Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Waiting to Read Wednesday: Metropolis, The Good Luck Girls,The Miracles of the Namiya General Store, & The Library of the Unwritten

The Old(er) 
I have an embarrassing number of unread books sitting on the shelves in my personal library. Carole of Carole's Random Life in Books has given me the perfect excuse to spotlight and discuss those neglected books in her Books from the Backlog feature. After all, even those older books need a bit of love! Not to mention it is reminding me what great books I have waiting for me under my own roof still to read!

Metropolis by Elizabeth Gaffney (2005)

Elizabeth Gaffney’s magnificent, Dickensian Metropolis captures the splendor and violence of America’s greatest city in the years after the Civil War, as young immigrants climb out of urban chaos and into the American dream.

On a freezing night in the middle of winter, Gaffney’s nameless hero is suddenly awakened by a fire in P. T. Barnum’s stable, where he works and sleeps, and soon finds himself at the center of a citywide arson investigation.

Determined to clear his name and realize the dreams that inspired his hazardous voyage across the Atlantic, he will change his identity many times, find himself mixed up with one of the city’s toughest and most enterprising gangs, and fall in love with a smart, headstrong, and beautiful young woman. Buffeted by the forces of fate, hate, luck, and passion, our hero struggles to build a life–just to stay alive–in a country that at first held so much promise for him.

Epic in sweep, Metropolis follows our hero from his arrival in New York harbor through his experiences in Barnum’s circus, the criminal underground, and the building of the Brooklyn Bridge, and on to a life in Brooklyn that is at once unique and poignantly emblematic of the American experience. In a novel that is wonderfully written, rich in suspense, vivid historical detail, breathtakingly paced, Elizabeth Gaffney captures the wonder and magic of a rambunctious city in a time of change. Metropolis marks a superb fiction debut. [Goodreads Summary]

Why I want to read this: I bought a copy of this at the Los Angeles Times Book Festival years ago after hearing the author speak on a panel. The history of New York City has always been a draw for me. What's interesting is I had forgotten about the P.T. Barnum connection. I might have picked this one up to read this summer as we prepared for The Greatest Showman musical. I imagine it wasn't that which first intrigued me about this novel, however. New York gangs and the building of the Brooklyn Bridge were probably the biggest draws.

Have you read this one? Does it sound like something you would enjoy? 

The New
Can't-Wait Wednesday is a weekly feature hosted by the marvelous Tressa at Wishful Endings to spotlight and discuss upcoming release we are excited about that we have yet to read.

The Good Luck Girls (#1) by Charlotte Nicole Davis
Release Date: October 1, 2019 by Tor Teen
Westworld meets The Handmaid's Tale in this stunning fantasy adventure from debut author Charlotte Nicole Davis.

Aster, the protectorViolet, the favoriteTansy, the medicMallow, the fighterClementine, the catalyst

The country of Arketta calls them Good Luck Girls--they know their luck is anything but. Sold to a "welcome house" as children and branded with cursed markings. Trapped in a life they would never have chosen.

When Clementine accidentally murders a man, the girls risk a dangerous escape and harrowing journey to find freedom, justice, and revenge in a country that wants them to have none of those things. Pursued by Arketta's most vicious and powerful forces, both human and inhuman, their only hope lies in a bedtime story passed from one Good Luck Girl to another, a story that only the youngest or most desperate would ever believe.

It's going to take more than luck for them all to survive. [Goodreads Summary]

Why I want to read this: How could I not want to read this after reading that description?! These girls . . . I cannot wait to dive in.

The Miracles of the Namiya General Store by Keigo Higashino
Release Date: September 24, 2019 by Yen On (originally published in 2012)
When three delinquents hole up in an abandoned general store after their most recent robbery, to their great surprise, a letter drops through the mail slot in the store's shutter. This seemingly simple request for advice sets the trio on a journey of discovery as, over the course of a single night, they step into the role of the kindhearted former shopkeeper who devoted his waning years to offering thoughtful counsel to his correspondents. Through the lens of time, they share insight with those seeking guidance, and by morning, none of their lives will ever be the same.

By acclaimed author Keigo Higashino, The Miracles of the Namiya General Store is a work that has touched the hearts of readers around the world. [Goodreads Summary]

Why I want to read this: I have a soft spot for stories involving correspondence, and this one sounds like a touching story I do not want to miss.

The Library of the Unwritten (Hell's Library #1) by A.J. Hackwith
Release Date: October 1, 2019 by Ace Books
In the first book in a brilliant new fantasy series, books that aren't finished by their authors reside in the Library of the Unwritten in Hell, and it is up to the Librarian to track down any restless characters who emerge from those unfinished stories. Many years ago, Claire was named Head Librarian of the Unwritten Wing-- a neutral space in Hell where all the stories unfinished by their authors reside. Her job consists mainly of repairing and organizing books, but also of keeping an eye on restless stories that risk materializing as characters and escaping the library. When a Hero escapes from his book and goes in search of his author, Claire must track and capture him with the help of former muse and current assistant Brevity and nervous demon courier Leto.

But what should have been a simple retrieval goes horrifyingly wrong when the terrifyingly angelic Ramiel attacks them, convinced that they hold the Devil's Bible. The text of the Devil's Bible is a powerful weapon in the power struggle between Heaven and Hell, so it falls to the librarians to find a book with the power to reshape the boundaries between Heaven, Hell….and Earth. [Goodreads Summary]

Why I want to read this: As if the word "library" in the title wasn't enough. A book about characters from unfinished books coming to life? Doesn't this sound fascinating?

Do any of these books appeal to you?  What upcoming releases are you looking forward to? 

© 2019, Musings of a Bookish Kitty. All Rights Reserved. If you're reading this on a site other than Musings of a Bookish Kitty or Wendy's feed, be aware that this post has been stolen and is used without permission.


  1. The fantasy books don't call out to me but The Miracles of the Namiya General Store sure sounds good.

    1. Kathy - I am glad you think so! I hope it will be as good as it sounds. I look forward to reading it.

  2. I've already got The Library of the Unwritten on reserve at my library. I'm also really curious about The Good Luck Girls as well. I love Tor and have great luck with a lot of their titles.

    1. Barb - I hope we both will enjoy The Library of the Unwritten. I really like Tor books as well. :-)

  3. There are two of these books I really want to read: The Good Luck Girls and The Library of the Unwritten. :)

  4. Ooh! All of these books sound interesting! Great picks!

    Here’s my WoW!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog

  5. The Good Luck Girls and The Library of the Unwritten are two that I'm excited for as well. They both sound so good.

    1. Suzanne - I am really looking forward to reading them as well. I hope we both enjoy them!

  6. The Library of the Unwritten sounds amazing! I did think of the Invisible Library when I first saw it, but it sounds slightly different

  7. I knew I recognised the title. Turns out the copy of Metropolis that I have on my TBR mountain has a different cover.

    Who can resist a book set in a library? It is for this reason that the final book you feature here appeals to me. That said, love the cover of The Miracles Of The Nimija General Store which also appeals to me.

    1. Felicity - I hope we both enjoy Metropolis when we get to it. And if you read any of the others, I hope you like them too.

  8. I have a soft spot for correspondence stories, too. That one looks good.

    1. Sophia Rose - I think it comes from my own love for correspondence. :-) I hope we both enjoy it if we read it.

  9. An eclectic mix, and all of them appeal to me for different reasons!

    1. Jenclair - Hopefully they will be as good as they sound!

  10. The Library of the Unwritten sounds absolutely fascinating. I'll have to keep an eye out for that one.

    1. Ashley - I think so too! I can't wait to read it. I hope you will enjoy it if you do too!

  11. I have The Good Luck Girls and The Library of Unwritten Things on my list of books to read soon. I hope that you enjoy all of these, Wendy!

    1. Carole - I hope we both enjoy The Good Luck Girls and The Library of Unwritten Things!

  12. hell's library...sounds like a story i would enjoy. lol
    sherry @ fundinmental

  13. I think I have Metropolis on my Kindle. I do a Summer in the City theme in July and try to read books about NYC. I'm going to look, and if I don't have it I'll to check Hoopla because it sounds like something that would interest me. ๐Ÿ“š

    I want to read The Good Luck Girls, too! ๐Ÿ‘✨

    1. La La - I hope you enjoy Metropolis if you read it! And Good Luck Girls. :-)

  14. Oh so many good books to look forward to. You are right, if it's got "library" in the title how can you resist. I think I've read some of Gaffney's books before but it's been a long time. So many books!

    1. Iliana - Too many books. Or is that too little time? LOL

  15. hmmmm...they ALL sound SO good, but I'm most drawn to THE MIRACLES OF THE NAMIYA GENERAL STORE and THE LIBRARY OF THE UNWRITTEN. Presently I'm on the second book of "The Dark is Rising" series. Only heard of it recently. Enjoying! And can't wait to read THE BRIDGE HOME :D

    1. Donna Marie - I haven't read the Dark is Rising series. I am glad to hear you are enjoying it!


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