Saturday, May 13, 2017

Sunday Post: Happy Mother's Day! (And My May TBR List Winner)

I hope you are enjoying the weekend however you are spending it. I am nearly done with reading Emma Newman's science fiction novel Planetfall.  I came really close to finishing it last night while everyone else was sleeping, but decided I needed my sleep too. Now I'm regretting that decision. I've been thinking of the book all day! I haven't had a chance to pick it up and finish it yet--hopefully tonight.

This week was crazy busy, and so I wasn't able to get around the blogging community the way I would have liked. Hopefully I can do better this coming week. Thank you to everyone who offered me support last week. Work was tense, but I survived. Whew.

We have one more soccer class and then a much needed break. We have been considering other options for the summer. Maybe ballet. There are quite a few activities Mouse would like to participate in during the summer, but unfortunately she has working parents whose schedules limit what she can do. I was really hoping to get her back into swim lessons . . . Not going to happen. Oh well.

Are you doing anything special for Mother's Day? My husband mentioned taking me to John's Incredible Pizza for a balloon corsage and free buffet meal. I am sure my daughter would like that. She's always begging us to go. I don't think we've been since her birthday. If you do celebrate Mother's Day, I hope you have a wonderful day!

This Week In Reading Mews:

Tell me about what you have been up to! What are you reading, listening to and watching? How was your week? Do you have anything planned for this coming week?


Every Friday Coffee Addicted Writer from Coffee Addicted Writer poses a question which participants respond on their own blogs within the week (Friday through Thursday). They then share their links at the main site and visit other participants blogs.

If you read a book you ended up hating, would you stay away from future books by that author, or would you give them a second chance?
Whether I give an author whose first book I read and didn't care for another try depends on why I didn't like the book--and if another of their books interests me. A writing style I do not like would be a deterrent for me or the type of book an author writes. If it's just a matter of my not liking the subject matter, a certain aspect of the plot, or a character, but I like the author's writing, I am more open to giving an author a second chance. There are authors whose works are hit or miss with me. And so I do not like to let one bad book be the judge of the rest. Just the same, admittedly, there are some authors whose books I haven't picked up because of a bad first experience due to the writing style, and the jury is still out on whether I will give them another try.

What about you? Are you willing to give an author another chance if you hate one of his or her books?


Thank you for helping me decide what book from my TBR collection I should read next:

My TBR List is a meme hosted by the awesome Michelle at Because Reading. It’s a fun way to choose a book from your TBR pile to read. The 1st Sunday of every month, I will list 3 books I am considering reading and take a poll as to which you think I should read. I will read the winner that month, and my review will follow. While I will attempt to post my review that same month, I make no promises--it may go up the following month. 

Thank you to all who voted in my May TBR poll! There's something about the month of May that makes me think of historical fiction. I am excited to read this month's selection.

Radio Girls by Sarah-Jane Stratford

I hope you all have a great week! Happy Reading!

The Sunday Post is hosted by the wonderful Kimba, the Caffeinated Book Reviewer, and gives us all a chance to recap our week, talk about what we are reading, share any new books that have come our way, and whatever else we want to talk about. 

© 2017, Wendy Runyon of Musings of a Bookish Kitty. All Rights Reserved. If you're reading this on a site other than Musings of a Bookish Kitty or Wendy's feed, be aware that this post has been stolen and is used without permission.


  1. Yeah, gotta keep 'em busy during the summer. And then it stinks when they offer a bunch of different classes/programs at the same time instead of spreading them out. Anyway, Happy Mother's Day! Hoe you have fun.

    1. Christy - Ugh! I know. It's so frustrating. My daughter would love to try several different activities, but they are all on the same day at the same time.

      And thank you! It was nice day. :-)

  2. Happy Mother's Day. Hope you enjoy your meal if you go out. Sounds like a busy week but glad you've come through the other side. Here's to a less stressful week for you,

    1. Emma - Thank you! We had a nice time out. It seems a lot of families had the same idea. :-)

  3. Happy Mothers Day! And I know what you mean about summer activities... sometimes it's hard to know what to do! Good luck with Radio Girls- that looks like a good one.

    Hope your weekend is awesome!

    1. Greg - Thank you! I've got her signed up for a couple of activities for the summer, which she's excited about. Hopefully she will enjoy them. :-)

  4. Happy Mother's Day. I hope you have wonderful time celebrating. Enjoy your books. Have a great week.
    I'm planning to visit my mom this week. I miss her and my dad. :)

    1. Geybie - Thank you. I hope you had a great week too! I'm sure your parents were happy to see you. :-) I wasn't able to spend the day with my mom as she lives too far away, but my brother did spend the day with her.

  5. Happy Mothers' Day!

    Hmm... I guess whether an author gets a second chance depends largely on the blurb. If it intrigues me, I may pick it up (if it's in the library/on one of those "free" shelves because I'm going to have to try it before I pay for it)

    1. Eustacia - Thank you! There are some authors whose books are hit and miss with me. I won't read everything they write, but perhaps the ones that sound interest me.

  6. I love books that haunt you when you're not reading them. Always a sign of a great book! Radio Girls looks interesting, enjoy!

    1. Trish - Yes, it is! I love it when a book has me under it's spell even when I'm not reading it. Radio Girls was good. Thanks for stopping by!

  7. Oh nooo, I voted for the Mercer Girls! Oh well :)
    I am hoping to read Planetfall sometime as well, Emma Newman is awesome. I posted a review of another book of hers last week, it was also great. Waiting for the sequel now :D

    1. Evelina - I really want to read that one too. I was kind of hoping that one would win myself. :-) Radio Girls was good though.

  8. Radio Girls looks so good, I feel like the only one not reading it.

    1. Radio Girls was good! I recommend it if it interest you.

  9. Happy Mother's Day! I would give an author a second chance unless I really did not like their first book.

    1. Cindy - Thank you! I think that's a good reason not to give an author a second chance.

  10. Happy mothers day to you. Radio girls looks good. Have a good week.

    Megan @ reading away the day

    1. Megan - Thank you! I enjoyed Radio Girls. I hope you have a great week too.

  11. Happy Mother's Day Wendy!
    Enjoy Radio Girls, I love historical fiction.

    1. Naida - Thank you! Same to you. :-) I love historical fiction too. :-)

  12. Ahh, the one I picked didn't win but I hope you still enjoy the read that was! Have a great week!

    Week in Review

    1. Stormi - I hope to read all of them as they all sound good. I enjoyed the winner though, which is always nice. :-)

  13. Happy Mother's Day! I was supposed to meet my mother and sister at the beach but Carl's dad is in the hospital so he had to go up there instead and I'll be working all weekend.

    I'm the same way - it depends on why I didn't like a book as to whether I'll try that author again.

    1. Kathy - Thank you! I hope you had a Happy Mother's Day too, although I am so sorry to hear that Carl's dad was in the hospital. I hope he is okay.

  14. Happy Mother's Day! I'm going to my mother's house for a cook-out. If the author's second book had good reviews, I might consider it.

    1. Pat - Thank you. I hope you had a nice one too. How was the cook-out? That sounds like fun!

  15. We send the kids to camp for a bit in the summer to keep them busy. Hope you have a great Mother's Day!!! Hope you enjoy your winning book. Have a great week!!

    1. Grace - My daughter will go to a "camp" this summer while my husband and I are at work. A more fun name than daycare, I suppose. She's looking forward to trying ballet again this summer as well. It'll be a nice change from soccer--and a way to keep cool inside rather than be in the heat. Haha.

  16. Have a wonderful day! I love going out to restaurants for brunch or a buffet...your plans sound good.

    I hope you enjoy Radio Girls.


    1. Laurel-Rain - Thank you! I hope you had a nice Mother's Day too. We had a lot of fun, especially my daughter. LOL

  17. HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY, WENDY!!!! Hope you're having a WONDERFUL day with your family!! It SURE sounds like you're being suitably pampered!! <3 <3 <3

    I sure do hope this week will be MUCH better for you at work!!

    It's too bad that Mouse will not have her swimming lessons, but maybe she can get involved in some other, equally rewarding activity. :)

    I like your open-ended approach to giving authors another chance, after being disappointed once. I do tend to give an author another opportunity if I've already read, and liked, one of their books. There's not enough time for me, though, to waste on those whose books have not "wowed" me. Compounding the problem is the fact that I'm a slow reader....

    As for the TBR poll, I picked "White Collar Girl", but "Radio Girls" was my second choice, so I'm really glad that one won!!

    Thanks for sharing all of your news, Wendy!! And thanks as well for always leaving such TERRIFIC comments on my Book Blogger Hop post!! Enjoy your day as Queen, and the rest of the week, too!!! HUGS TO YOU & MOUSE!!! <3 <3 <3 :) :) :)

    1. Maria - Thank you! I had a very pleasant Mother's Day. :-) Mouse and my husband made it very special.

      Things at work are okay. Not great, but okay. That's a step in the right direction.

      We're thinking of getting a pool (one of those inexpensive above ground pools) for the summer so we can work on her swimming. I'm really anxious for her to learn and she's just as stubborn not to. Haha. Seriously though, some kids take to the water so quickly, but Mouse isn't one of them, I'm afraid.

      I really enjoyed Radio Girls. I do want to read White Collar Girl as well though. Hopefully all three of them!

      I hope you have a great weekend, Maria. I am sorry for being so slow at responding. Life got away from me. Take care and thanks for visiting!

  18. P.S. How could a HUGE SF fan like me forget this.... I'm going to check out "Planetfall" on Goodreads! Thanks for mentioning it!! <3 :)

    1. Maria - If you decide to read Planetfall, I'd be curious to know what you think. I'm not sure you would like it, but you might!

  19. Happy Mother's Day! I hope you have a wonderful day!!

  20. Oooh! I hope you have a fun time this Mother's Day with your husband!

    Here’s my Sunday Post!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog and join in this week’s Book Photo Sundays!

    1. Ronyell - Thank you! My daughter and husband treated me very well. :-)

  21. Happy Mom's Day! I can't remember what I voted for but I love the era of books you picked. Happy Reading! ox

    1. Michelle - Thank you! I hope you had a nice Mother's Day too. These all sounded so good. I'm happy with the winner, but I really want to read all of them.

  22. Nope, I probably wouldn't give an author another chance. Don't want to waste my time and I can't imagine quality or style changing enough to go from hating the work to loving it.

    And Happy Mother's Day to you, too, Wendy :D

    1. Donna Marie - Thank you! Same to you! I can see quality maybe changing if a writer really works out it, but style of writing would be much more difficult--if impossible. I'd be more likely to give an author another chance if it was just the subject matter I didn't like in the first book.

  23. Happy Mother's Day!

    Hope things improve at work. I almost finished my book last night too but it was midnight and I knew I had to get up for church in the morning so I decided to save it for today. Hope you get the chance to finish your book today. The historical fiction titles on your list look good.

    Have a great week!

    1. Christina - Thank you! Things are so so at work, but it's better than it was. I am just glad to come home every night to my family. :-) I hope you enjoyed the rest of your book!

  24. Happy Mother's Day! I don't usually stay up late reading. I used to but my husband snores so badly that I let him fall asleep before me...I don't get any sleep. Enjoy Radio Girls!

    1. Carole - Thank you! Same to you! I don't often stay up late reading either. Not like I used to. Now I sleep when I can. Haha. My husband is a night owl and often goes to bed long after I've been asleep. Like your husband, he snores and I have trouble sleeping if he's snoring and I'm not asleep. It takes me a long time to go to sleep as it is. My mind doesn't shut off easily.

  25. Happy Mother's Day! I have been having a bit of a busy time with work and just life in general so I understand. I hope things calm down for you. And, absolutely I would give an author a second chance. I may not rush out to read another book but I wouldn't discount it. Have a lovely weekend!

    1. Iliana - Thank you! I hope things are calming down for you soon. I hope the summer will slow down for us at work a little. We could use some down time. Last summer we didn't have that kind of luck.

  26. Happy Mother's Day!!

    I like your answer to the Blog Hop. A second chance is good, but for me it depends on the book's content. I had a few books that had outright insults to women that made me not finish the book.

    Thanks for sharing.

    I hope you like Radio Girls. I enjoyed it. White Collar Girl was good too. ENJOY whichever you choose.

    Have a good week.

    Happy Hopping!!

    Silver's Reviews
    My Blog Hop Answer

    1. Elizabeth - Thank you! I enjoyed Radio Girls too. I do want to read White Collar Girl and Mercer Girls. I'm not sure when though. I hope you have a great weekend!

  27. Happy Mother's Day!
    I'll definitely give the author a second chance. I suppose it all depends on the story but then good writing is important in my opinion.

    Hope you've a great week, Wendy!

    1. Melody - Thank you! Yes, good writing is very important. I hope you have a great vacation!

  28. Happy Mother’s Day! I hope you’re able to find some activities to keep the kid busy. Have a great week!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. AJ - Thank you! Now that she's older, she has more options, but we definitely don't want to overdo it. :-)

  29. I love/hate when a book is so on my mind that I can't shake it no matter what else is going on!! :-)

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. Nicole - It does have it's good and bad side, that's for sure.

  30. There are so many elements involved in whether or not to give an author a second chance, and I'm glad you mentioned some of them. I've given many authors a second chance, and fortunately, some of those second chances have been well-worth it. Not all, of course-- whether because of content or style, not every author is a good fit for every reader.

    1. Jenclair - Yes, I've had similar experiences. Sometimes the second chance was worth it, and other times, not so much. Then you have the other side in which I loved the first book I read by an author and her follow up books haven't lived up to the first . . .

  31. I hope you had a nice Mother's Day. I had pizza, gluten free pizza which was pretty good. We went to Ojai. I visited Bart's Books, the outdoor bookstore but once again, they did not have any of the books I was looking for. Just bad timing on my part. I feel like I need another day though. It was a weird, exhausting weekend.

    1. Ti - Thank you. I hope you did as well! We had pizza too. :-) Visiting a bookstore for Mother's Day sounds perfect--I'm just sorry you couldn't find what you were looking for.

  32. I hope your Mother's Day was restful. That's my best kind of celebration. I hate the Mother's Day restaurant crowds, so Baz gets my favorite McDonaad's takeout and handmade fudge from a local nut shop. He didn't have time to get fudge this year, so he asked what cleaning chore he could do, so I told him the bathroom. He finished half yesterday, and is going to do the other half tonight. I think I might tell him to forget the fudge for my birthday, too. Ha ha.

    I hope Mouse gets to do ballet this summer. I would pick that, too. :)

    Writing style has a lot to do with whether I will continue on with an author, also. Have a fabulous week. :)

    1. La La - I'm not sure about restful, but it was nice. I am not a fan of the crowds either, but my family really wanted to take me out. I talked them out of the more popular Mother's Day spots at least, although my husband was disappointed he couldn't treat me to brunch. Handmade fudge sounds really good right about now. I look forward to when my daughter is older and I can ask her to clean the bathroom.:-) Sounds like you had a nice Mother's Day.

      I signed Mouse up for ballet just this afternoon. She starts next weekend. Just need to get her leotard, tights and shoes now!

      I hope you have a fabulous weekend!

  33. Ha - sleep! Who needs sleep!? ;) I find that I need to prioritise better, but really - I do love reading and when it's an amazing book... Anything goes!!!

    I haven't been around blogging lately because I've had a serious tech issue up until this week! My laptop was just... DEAD. Eek! Thank goodness I'm back online!

    Anyways, I need to dash and keep on catching up but I'm glad I managed to stop by to see how you were doing!

    1. Di - If I was able to better function on little sleep, I would be up all night reading, I think. My husband is lucky that he is able to survive on little sleep. Me, not so much. Especially if I have to work the next day.

      I hope all your tech issues have been resolved. I haven't been online as of late because life got really busy. I hope things will calm down some next month.

      Thanks for visiting!

  34. Planetfall sounds great! If you can't stop thinking about it, that's usually a sign of a good book. I can't remember which one I voted for, but this one sounds good! I hope you'll enjoy the book.

    1. Lola - I enjoyed Planetfall. It definitely was a thought provoking book.

  35. Wow! A balloon corsage sounds amazing. I do hope you got to go to John's Incredible Pizza.

    On the subject of whether or not I'd give an author a second go, the answer is .... it all depends. If it had simply been a novel that wasn't to my tastes and I had recommendations on how good other books by that author were then yes, I'd probably give them a go. If however it was say a book full of swearing, sexism, racism or abject cruelty than I'd probably be more reluctant to give them a second go.

    1. Tracy - Unfortunately I did not get a balloon corsage after all (we were too early), but we did enjoy John's Incredible Pizza. :-) My daughter always has fun there. It was pretty crowded. A lot of families had the same idea. I think keeping the kids happy makes for a happy mother's day when you have young ones. Haha

      Thanks for visiting, Tracy!

  36. Vicki - Thank you! We can always hope the second book will be more to our liking . . .


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