Monday, January 06, 2020

Top Ten Tuesday: My Top 12 Most Anticipated Releases in the Next 6 Months

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by the lovely Jana at The Artsy Reader Girl.

I had this topic all prepared for last week, but, wouldn't you know, I failed to hit the publish button. As a result, you are getting it a week late. My Top Ten Tuesday topic is the Top Ten Twelve Most Anticipated Book Releases for the First Half of 2020.

There are, of course, many more upcoming releases I am looking forward to, but these are the ones I am extra super excited about getting my hands on and reading! (covers are linked to Goodreads)

1. The Secret Chapter by Genevieve Cogman (01/07/2020) ~ This may be cheating a bit because I currently am reading The Secret Chapter, the 6th in the Invisible Library’s series. It is one of my favorite series and is full of intrigue and magic with steampunk flare, along with gateways to other worlds, and dragons and fae. This particular installment in the series finds our heroine, Irene, and her companion Kai teaming up with a group of misfits to pull off a heist in early twenty-first century Vienna.

2. Stars Beyond by S.K. Dunstall (01/21/2020) ~ To say I have been waiting impatiently for this release would be an understatement. Oh, how I have missed the Another Road crew, and I am looking forward to diving into this science fiction series again! This is only the second book in the Stars Uncharted series, but I loved the first. Always in search of something and on the run from someone else . . .

3. The Sun Down Motel by Simone St. James (02/18/2020) ~ The Broken Girls by the same author was in my top five favorite books read last year, and as soon as I saw this one I knew I had to read it. Set in a rundown hotel that holds lots of secrets, this novel is part ghost story, part thriller and part mystery about the hotel, a young woman, and her aunt who worked at the motel thirty-five years before. Doesn’t this sound good?!

4. Red Letter Days by Sarah Jane-Stratford (02/25/2020) ~ Another book by an author whose last book (Radio Girls) I adored. I have a soft spot for historical fiction and am excited about Sarah Jane-Stratford’s latest which is about two women who escape McCarthy-era Hollywood by going to London. Even from that distance, the two women do what they can to fight the injustices of the Red Scare.

5. Death with a Dark Red Rose by Julia Buckley (02/25/2020) ~  This is the 5th in her Writer's Apprentice series, and I have only read the first one. It's a good reminder though that I need to get back to it! I love a cozy mystery series with a bookish theme!

6. The Deep by Alma Katsu (03/10/2020) ~ Horror is not a genre I read often, but The Deep appeals to me for many reasons. It may be the fact that I keep seeing praise for the author’s work lately or that gorgeous cover. Or it could be that it involves the sinking of the Titanic. A bit of history mixed with the paranormal is a sure draw for me. I am looking forward to reading this one!

7. The Shape of Family by Shilpi Somaya Gowda (03/17/2020) ~ I was first introduced to Shilpi Somaya Gowda’s work when I read The Secret Daughter, which I loved. Her upcoming novel sounds just as compelling. This one is about a family struck by tragedy and their finding their way back to each other as they work through their individual pain and grief. I bet this book will make me cry. A lot. I cannot wait to read it!

8. The Sisters Grimm by Menna van Praag (03/31/2020) ~ If the title was not enough to call out to me, the author’s name certainly would. I enjoyed The House at the End of Hope Street, loved it in fact. The Sisters Grimm is being billed as a departure from her past work going deeper into the fantasy realm. Four sisters born to a demon father, each have magical abilities of their own. Pulled apart at 13, the girls have gone their separate ways. Five years later they must find their way back to each other, rediscover their magic and come face to face with their fate, one that is uncertain and may mean fighting for their lives as well as the lives of those they love.

9. A Stroke of Malice by Anna Lee Huber (04/07/2020) ~ This is the 8th in the author's Lady Darby series, which I have not even started yet. I love her Verity Kent series, however, and do want to give this one a try! Historical mysteries are my favorite type of mystery.

10. Afterlife by Julia Alvarez (04/07/2020) ~ The sudden death of her husband changes everything for Antonia. Then her sister goes missing, and she finds a pregnant undocumented teenager at her door. Aontonia has always found solace in literature, but her current circumstances may be too much for even that to bring her any comfort—or answers. In the Time of Butterflies made quite an impression on me and when I saw mention that Julia Alvarez had a new adult book coming out, I knew I wanted to read Afterlife. This novel takes on current and moral issues. It is definitely a book I want to read.

11. Universe of Two by Stephen P. Kiernan (05/05/2020) ~ Stephen P. Kiernan never ceases to amaze me. I liked his The Curiosity and absolutely loved his Hummingbird. I still need to read The Baker’s Secret, which I have a feeling I will love as well. Given my interest in most things World War related, it is no wonder this particular novel would interest me on its merit alone. Universe of Two is a fictionalized novel about Charlie Fisk, a mathematician who worked on the Manhattan Project, and his wife Brenda. Described as a love story and a story of redemption, I can only imagine this is another book that will have me in tears. But then, I expect no less from Kiernan.

12. Girl, Serpent, Thorn by Melissa Bashardoust (05/12/2020) ~ I admit it was the title that first attracted me to this book. Upon closer look, I knew it would have to go on my wish list. Described as “a captivating and utterly original fairy tale about a girl cursed to be poisonous to the touch, and who discovers what power might lie in such a curse . . . “ How can I not want to read this?!

Are you interested in reading any of the same ones I am? What are your most anticipated releases in the next 6 months? 

 © 2020, Musings of a Bookish Kitty. All Rights Reserved. If you're reading this on a site other than Musings of a Bookish Kitty or Wendy's feed, be aware that this post has been stolen and is used without permission.


  1. Happy Tuesday! I was just looking at The Sundown Motel on Goodreads earlier, and thinking I need to add that. I liked the first Cogman book too but haven't read the others yet.

    That cover for the Huber book is amazing! I love how atmospheric those look.

    1. Greg - Happy Tuesday to you too! I really enjoy the Invisible Library series. I hope we both like The Sundown Motel when we read it! I love the Huber cover too. At first glance, it doesn't look like your typical historical mystery. Thank you for visiting!

  2. The ALVAREZ book sounds very good. I've only read one of her books and should read more. My new TTT list

    1. Anne - I really liked the one book I've read by Alvarez. I am looking forward to her new one. Thank you for stopping by!

  3. I love the cover of The Sun Down Motel and The Secret Library (I need to reaaaad this series!)

    1. Verushka - I love those two covers too! You definitely need to read the Invisible Library series! It is so good! Thanks for visiting!

  4. Oh, I like the sound of Sisters Grimm. And anything by Julia Alvarez is worth a second look. Thanks for sharing your list.

    1. Deb - I can't wait to get my hands on Sisters Grimm. It does sound good, I agree! Thank you for stopping by!

  5. The mention of the Titanic's sinking was the reason that drew me to The Deep. I don't know, if it involves that ship, I'm always intrigued. The Sun Down Motel and Girl, Serpent, Thorn also made it to my list!

    1. Chai - I'm right there with you! There is just something about stories written around the Titanic that appeal to me. I'm glad to see we have so many in common! Thank you for visiting!

  6. Nice list! I've been reading a lot about The Deep and Afterlife. The Shape of Family looks really good to me too.

  7. The Shape of Family sounds so interesting.

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday

    1. Astilbe - I think so too! I can't wait to read it. Thank you for visiting!

  8. The Deep made my list as well and I'm curious about Girl, Serpent, Thorn as well. And it has the notorious booksnake on the cover except now he's albino booksnake :) Great list and I hope you love them all.

    1. Barb - Gotta love a booksnake on the cover. LOL Thank you for stopping by!

  9. I'm definitely interested in the Dunstall science fiction series and Red Letter Days. I have to admit that although The Broken Girls remains one of my favorites, I abandoned The Sundown Motel ARC. I would never have known they were by the same author. It will be interesting seeing what others think about it.

    1. Jenclair - I remember you saying you didn't like The Sundown Motel. :-( I hope I will like it better. If you do give Dunstall's series a try, I hope you enjoy them. Thank you for visiting!

  10. I am very drawn to the cover/title of Girl, Serpent, Thorn. Might add it to my TBR for that alone. Happy reading!

    1. Alicia - I am too! I hope it will be as good as it looks and sounds. Thank you for stopping by!

  11. The Deep and The Sun Down Motel are both on my TBR! I don't normally go for spooky books, but there's something about both that really appeals to me! I hope you enjoy these when they're released. :)

    Lindsi @ Do You Dog-ear? 💬

    1. Lindsi - I hope we both will enjoy The Deep and The Sun Down Motel when we read them! Thank you for visiting!

  12. Great list!! I see a few I need to add to my TBR list. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Mandy - Thank you! I added quite a few from your list to my wish list. :-) Thank you for stopping by.

  13. The Sun Down Motel is on tbr my list too. I may have to check out the Dunstall series.

    1. Carol - I hope we both enjoy The Sun Down Motel. And if you give Dunstall's series a try, I hope you love it as much as I do. Thank you for visiting!

  14. The Sun Down Motel sounds like such a great read. I hope my local library gets a copy of that one!

    My TTT .

    1. Lydia - I hope your library gets a copy in of The Sun Down Motel so you can read it. Thank you for stopping by!

  15. i am lovin' this meme. the deep looks reeeeeeally good to me
    sherry @ fundinmental

    1. Sherry - I hope you get a chance to read it. Hopefully we will both enjoy it! Thank you for visiting!

  16. Replies
    1. Melinda - Thank you! I hope you enjoy whichever ones you try!

  17. I hope you end up liking them when you read them.

  18. The Deep made my list too. It sounds excellent. I own the author’s other book, but I haven’t read it yet.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. AJ - Doesn't it? I can't wait to read The Deep. Thank you for stopping by!

  19. The Sun Down Motel and The Deep seem to be on everyone's TTT this week! They're both on my TBR, so I can't wait to see what people think of them. :)

    Lindsi @ Do You Dog-ear? 💬

    1. Lindsi - I was noticing that! They seem to be very popular, don't they? I hope they live up to our expectations. Thank you for visiting!

  20. I just added to my wish list reading this post. lol I have Melissa Bashardoust's other book on my TBR. I need to make it a priority. I really wanted to read Stars Uncharted last year and it fell of my radar. Need to get to it this year!

    1. Kelly - So many tempting titles. :-) I hope you get a chance to read Stars Uncharted this year. I really enjoyed it. Thank you for stopping by!

  21. Great list! I read Alma Katsu's The Hunger last year and I thought the historical fiction side was a lot stronger than the horror aspects. So if you're not a huge horror fan than I think The Deep is probably a strong bet.

    1. Tasheena - Thank you! And thank you for the insight into Alma Katsu's previous book. Now you have me wanting to read The Hunger too. :-) Thank you for visiting!

  22. I'm excited for The Sundown Motel, too. I am getting it in my Book of the Month box this month.

    1. Deanna - I hope we both love The Sundown Motel! Thank you for stopping by!

  23. Just give me all the mysteries! I love Anna Lee Huber and Julia Buckley and can't wait for those.

    1. Katherine - Right?! I want all the mysteries too. LOL Thank you for visiting!

  24. I just looked up The Deep on Goodreads, and it sounds amazing! I love any and all nautical books, especially those that have to do with the Titanic disaster, and the fact that this one has a supernatural element makes it even better.

    1. Angela - It does sound amazing. I can't wait to read it! Thank you for stopping by!

  25. The Deep cover is gorgeous. I really want to read Girl Serpent Thorns

    1. Mir - I love that cover too. And Girl, Serpent, Thorns sounds so good, doesn't it? I hope we both enjoy it. Thank you for visiting!

  26. I'm definitely looking forward to Simone St. James's new book. I've Alma Katsu's The Deep on my e-reader so I'm hoping to read it soon.

    1. Melody - Me too! I can't wait to read both of them. Thank you for stopping by!

  27. Great list. I'm really excited for The Sun Down Motel too.

  28. Replies
    1. Brooke - Hopefully they will all be good. Thank you for visiting!

  29. This is a great looking list, Wendy! I haven't read the first book in the Stars Beyond series - but it sounds as if it would be right up my alley:)).

    1. Sarah - Thank you! I really enjoyed Stars Uncharted. I hope you will too if you decide to read it. Thank you for stopping by!

  30. Oh so excited to see a Julia Alvarez book on the list. And, of course I love Anna Lee Huber but I have fallen a bit behind on the Lady Darby series. So many good books to look forward to!

    1. Iliana - Yes, I hope they will all be good! Thank you for visiting!

  31. Hallo, Hallo,

    I was finally able to release my own response to this topic today on my blog - however, I saw you want to start reading Lady Darby? Don't start @ book 8!! You'll regret it!! I highly recommend you start with the first book because of the relationship between Lady Darby & Gage - you really want to take that journey with them.

    When you start reading it, I hope you'll love it as much as I do!!

    1. Jorie - Thank you for the head's up about starting with the first book in the Lady Darby series!

  32. I'm really intrigued by The Deep myself. I need to make sure it's on my TBR. Happy reading!

    1. Alicia - I enjoyed The Deep quite a bit. I hope you will too if you read it.


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