

    Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!

    1. Pam - I think Spy x Family keeps getting better with every volume. I hope you continue to enjoy it. Thank you for visiting!

  12. I can never come up with my favorite book so these Top Ten lists are perfect. And I am getting so many good suggestions!

    1. Helen - It's hard to narrow them down often times. I always want to highlight so many more. Thank you for stopping by!

  13. I've got Emily Wilde and Murderbot Diaries on my TBR for this year, and I loved Yellowface and Station Eleven!

    1. Haze - Yay for Yellowface and Station Eleven! I am glad you loved them too. I hope you enjoy Emily Wilde and the Murderbot Diaries when you read them! Thank you for visiting!

  14. A Darker Shade of Magic is one of my favs. And I can't wait to read All Systems Red and Vera Wong's Unsolicited Advice. They're on my TBR list for this year. :D

    1. Lark - I need to read the third book this year in the Shades of Magic series. I really liked the second book too, but not quite as much. I hope you enjoy All Systems Read and Sutanto's novel when you read them! Thank you for stopping by!

  15. I enjoy the Kat Halloway books too. They're so fun!

    Happy TTT!

    1. Susan - It's such a good series! Thank you for visiting!

  16. I loved The Deep End and Murderbot. In fact I need to get back to Mulhern's series. And Encyclopedia of Faeries is my next read I think. I was going to read it over the holidays but never got to it...

    1. Greg - I think you were the one who first recommended The Deep End to me. It's just taken me years to get to it. I am glad I finally did. I hope you enjoy Fawcett's book when you read it. I hope to read the second Emily Wilde book soon. Thank you for stopping by!

  17. This is a great list of books! I LOVE the Murderbot series and A Darker Shade of Magic! I still need to read Vera Wong's Unsolicited Advice though!

    My Top Ten!

    1. Leslie - I can't wait to read more in the Murderbot Diaries series. I hope you enjoy Vera Wong's Unsolicited Advice when you read it! Thank you for visiting!

  18. Have you ever read The Book Eaters?

    Great list!

    1. Rebecca - I have not read that one yet but hopefully someday. It's on my wish list. Thank you for stopping by!

  19. Wonderful list, Wendy! I love seeing Station Eleven on here, it's one of my favorites😁

    1. Tammy - Thank you! It took me awhile, but I finally got to Station Eleven. It was so good. Thank you for visiting!

  20. Great list, Wendy! I'm not familiar with some of the titles but I'm definitely thrilled to see Yellowface is on your list. I'm definitely adding this onto my to-read list this year.

    1. Melody - Thank you! I hope you enjoy Yellowface. I was surprised at how much that one pulled me in. It was a hard one to put down. Thank you for stopping by!

  21. Yeah I liked Yellowface and Station Eleven too. Those are tough to beat. Good reads. You have a good list.

    1. Susan - They were both really good. I am glad you enjoyed them too. Thank you for visiting!

  22. Your list looks amazing. I've been wanting to read Yellowface myself.
    Happy New Year!

    1. Maureen - Thank you! If you do read Yellowface, I hope you like it. Thank you for stopping by!

  23. Emily Wilde and Yellowface are on my TBR. Let's see if I get to them this year. :)

    1. AJ - I hope you like both if you read them. Thank you for visiting!

  24. Yay for Vera Wong! I loved that book! I have Emily Wilde on my TBR and love the Julie Mulhern series though somehow I never read the first book!

    1. Katherine - I hope to read more of the Julie Mulhern series this year and hopefully will be reading the second book in the Fawcett series soon. Thank you for stopping by!

  25. A lot of people have been talking about Murderbot and it sounds like a fun series.

    1. Mary - I really enjoyed the first novella and look forward to reading more. Thank you for visiting!

  26. I haven't read a lot of the books that made your list but I have to agree that Vera Wong was great! I also like Murderbot a lot but I read that several years ago.

    1. Carole - I really enjoy Sutanto's books. Thank you for stopping by!

  27. So many great books! I'm hoping to read Emily Wilde's Encyclopaedia of Faeries soon. Happy New Year! :)

    1. Ashley - I hope you like it when you do! Thank you for visiting!

  28. The Nickel Boys was such a good read wasn't it? I read it a couple of years ago and it was one of my favorites. I really want to read Yellowface!

    1. Iliana - It was very good. I read it as my fiction/nonfiction pairing this past year. It was made for a good combination. Thank you for stopping by!


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