Saturday, July 13, 2019

Weekly Mews: What I Have Been Reading, What I am Reading Now & What I Will Be Reading Next

I am linking up to the Sunday Post hosted by Kim of Caffeinated Book Reviewer, where participants recap our week, talk about what we are reading, share any new books that have come our way, and whatever else we want to talk about. I am also linking The Sunday Salon hosted by Deb Nance of Readerbuzz where participants discuss what they are reading and other bookish topics. In addition, I am linking to Stacking the Shelves hosted by Team Tynga's Reviews and Marlene of Reading Reality a meme in which participants share what new books came their way recently. I am linking up to Kathryn of The Book Date It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? where readers share what they have been reading throughout the week.

 I had every intention of posting Friday night, but we ended up going out with friends for dinner after dance classes, and Saturday was a full day with dress rehearsals for both The Greatest Showman and Don Quixote. This is the first chance I have had to get on the computer (and put my feet up!). We will likely be running a couple errands Sunday to make sure we have everything we need for the performance weekend. We are in countdown mode now.

My husband and I celebrated our 21st wedding anniversary this past week. It was a quiet affair. And work has been uneventful for the most part--always a plus! The best part is the air conditioning vent near my desk at work has finally been fixed and is blowing cold air instead of hot air. Just in time for the triple digit temperatures we are enjoying.

Tell me what you have been up to! 

What I Am Watching: I did not watch much of anything this past week, other than a couple more episodes of Legacies on Netflix. There are a couple of movies out in the theater I know we want to see, but I am not sure we will be able to swing it with our current schedules.

What I Am Listening To: I am still in the same place I was last week in Marie Lu's Warcross. It was just not a week for listening, I am afraid.  I am hoping I can sneak in some listening time soon though. I want to get back to the story!

What I Am Reading: I have made progress in The Gossamer Mage by Julie E. Czerneda. It got off to a slow start, but I am enjoying it more now. Mouse and I recently read another A to Z Mystery by Ron Roy, The Vampire's Vacation, which was cute.

What are you reading, listening to and watching? 

Along with my mini reviews, I am linking to both Book Beginnings, a meme in which readers share the first sentence of a book they are reading, hosted by Gillion Dumas of Rose City Reader and Friday 56 hosted by Freda of Freda's Voice, in which readers share a random sentence or two from page 56 or 56% of the book they are reading.

The Book Supremacy (Bibliophile Mystery #13) 
by Kate Carlisle
Berkley, 2019
Crime Fiction/Cozy; 288 pgs
It was our last day in Paris. [Opening of The Book Supremacy]

"It's so not fair," I muttered, closing the book and carrying it up to the checkout counter. "All she wanted to do was meet a nice guy." Instead she met the hypnotist-cyber-date serial killer. 
ho didn't love a good hypno-cuber-date serial killer thriller? [excerpt from 56%]

This is the first book I have read in Kate Carlisle’s Brooklyn Wainwright, book restoration expert, cozy mystery series, but the 13th in the series. Talk about jumping in late! Even so, I had no problem picking up with this book, and, in fact, enjoyed every second of the novel. Why I haven’t I gotten around to reading this series sooner?!

After her honeymoon in Paris, where she finds the perfect rare book for her new husband, Derek, the happy couple returns home. Derek isn’t quite able to settle in at home the way he would like to. Things at the office have reached a boiling point. Meanwhile, Derek is reunited with an old colleague from his spy days. Set in one of my favorite cities, San Francisco, add in escape rooms, and a murder--all ingredients making this one cozy mystery I was sure to love. The mystery itself took a while to get off the ground, but I did not mind given I had some catching up to do with the character’s background. It was all very relevant and interesting for the buildup of what was to come. Both Derek and Brooklyn are likeable characters. This novel almost has me convinced I should give the whole escape room experience a try—but the jury is still out on it. A bit of humor, mixed in with action, romance and mystery, The Book Supremacy was a real hit for me.

The Night Tiger by by Yangsze Choo
Flatiron Press, 2019
Fiction (Historical); 384 pgs
The old man is dying. [Opening of The Night Tiger]

This is becoming a terrible evening for William. He swallows, reminding himself that he hasn't committed a crime.  [excerpt from 56%]
Set in 1930’s Malaysia, The Night Tiger is about a boy on a mission to find a lost finger for his former employer, and the young woman moonlighting as a dancehall girl to pay off her mother’s debts who pickpockets one off a customer. What comes next is a beautiful and at times heartbreaking story as the reader follows the characters over the next 49 days. Steeped in Chinese folklore and history, The Night Tiger is a mystery with a dash of romance and a hint of the supernatural. I adored Ji Lin and Ren, two of the main characters, who stole my heart from the first. There is so much to love about The Night Tiger, from its depth of character, it’s natural tie-in of the historical and political climate of the times as well as cultural superstitions and traditions, and the twists and turns the author took the various threads of the story. Yangsze Choo has proven again what an amazing author she is.

New to My Shelves (all books purchased by me)

My local independent bookstore was donating 10% of their purchases this past holiday weekend to RAICES, as if I need another excuse to buy books. My daughter found two books she wanted as well.

Salvation of A Saint by Keigo Higashino
All Systems Red by Martha Wells

Dork Diaries: Tales from a Not-So Fabulous Life by Rachel Renee Russell
Who Was Rosa Parks? 

Have you added any new books to your shelves recently?

Every Friday Coffee Addicted Writer from Coffee Addicted Writer poses a question which participants respond on their own blogs within the week (Friday through Thursday). They then share their links at the main site and visit other participants blogs.

What do you like/dislike about self-published works? (submitted by Nicki @Nicki J. Markus/Asta Idonea)

Self-published books have a reputation of being poorly edited and sometimes the authors are a bit more pushy or even rude when it comes to getting reviews. Both of which I have experienced at one time or another. That said, I have read a few self-published books that have been very good, and so I am not as quick to judge a book based on how it was published as I might have once been. And most of the self-published authors I have worked with have been very nice and professional. In reality, there are poorly edited traditionally published books out there as well, and not all of traditionally published author's are reader friendly. Self-publishing has opened many doors for authors, whether new or veteran authors who want to do or try something different, and also for readers as well, particularly in providing a more diverse range.

What about you? 

Thank you for helping me decide what book from my TBR collection I should read next:

My TBR List is a meme hosted by the awesome Michelle at Because Reading. It’s a fun way to choose a book from your TBR pile to read. The 1st Saturday of every month, I will list 3 books I am considering reading and take a poll as to which you think I should read. I will read the winner that month, and my review will follow (unfortunately, not likely in the same month, but eventually--that's all I can promise). 

Nic Stone's Dear Martin made a decent showing with 10 votes (37%), but ultimately Vox by Christina Dalcher came out on top by stealing the majority (55.6% - 15 votes). Two Boys Kissing by David Levithan only came away with 2 votes. Thank you again to everyone who voted! I am eager to read Vox this month.

Vox by Christina Dalcher 
Set in an America where half the population has been silenced, VOX is the harrowing, unforgettable story of what one woman will do to protect herself and her daughter.

On the day the government decrees that women are no longer allowed more than 100 words daily, Dr. Jean McClellan is in denial--this can't happen here. Not in America. Not to her.

This is just the beginning.

Soon women can no longer hold jobs. Girls are no longer taught to read or write. Females no longer have a voice. Before, the average person spoke sixteen thousand words a day, but now women only have one hundred to make themselves heard.

But this is not the end.

For herself, her daughter, and every woman silenced, Jean will reclaim her voice. 
[Goodreads Summary]

I hope you all have a wonderful week! Happy Reading!

© 2019, Musings of a Bookish Kitty. All Rights Reserved. If you're reading this on a site other than Musings of a Bookish Kitty or Wendy's feed, be aware that this post has been stolen and is used without permission.


  1. Happy anniversary to you and your husband!

    Here’s my Sunday Post!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog and join in this week’s Book Photo Sundays

  2. I have heard wonderful things about Marie Lu's stories, but haven't read anything by her. I love the book cover for, The Night Tiger! It's beautiful! I hope you have a wonderful week :)

    Lindy@ A Bookish Escape

    1. Lindy - I hope to finish Warcross soon. I am really enjoying it. I just don't have much time to actually listen to audiobooks. :-( I love the cover for The Night Tiger too!

  3. Thank goodness the aircon got fixed - I hate the cold blowers at work, but we're only set up for drizzle in the UK so anything over 70 degrees and everyone is wilting. But once you get get triple digits, I imagine it's a solid necessity. Aren't there laws that say you shouldn't work in temperatures over a certain level in the US? There are here... I love the look of the Night Tiger - thank you for sharing and go you for getting hold of a copy of All Systems Red - it's an awesome read! Have a great week, Wendy.

    1. Sarah - I am glad it was finally fixed as well. The weather has been so warm as of late. A couple of the women in my office are complaining it is now too cold with the air on, but I'd rather that than be too hot during the work day.

      I imagine some places may have policies in place about heat, but I am not aware of any laws. So much of the part of the country I live in is desert and so it isn't unusual for temperatures to be over 100F in the summer. Homes and offices are equipped with air conditioners more often than not as a result. For my office in particular, I'd have to work regardless of conditions since we are a 24/hour facility providing emergency services. They might relocate us temporarily if conditions were really terrible or if we evacuated because of fire--but we'd still have to work. I hope you have been well!

  4. 21 years, that's awesome! Congrats to you both :) I loved Legacies a lot. I urge you to keep going!
    Genesis @ Whispering Chapters

    1. Genesis - Thank you! I have been able to indulge in an episode here and there of Legacies and am enjoying it. :-)

  5. Happy anniversary!
    I love self published books. I love how they cost less and release faster. Editing can be a problem in some but like everything the quality of self-published books (content, presentation, covers) varies wildly and there are so many good ones. I think I read more self-pubbed books now than I do traditional.

    1. Nicci - Thank you! It is nice when books cost less. I am always on the look out for good sales.

  6. I've tried to read The Night Tiger but have to be in the mood for the setting and time. Good writer, I agree.

    1. Harvee - I hope if you give The Night Tiger another try, you enjoy it. There was one story thread that I wasn't entirely thrilled about, but I know it is a personal bias of mine. The Ghost Bride is my favorite of the two, if I had to pick.

  7. You have been busy! And happy anniversary to you and your hubby! I recently read Lisa See's last two books and think you'd probably enjoy those after reading what you thought about The Night Tiger (putting that one on my list). Hope you have a good week, Wendy!

    1. Kay - Thank you! I love Lisa See's books. I need to read her last one. I do have it--just need to fit it in. :-)

  8. Congrats on 21 years together! Enjoy your books...I love the look of The Book Supremacy.

    Thanks for sharing, and here are MY WEEKLY UPDATES

  9. Happy Anniversary πŸ₯‚
    Your new buys look good, I hope you enjoy them!

    Have a great reading week

  10. Looks like a fun cozy! Happy weekend!

  11. Happy Anniversary! Hope you enjoy Vox.

  12. The shows sound exciting. And you have been so bust. Happy Anniversary:)

    1. Laura - It's a lot of work for all involved, but it's a fun, if stressful, experience. Thank you!

  13. I hope Vox turns out to be as good as it sounds. :)

    1. Lark - I hope so! I haven't had a chance to read at all this weekend with everything going on unfortunately. I am about a third of the way through and liking it so far.

  14. Congratulations on 21 years of marriage - that's quite an accomplishment these days! I haven't had good luck with self published books so choose to skip them.

  15. You have had a busy week.

    Happy anniversary! We celebrate our 41st tomorrow. Your 21st is quite a bit like your 41st, I think; it's a bit of a letdown after a milestone anniversary.

    I hope you get time to listen to more of Warcross next week. I enjoyed that one a lot.

    Have a great week!

    1. Deb - Thank you! Congratulations on your anniversary as well! I wish I could say we did celebrate our 20th last year with style, but we spent it on the road and didn't do much then either.

  16. I'll be reading the Book Supremacy soon. My husband and I also celebrated an anniversary last week. So Happy belated anniversary to you! My week in review

    1. Pussreboots - I hope you enjoy Book Supremacy! And congratulations on your anniversary!

  17. Happy anniversary!!

    I liked Warcross but I still need to read the followup. And I loved Murderbot!!

    And yay for Vox! I hope it's good :)

    1. Greg - Thank you! I think I have the second in the Warcross series on hand. I am so slow at listening to audiobooks though. There's not telling when I might get to it. I am really looking forward to reading the Murderbot stories!

  18. Happy Anniversary to you and your husband!

    The only Yangsze Choo book I've read was The Ghost Bride and that was pretty good - I've got to check out The Night Tiger soon

    1. Eustacia - Thank you! I will be curious to know what you think of Night Tiger if you read it.

  19. First of all, Happy Anniversary!

    I still haven't read Warcross although I've this book for a while. I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts, Wendy. And I'm glad Vox is chosen. :)

    1. Thank you, Melody! I have not had much listening time unfortunately, especially with everything going on, but I do hope to finish Warcross soon. I am enjoying it quite a bit.

  20. Happy Anniversary!
    I enjoyed Salvation of a Saint. The Book Supremacy sounds fun.

  21. So your daughter is in two shows right now? That's rough! Been there. How is your husband liking it?

    Glad they fixed your vent. I have a vent that does not work sometimes too. When there is an emergency and the fire alarm goes off, my vent closes to prevent fire from traveling but when it's ruled a false alarm, it doesn't re-open. Usually has to be called in. It will be a hot one today! So far, not like last year though with the 120 degree temps. I shall die if that happens again.

    1. Ti - My daughter was in the musical and a couple showcase dances. She wasn't in Don Quixote--just my husband. The shows run together though, so it feels like one big performance. My husband loved the experience. I think he's hoping they'll ask him to be in The Nutcracker. Mouse is already planning on it.

      That is awful about the vent not working all the time. That must make it miserable. Last summer was awful heat wise. I keep waiting for the temperatures to soar this summer, but it hasn't been as bad so far. At least not for long.

  22. How exciting for The Greatest Show, and Don Quixote! I hope you will post photos. πŸ‘✨

    Happy anniversary! 🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊

    I am going to read the Murderbot books for SciFi month in November. I'm really looking forward to it. πŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ

    I feel the same way about self-pubs. πŸ“š

    I hope you had a great start to your week. 🌞

    1. La La - I likely won't be posting pictures here on my blog, unfortunately. I did post a ton on FB, however. It was a crazy busy weekend and so much fun. The performances went very well. :-)

      Thank you for the anniversary wishes!

  23. Replies
    1. Lauren - I am enjoying it so far. Although enjoying may be the wrong word. It's disturbing.

  24. Editing was my thing. It is SO bad! I've read some blips in traditional ones but as a whole the editing is miles above most indie which is frustrating because some could be great reads if they put a bit more into editing. Ah well.

    1. Anna - Perhaps I don't read enough indie books to have found that in my own reading. I'm so picky about the indie books I do read.


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