Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Bookish Thoughts: Shadowed by Karen E. Olson

He is looking for me. ~ Opening of Shadowed

Shadowed (Black Hat Thriller #2) by Karen E. Olson
Severn House, 2016
Crime Fiction (Thriller); 224 pgs
Source: I purchased a copy for my own reading pleasure.

I nearly read the first book in the Black Hat series in one sitting and I came close to doing so with this one too (darn life interruptions). Shadowed is the second book in Karen E. Olson’s series featuring hacker Nicole Jones. Nicole has made a new life for herself in Quebec, Canada, on a remote island, making her living painting. She goes by the name Susan McQueen. Once she had been able to stay away from the computer, but now the pull is just too strong. When Nicole clicks on a link, thinking it was sent by her old friend Tracker, she immediately realizes her mistake. Her laptop now has a shadow, and someone is able to access all of her files and search history—and see everything she’s doing. The situation escalates very quickly as the shadow demands ransom and soon it is a game of cat and mouse as Nicole must go on the run again to save herself. She is determined to find out who her stalker is and stop whoever it is.

I loved Hidden, and I really enjoyed Shadowed as well. Nicole is such an interesting character, not your typical image of a hacker—older and a woman to boot. She’s used to living on her own, having to make something out nothing. In Shadowed, the reader learns a little more about her past, including  a little about her relationship with her father. And also Tracker, a man she only knows through the computer, who she counts as her friend and only hope of getting out of her current situation. Only, now she even has doubts about him.

I have visited Quebec in books before, but never quite like I did in this one. Luck and tenacity seem to be on Nicole’s side as she evades law enforcement and the person(s) out to get her. Although, I am sure she wouldn’t agree given all the obstacles that came her way. She’s already lost so much, and longs to settle down somewhere and stop running. I found myself holding my breath a few times, not sure how Nicole would get out of the predicaments she found herself in.

Shadowed had me hooked from the start and I cannot wait to dive into the next two books in the series, Betrayed and Vanished. The Black Hat series has become one of my must read series.

To learn more about Karen E. Olson and her books, please visit the author's website. You can also find the author on GoodreadsFacebook, and Twitter.

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  1. Oh I am intrigued! I haven't read a hacker mystery like this in forever. I also like that Nicole isn't the conventional young hacker you'd expect in a book. Kind of makes her all the more attractive as a character.

  2. Sounds like a really exciting book! Hopefully I can borrow it from the library someday! (:

    1. Eustacia - It was a lot of fun. I am enjoying the series. I hope you can find it at your library!

  3. I also read book 3, Betrayed, and loved it. This is currently one of my fave series! And book 4, Vanished, already comes out next month, yay! Hope you continue reading them.

    1. Kari - I enjoyed Betrayed as well. I hope to start Vanished soon!

  4. I love female characters who are unusual in some way so I think I'd like Nicole a lot.

    1. Kathy - She's a great character. I think you would like her too.

  5. I'm pretty sure I have the first book on my Kindle. Need to look. I know you've loved this series and it's one I hope to read soon. Very, very intriguing.

  6. Replies
    1. Jenclair - I hope you like it if you decide to try it!

  7. I live in Quebec and your review has me wanting to read this one now! I like stories about hackers too. Not sure why, since we dread them in real life. :-)

    1. Laura - I know, right? The last thing we want to do is be hacked. I hope you enjoy this series if you decide to read it!

  8. Oh sounds great. Thanks for sharing. The author is new to me but i’ll check out the series. Awesome review. ๐Ÿ˜❤️๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป

    1. Geybie - I have enjoyed all of this author's books. I hope you give this series a try!

  9. Hmm, I can't say the book itself particularly appeals to me but I love the sound of Nicole as a character.

  10. That actually sounds interesting. I may have to check out book 1.

  11. I remember liking Hidden, but I didn't know that Olson had written a second book about Nicole. Good to know! :)

    1. Lark - There are three books out in the series so far with a fourth one on its way early in February. They come out so fast, don't they? I'm always falling behind with my series because I just can't keep up. Or maybe it's because I have too many series going at once . . .

  12. I love this series-- looking forward to book #4 coming out next month :)

  13. Thanks, Wendy, for this great review. I'm thrilled that you enjoyed the book as much as Hidden, and I hope you like the next two in the series!

    1. Karen - Thank you for stopping by! I am really enjoying the series so far.

  14. I just checked my library and they don't have Hidden or this one :(

    1. Stacy - Oh no! I hope you can get your hands on a copy.

  15. Yes! I want to read this one and Hidden! I love hacker suspense stories and this sounds like such a great page turning read.

    1. Katherine - This is such a fun series. I hope you get to read it!

  16. Sounds very good and I like the hacker theme to it. Great post!

  17. I enjoyed the first book but haven't gotten around to picking up her second instalment. Hopefully someday soon. :)

    1. Melody - I hope you do continue with the series. It's worth it!

  18. I still haven't read the first book and even though I am a bit more relaxed about reading books in order nowadays with Karen E. Olson's books I'd prefer to read them in order. She really builds on her characters and it's great to read the stories from the beginning. Great to hear you enjoyed this one!

    1. Iliana - This is a series that definitely has to be read in order. I hope you get a chance to read it!


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